/* Fair readers writer lock implemented using condition variables. * This is maintained so that we can measure the performance of a relatively simple implementation (this one) * compared to a fast one that uses compare-and-swap (the one in ../toku_rwlock.c) */ #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2010 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." // Fair readers/writer locks. These are fair (meaning first-come first-served. No reader starvation, and no writer starvation). And they are // probably faster than the linux readers/writer locks (pthread_rwlock_t). struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_waiter_state; // this structure is used internally. typedef struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_s { toku_pthread_mutex_t mutex; int state; // 0 means no locks, + is number of readers locked, -1 is a writer struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_waiter_state *waiters_head, *waiters_tail; } toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t; int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_init (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock); int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_destroy (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock); int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_rdlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock); int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_wrlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock); int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_unlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock); struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_waiter_state { char is_read; struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_waiter_state *next; pthread_cond_t cond; }; static __thread struct toku_cv_fair_rwlock_waiter_state waitstate = {0, NULL, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER }; int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_init (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock) { rwlock->state=0; rwlock->waiters_head = NULL; rwlock->waiters_tail = NULL; return toku_pthread_mutex_init(&rwlock->mutex, NULL); } int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_destroy (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock) { return toku_pthread_mutex_destroy(&rwlock->mutex); } int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_rdlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); if (rwlock->waiters_head!=NULL || rwlock->state<0) { // Someone is ahead of me in the queue, or someone has a lock. // We use per-thread-state for the condition variable. A thread cannot get control and try to reuse the waiter state for something else. if (rwlock->waiters_tail) { rwlock->waiters_tail->next = &waitstate; } else { rwlock->waiters_head = &waitstate; } rwlock->waiters_tail = &waitstate; waitstate.next = NULL; waitstate.is_read = 1; do { r = toku_pthread_cond_wait(&waitstate.cond, &rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); } while (rwlock->waiters_head!=&waitstate || rwlock->state<0); rwlock->state++; rwlock->waiters_head=waitstate.next; if (waitstate.next==NULL) rwlock->waiters_tail=NULL; if (rwlock->waiters_head && rwlock->waiters_head->is_read) { r = toku_pthread_cond_signal(&rwlock->waiters_head->cond); assert(r==0); } } else { // No one is waiting, and any holders are readers. rwlock->state++; } r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); return 0; } int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_wrlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); if (rwlock->waiters_head!=NULL || rwlock->state!=0) { // Someone else is ahead of me, or someone has a lock the lock, so we must wait our turn. if (rwlock->waiters_tail) { rwlock->waiters_tail->next = &waitstate; } else { rwlock->waiters_head = &waitstate; } rwlock->waiters_tail = &waitstate; waitstate.next = NULL; waitstate.is_read = 0; do { r = toku_pthread_cond_wait(&waitstate.cond, &rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); } while (rwlock->waiters_head!=&waitstate || rwlock->state!=0); rwlock->waiters_head = waitstate.next; if (waitstate.next==NULL) rwlock->waiters_tail=NULL; } rwlock->state = -1; r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); return 0; } int toku_cv_fair_rwlock_unlock (toku_cv_fair_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); assert(rwlock->state!=0); if (rwlock->state>0) { rwlock->state--; } else { rwlock->state=0; } if (rwlock->state==0 && rwlock->waiters_head) { r = toku_pthread_cond_signal(&rwlock->waiters_head->cond); assert(r==0); } else { // printf(" No one to wake\n"); } r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&rwlock->mutex); assert(r==0); return 0; }