This file should contain all know fatal bugs in the Mariadb and the
Maria storage engine for the last source or binary release.  Minor
bugs, extensions and feature request and bugs found since this release
can be find in the MariaDB bugs database at: and in the MySQL bugs databases at: (category "Maria storage engine").

There shouldn't normally be any bugs that affects normal operations in
any MariaDB release.  Still, there are always exceptions and edge cases
and that's what this file is for.

If you have found a bug that is not listed here, please add it to so that we can either fix it for next
release or in the worst case add it here for others to know!


If you have been using the Maria storage engine with
MySQL-5.1-Maria-alpha build and upgrading to a newer MariaDB you MUST
run maria_chk --recover on all your Maria tables.  This is because we
made an incompatible change of how transaction id is stored and old
transaction id's must be reset!

cd mysql-data-directory
maria_chk --recover */*.MAI

As the Maria storage engine is now in beta we will do our best to not
introduce any incompatible changes in the data format for the Maria
tables; If this would be ever be needed, we will, if possible, support
both the old and the new version to make upgrades as easy as possible.

Note that for the MariaDB 5.1 release the Maria storage engine is
classified as 'beta'; It should work, but use it with caution.  Please
report all bugs to so that we can fix