stop slave; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; reset master; reset slave; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; start slave; set @my_time_zone= @@global.time_zone; set timestamp=100000000; create table t1 (t timestamp, n int not null auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY(n)); create table t2 (t char(32), n int not null auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY(n)); select @@time_zone; @@time_zone Japan select @@time_zone; @@time_zone Europe/Moscow insert into t1 values ('20050101000000', NULL), ('20050611093902',NULL); insert into t1 values ('20040101000000',NULL), ('20040611093902',NULL); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 2005-01-01 00:00:00 1 2005-06-11 09:39:02 2 2004-01-01 00:00:00 3 2004-06-11 09:39:02 4 SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 2005-01-01 06:00:00 1 2005-06-11 14:39:02 2 2004-01-01 06:00:00 3 2004-06-11 14:39:02 4 delete from t1; set time_zone='Europe/Moscow'; insert into t1 values ('20040101000000',NULL), ('20040611093902',NULL); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 2004-01-01 00:00:00 5 2004-06-11 09:39:02 6 set time_zone='Europe/Moscow'; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 2004-01-01 00:00:00 5 2004-06-11 09:39:02 6 delete from t1; set time_zone='UTC'; load data infile '../../std_data/rpl_timezone2.dat' into table t1; Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 't' at row 1 Warning 1261 Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 't' at row 2 Warning 1261 Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 0000-00-00 00:00:00 7 0000-00-00 00:00:00 8 set time_zone='UTC'; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 0000-00-00 00:00:00 7 0000-00-00 00:00:00 8 set time_zone='Europe/Moscow'; set time_zone='Europe/Moscow'; delete from t1; insert into t1 values ('20040101000000',NULL), ('20040611093902',NULL); set time_zone='MET'; insert into t2 (select * from t1); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; t n 2003-12-31 22:00:00 9 2004-06-11 07:39:02 10 SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2003-12-31 22:00:00 9 2004-06-11 07:39:02 10 delete from t2; set timestamp=1000072000; insert into t2 values (current_timestamp,NULL), (current_date,NULL), (current_time,NULL); SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2001-09-09 23:46:40 11 2001-09-09 12 23:46:40 13 delete from t2; insert into t2 values (from_unixtime(1000000000),NULL), (unix_timestamp('2001-09-09 03:46:40'),NULL); SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2001-09-09 03:46:40 14 1000000000 15 SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2001-09-09 03:46:40 14 1000000000 15 set global time_zone='MET'; delete from t2; set time_zone='UTC'; insert into t2 values(convert_tz('2004-01-01 00:00:00','MET',@@time_zone),NULL); insert into t2 values(convert_tz('2005-01-01 00:00:00','MET','Japan'),NULL); SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2003-12-31 23:00:00 16 2005-01-01 08:00:00 17 SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY n; t n 2003-12-31 23:00:00 16 2005-01-01 08:00:00 17 drop table t1, t2; set global time_zone= @my_time_zone; End of 4.1 tests CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, NOW()); SET @@session.time_zone='Japan'; UPDATE t1 SET b= '1970-01-01 08:59:59' WHERE a= 1; Warnings: Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'b' at row 1 SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a b 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00 SET @@session.time_zone='Japan'; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a b 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00 SET @@session.time_zone = default; DROP TABLE t1; SET @@session.time_zone = default; reset master; CREATE TABLE t1 (date timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, a int(11) default NULL); SET @@session.time_zone='+01:00'; insert into t1 values('2008-12-23 19:39:39',1); SET @@session.time_zone='+02:00'; insert delayed into t1 values ('2008-12-23 19:39:39',2); flush table t1; flush logs; select * from t1; date a 2008-12-23 20:39:39 1 2008-12-23 19:39:39 2 DROP TABLE t1; select * from t1 order by a; date a 2008-12-23 20:39:39 1 2008-12-23 19:39:39 2 DROP TABLE t1; SET @@session.time_zone = default; End of 5.0 tests