Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.

Declarations for xtrabackup.cc

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1335  USA



#include <my_getopt.h>
#include "datasink.h"
#include "xbstream.h"
#include "changed_page_bitmap.h"
#include <set>

#define XB_HISTORY_TABLE "mysql.mariadb_backup_history"

struct xb_delta_info_t
	xb_delta_info_t(ulint page_size, ulint zip_size, uint32_t space_id)
	: page_size(page_size), zip_size(zip_size), space_id(space_id) {}

	ulint	page_size;
	ulint	zip_size;
	uint32_t space_id;

class CorruptedPages
  void add_page(const char *file_name, page_id_t page_id);
  bool contains(page_id_t page_id) const;
  void drop_space(uint32_t space_id);
  void rename_space(uint32_t space_id, const std::string &new_name);
  bool print_to_file(const char *file_name) const;
  void read_from_file(const char *file_name);
  bool empty() const;
  void zero_out_free_pages();

  void add_page_no_lock(const char *space_name, page_id_t page_id,
                        bool convert_space_name);
  struct space_info_t {
    std::string space_name;
    std::set<uint32_t> pages;
  typedef std::map<uint32_t, space_info_t> container_t;
  mutable pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;
  container_t m_spaces;

/* value of the --incremental option */
extern lsn_t incremental_lsn;

extern char		*xtrabackup_target_dir;
extern char		*xtrabackup_incremental_dir;
extern char		*xtrabackup_incremental_basedir;
extern char		*innobase_data_home_dir;
extern char		*innobase_buffer_pool_filename;
extern char		*xb_plugin_dir;
extern char		*xb_rocksdb_datadir;
extern my_bool	xb_backup_rocksdb;

extern uint		opt_protocol;
extern ds_ctxt_t	*ds_meta;
extern ds_ctxt_t	*ds_data;

extern xb_page_bitmap *changed_page_bitmap;

extern char		*xtrabackup_incremental;
extern my_bool		xtrabackup_incremental_force_scan;

extern lsn_t		metadata_to_lsn;

extern xb_stream_fmt_t	xtrabackup_stream_fmt;
extern ibool		xtrabackup_stream;

extern char		*xtrabackup_tables;
extern char		*xtrabackup_tables_file;
extern char		*xtrabackup_databases;
extern char		*xtrabackup_databases_file;
extern char		*xtrabackup_tables_exclude;
extern char		*xtrabackup_databases_exclude;

extern uint		xtrabackup_compress;

extern my_bool		xtrabackup_backup;
extern my_bool		xtrabackup_prepare;
extern my_bool		xtrabackup_copy_back;
extern my_bool		xtrabackup_move_back;
extern my_bool		xtrabackup_decrypt_decompress;

extern char		*innobase_data_file_path;
extern longlong		innobase_page_size;

extern int		xtrabackup_parallel;

extern my_bool		xb_close_files;
extern const char	*xtrabackup_compress_alg;

extern uint		xtrabackup_compress_threads;
extern ulonglong	xtrabackup_compress_chunk_size;

extern my_bool		xtrabackup_export;
extern char		*xtrabackup_extra_lsndir;
extern ulint		xtrabackup_log_copy_interval;
extern char		*xtrabackup_stream_str;
extern long		xtrabackup_throttle;
extern longlong		xtrabackup_use_memory;

extern my_bool		opt_galera_info;
extern my_bool		opt_slave_info;
extern my_bool		opt_no_lock;
extern my_bool		opt_safe_slave_backup;
extern my_bool		opt_rsync;
extern my_bool		opt_force_non_empty_dirs;
extern my_bool		opt_noversioncheck;
extern my_bool		opt_no_backup_locks;
extern my_bool		opt_decompress;
extern my_bool		opt_remove_original;
extern my_bool		opt_extended_validation;
extern my_bool		opt_encrypted_backup;
extern my_bool		opt_lock_ddl_per_table;
extern my_bool    opt_log_innodb_page_corruption;

extern char		*opt_incremental_history_name;
extern char		*opt_incremental_history_uuid;

extern char		*opt_user;
extern const char	*opt_password;
extern char		*opt_host;
extern char		*opt_defaults_group;
extern char		*opt_socket;
extern uint		opt_port;
extern char		*opt_log_bin;

extern const char 	*query_type_names[];


extern TYPELIB		query_type_typelib;

extern ulong		opt_lock_wait_query_type;
extern ulong		opt_kill_long_query_type;

extern uint		opt_kill_long_queries_timeout;
extern uint		opt_lock_wait_timeout;
extern uint		opt_lock_wait_threshold;
extern uint		opt_debug_sleep_before_unlock;
extern uint		opt_safe_slave_backup_timeout;

extern const char	*opt_history;

enum binlog_info_enum { BINLOG_INFO_OFF, BINLOG_INFO_ON,

extern ulong opt_binlog_info;

extern ulong xtrabackup_innodb_force_recovery;

void xtrabackup_io_throttling(void);
my_bool xb_write_delta_metadata(const char *filename,
				const xb_delta_info_t *info);

Checks if a table specified as a name in the form "database/name" (InnoDB 5.6)
or "./database/name.ibd" (InnoDB 5.5-) should be skipped from backup based on
the --tables or --tables-file options.

@return TRUE if the table should be skipped. */
	const char*	name);	/*!< in: path to the table */

Checks if a database specified by path should be skipped from backup based on
the --databases, --databases_file or --databases_exclude options.

@return TRUE if the table should be skipped. */
	const char* path /*!< in: path to the db directory. */

Check if parameter is set in defaults file or via command line argument
@return true if parameter is set. */
check_if_param_set(const char *param);

#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL)
extern my_bool opt_ssl_verify_server_cert;

xb_get_one_option(int optid,
		  const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)),
		  char *argument);

const char*
xb_get_copy_action(const char *dflt = "Copying");

void mdl_lock_init();
void mdl_lock_table(ulint space_id);
void mdl_unlock_all();
bool ends_with(const char *str, const char *suffix);

typedef void (*insert_entry_func_t)(const char*);

/* Scan string and load filter entries from it.
@param[in] list string representing a list
@param[in] delimiters delimiters of entries
@param[in] ins callback to add entry */
void xb_load_list_string(char *list, const char *delimiters,
                         insert_entry_func_t ins);
void register_ignore_db_dirs_filter(const char *name);

#ifdef _WIN32
typedef HANDLE	os_file_dir_t;	/*!< directory stream */
/** The os_file_opendir() function opens a directory stream corresponding to the
directory named by the dirname argument. The directory stream is positioned
at the first entry. In both Unix and Windows we automatically skip the '.'
and '..' items at the start of the directory listing.

@param[in]	dirname		directory name; it must not contain a trailing
				'\' or '/'
@return directory stream
@retval INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error */
HANDLE os_file_opendir(const char *dirname);
# define os_file_closedir(dir) static_cast<void>(FindClose(dir))
# define os_file_closedir_failed(dir) !FindClose(dir)
typedef DIR* os_file_dir_t;
# define os_file_opendir(dirname) opendir(dirname)
# define os_file_closedir(dir) static_cast<void>(closedir(dir))
# define os_file_closedir_failed(dir) closedir(dir)

/** This function returns information of the next file in the directory. We jump
over the '.' and '..' entries in the directory.
@param[in]	dirname		directory name or path
@param[in]	dir		directory stream
@param[out]	info		buffer where the info is returned
@return 0 if ok, -1 if error, 1 if at the end of the directory */
	const char*	dirname,
	os_file_dir_t	dir,
	os_file_stat_t* info);

A fault-tolerant function that tries to read the next file name in the
directory. We retry 100 times if os_file_readdir_next_file() returns -1. The
idea is to read as much good data as we can and jump over bad data.
@return 0 if ok, -1 if error even after the retries, 1 if at the end
of the directory */
	dberr_t*	err,	/*!< out: this is set to DB_ERROR if an error
				was encountered, otherwise not changed */
	const char*	dirname,/*!< in: directory name or path */
	os_file_dir_t	dir,	/*!< in: directory stream */
	os_file_stat_t* info);	/*!< in/out: buffer where the
				info is returned */

#ifndef DBUG_OFF
#include <fil0fil.h>
extern void dbug_mariabackup_event(const char *event,
                            const fil_space_t::name_type key);

#define DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT(A, B)                                          \
  DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("mariabackup_events", dbug_mariabackup_event(A, B);)
#define DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT(A, B) /* empty */
#endif // DBUG_OFF

#endif /* XB_XTRABACKUP_H */