/***************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013, 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, MariaDB Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file include/fil0crypt.h The low-level file system encryption support functions Created 04/01/2015 Jan Lindström *******************************************************/ #ifndef fil0crypt_h #define fil0crypt_h #ifndef UNIV_INNOCHECKSUM #include "os0event.h" #include "my_crypt.h" /** * Magic pattern in start of crypt data on page 0 */ #define MAGIC_SZ 6 static const unsigned char CRYPT_MAGIC[MAGIC_SZ] = { 's', 0xE, 0xC, 'R', 'E', 't' }; /* This key will be used if nothing else is given */ #define FIL_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY ENCRYPTION_KEY_SYSTEM_DATA extern os_event_t fil_crypt_threads_event; /** * CRYPT_SCHEME_UNENCRYPTED * * Used as intermediate state when convering a space from unencrypted * to encrypted */ /** * CRYPT_SCHEME_1 * * xxx is AES_CTR or AES_CBC (or another block cypher with the same key and iv lengths) * L = AES_ECB(KEY, IV) * CRYPT(PAGE) = xxx(KEY=L, IV=C, PAGE) */ #define CRYPT_SCHEME_1 1 #define CRYPT_SCHEME_1_IV_LEN 16 #define CRYPT_SCHEME_UNENCRYPTED 0 /* Cached L or key for given key_version */ struct key_struct { uint key_version; /*!< Version of the key */ uint key_length; /*!< Key length */ unsigned char key[MY_AES_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; /*!< Cached key (that is L in CRYPT_SCHEME_1) */ }; /** is encryption enabled */ extern ulong srv_encrypt_tables; /** Mutex helper for crypt_data->scheme @param[in, out] schme encryption scheme @param[in] exit should we exit or enter mutex ? */ void crypt_data_scheme_locker( st_encryption_scheme* scheme, int exit); struct fil_space_rotate_state_t { time_t start_time; /*!< time when rotation started */ ulint active_threads; /*!< active threads in space */ ulint next_offset; /*!< next "free" offset */ ulint max_offset; /*!< max offset needing to be rotated */ uint min_key_version_found; /*!< min key version found but not rotated */ lsn_t end_lsn; /*!< max lsn created when rotating this space */ bool starting; /*!< initial write of IV */ bool flushing; /*!< space is being flushed at end of rotate */ struct { bool is_active; /*!< is scrubbing active in this space */ time_t last_scrub_completed; /*!< when was last scrub completed */ } scrubbing; }; struct fil_space_crypt_t : st_encryption_scheme { public: /** Constructor. Does not initialize the members! The object is expected to be placed in a buffer that has been zero-initialized. */ fil_space_crypt_t( uint new_type, uint new_min_key_version, uint new_key_id, fil_encryption_t new_encryption) : st_encryption_scheme(), min_key_version(new_min_key_version), page0_offset(0), encryption(new_encryption), mutex(), key_found(new_min_key_version), rotate_state() { key_id = new_key_id; my_random_bytes(iv, sizeof(iv)); mutex_create(LATCH_ID_FIL_CRYPT_DATA_MUTEX, &mutex); locker = crypt_data_scheme_locker; type = new_type; if (new_encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_OFF || (!srv_encrypt_tables && new_encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT)) { type = CRYPT_SCHEME_UNENCRYPTED; } else { type = CRYPT_SCHEME_1; min_key_version = key_get_latest_version(); } } /** Destructor */ ~fil_space_crypt_t() { mutex_free(&mutex); } /** Get latest key version from encryption plugin @retval key_version or @retval ENCRYPTION_KEY_VERSION_INVALID if used key_id is not found from encryption plugin. */ uint key_get_latest_version(void); /** Returns true if key was found from encryption plugin and false if not. */ bool is_key_found() const { return key_found != ENCRYPTION_KEY_VERSION_INVALID; } /** Returns true if tablespace should be encrypted */ bool should_encrypt() const { return ((encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_ON) || (srv_encrypt_tables && encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT)); } /** Return true if tablespace is encrypted. */ bool is_encrypted() const { return (encryption != FIL_ENCRYPTION_OFF); } /** Return true if default tablespace encryption is used, */ bool is_default_encryption() const { return (encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT); } /** Return true if tablespace is not encrypted. */ bool not_encrypted() const { return (encryption == FIL_ENCRYPTION_OFF); } /** Write crypt data to a page (0) @param[in] space tablespace @param[in,out] page0 first page of the tablespace @param[in,out] mtr mini-transaction */ void write_page0(const fil_space_t* space, byte* page0, mtr_t* mtr); uint min_key_version; // min key version for this space ulint page0_offset; // byte offset on page 0 for crypt data fil_encryption_t encryption; // Encryption setup ib_mutex_t mutex; // mutex protecting following variables /** Return code from encryption_key_get_latest_version. If ENCRYPTION_KEY_VERSION_INVALID encryption plugin could not find the key and there is no need to call get_latest_key_version again as keys are read only at startup. */ uint key_found; fil_space_rotate_state_t rotate_state; }; /** Status info about encryption */ struct fil_space_crypt_status_t { ulint space; /*!< tablespace id */ ulint scheme; /*!< encryption scheme */ uint min_key_version; /*!< min key version */ uint current_key_version;/*!< current key version */ uint keyserver_requests;/*!< no of key requests to key server */ ulint key_id; /*!< current key_id */ bool rotating; /*!< is key rotation ongoing */ bool flushing; /*!< is flush at end of rotation ongoing */ ulint rotate_next_page_number; /*!< next page if key rotating */ ulint rotate_max_page_number; /*!< max page if key rotating */ }; /** Statistics about encryption key rotation */ struct fil_crypt_stat_t { ulint pages_read_from_cache; ulint pages_read_from_disk; ulint pages_modified; ulint pages_flushed; ulint estimated_iops; }; /** Status info about scrubbing */ struct fil_space_scrub_status_t { ulint space; /*!< tablespace id */ bool compressed; /*!< is space compressed */ time_t last_scrub_completed; /*!< when was last scrub completed */ bool scrubbing; /*!< is scrubbing ongoing */ time_t current_scrub_started; /*!< when started current scrubbing */ ulint current_scrub_active_threads; /*!< current scrub active threads */ ulint current_scrub_page_number; /*!< current scrub page no */ ulint current_scrub_max_page_number; /*!< current scrub max page no */ }; /********************************************************************* Init space crypt */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_crypt_init(); /********************************************************************* Cleanup space crypt */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_crypt_cleanup(); /** Create a fil_space_crypt_t object @param[in] encrypt_mode FIL_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT or FIL_ENCRYPTION_ON or FIL_ENCRYPTION_OFF @param[in] key_id Encryption key id @return crypt object */ UNIV_INTERN fil_space_crypt_t* fil_space_create_crypt_data( fil_encryption_t encrypt_mode, uint key_id) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /****************************************************************** Merge fil_space_crypt_t object @param[in,out] dst Destination cryp data @param[in] src Source crypt data */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_merge_crypt_data( fil_space_crypt_t* dst, const fil_space_crypt_t* src); /** Initialize encryption parameters from a tablespace header page. @param[in] page_size page size of the tablespace @param[in] page first page of the tablespace @return crypt data from page 0 @retval NULL if not present or not valid */ UNIV_INTERN fil_space_crypt_t* fil_space_read_crypt_data(const page_size_t& page_size, const byte* page) MY_ATTRIBUTE((nonnull, warn_unused_result)); /** Free a crypt data object @param[in,out] crypt_data crypt data to be freed */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_destroy_crypt_data( fil_space_crypt_t **crypt_data); /****************************************************************** Parse a MLOG_FILE_WRITE_CRYPT_DATA log entry @param[in] ptr Log entry start @param[in] end_ptr Log entry end @param[in] block buffer block @return position on log buffer */ UNIV_INTERN const byte* fil_parse_write_crypt_data( const byte* ptr, const byte* end_ptr, const buf_block_t* block) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /** Encrypt a buffer. @param[in,out] crypt_data Crypt data @param[in] space space_id @param[in] offset Page offset @param[in] lsn Log sequence number @param[in] src_frame Page to encrypt @param[in] page_size Page size @param[in,out] dst_frame Output buffer @return encrypted buffer or NULL */ byte* fil_encrypt_buf( fil_space_crypt_t* crypt_data, ulint space, ulint offset, lsn_t lsn, const byte* src_frame, const page_size_t& page_size, byte* dst_frame) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /** Encrypt a page. @param[in] space Tablespace @param[in] offset Page offset @param[in] lsn Log sequence number @param[in] src_frame Page to encrypt @param[in,out] dst_frame Output buffer @return encrypted buffer or NULL */ UNIV_INTERN byte* fil_space_encrypt( const fil_space_t* space, ulint offset, lsn_t lsn, byte* src_frame, byte* dst_frame) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /** Decrypt a page. @param[in,out] crypt_data crypt_data @param[in] tmp_frame Temporary buffer @param[in] page_size Page size @param[in,out] src_frame Page to decrypt @param[out] err DB_SUCCESS or error @return true if page decrypted, false if not.*/ UNIV_INTERN bool fil_space_decrypt( fil_space_crypt_t* crypt_data, byte* tmp_frame, const page_size_t& page_size, byte* src_frame, dberr_t* err); /****************************************************************** Decrypt a page @param[in] space Tablespace @param[in] tmp_frame Temporary buffer used for decrypting @param[in,out] src_frame Page to decrypt @param[out] decrypted true if page was decrypted @return decrypted page, or original not encrypted page if decryption is not needed.*/ UNIV_INTERN byte* fil_space_decrypt( const fil_space_t* space, byte* tmp_frame, byte* src_frame, bool* decrypted) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /****************************************************************** Calculate post encryption checksum @param[in] page_size page size @param[in] dst_frame Block where checksum is calculated @return page checksum or BUF_NO_CHECKSUM_MAGIC not needed. */ UNIV_INTERN ulint fil_crypt_calculate_checksum( const page_size_t& page_size, const byte* dst_frame) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /********************************************************************* Adjust thread count for key rotation @param[in] enw_cnt Number of threads to be used */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_set_thread_cnt( uint new_cnt); /********************************************************************* Adjust max key age @param[in] val New max key age */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_set_rotate_key_age( uint val); /********************************************************************* Adjust rotation iops @param[in] val New max roation iops */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_set_rotation_iops( uint val); /********************************************************************* Adjust encrypt tables @param[in] val New setting for innodb-encrypt-tables */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_set_encrypt_tables( uint val); /********************************************************************* Init threads for key rotation */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_threads_init(); /********************************************************************* Clean up key rotation threads resources */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_threads_cleanup(); /********************************************************************* Wait for crypt threads to stop accessing space @param[in] space Tablespace */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_crypt_close_tablespace( const fil_space_t* space); /********************************************************************* Get crypt status for a space (used by information_schema) @param[in] space Tablespace @param[out] status Crypt status return 0 if crypt data present */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_crypt_get_status( const fil_space_t* space, struct fil_space_crypt_status_t* status); /********************************************************************* Return crypt statistics @param[out] stat Crypt statistics */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_crypt_total_stat( fil_crypt_stat_t *stat); /** Get scrub status for a space (used by information_schema) @param[in] space Tablespace @param[out] status Scrub status return 0 if data found */ UNIV_INTERN void fil_space_get_scrub_status( const fil_space_t* space, fil_space_scrub_status_t* status); #include "fil0crypt.ic" #endif /* !UNIV_INNOCHECKSUM */ /** Verify that post encryption checksum match calculated checksum. This function should be called only if tablespace contains crypt_data metadata (this is strong indication that tablespace is encrypted). Function also verifies that traditional checksum does not match calculated checksum as if it does page could be valid unencrypted, encrypted, or corrupted. @param[in,out] page page frame (checksum is temporarily modified) @param[in] page_size page size @param[in] space tablespace identifier @param[in] offset page number @return true if page is encrypted AND OK, false otherwise */ UNIV_INTERN bool fil_space_verify_crypt_checksum( byte* page, const page_size_t& page_size, #ifdef UNIV_INNOCHECKSUM bool strict_check, /*!< --strict-check */ FILE* log_file, /*!< --log */ #endif /* UNIV_INNOCHECKSUM */ ulint space, ulint offset) MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); #endif /* fil0crypt_h */