set @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (b int); insert into t1 values (null), (1), (2), (3); insert into t2 values (3), (4); set @@optimizer_switch = "materialization=on,in_to_exists=off,semijoin=off"; explain format=json select * from t1 where a in (select b from t2); --echo # "Complete match" execution strategy --source include/ analyze format=json select * from t1 where a in (select b from t2); --echo # "Partial match" is used due to NOT IN --source include/ analyze format=json select * from t1 where a not in (select b from t2); --echo # Subselect in GROUP BY --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 group by a in (select b from t2); --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 group by a not in (select b from t2); --echo # Subselect in ORDER BY --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 order by a in (select b from t2); --echo # Subselect in HAVING --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 having a not in (select b from t2); --echo # Nested IN --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 where a in (select a from t1 where a in (select b from t2)); create table t3 (c int); insert into t3 (c) values (3), (null), (4); --echo # Subquery in ON-clause of outer join --source include/ analyze format=json select a from t1 left join t2 on a not in (select c from t3); --source include/ analyze format=json select (b, b + 1, b + 2) not in (select count(distinct a), a + 1, a + 2 from t1 group by a + 1, a + 2) from t2; drop table t1, t2, t3; --echo # --echo # Tables with more than one column --echo # create table t1 (a1 char(1), a2 char(1)); insert into t1 values (null, 'b'); create table t2 (b1 char(1), b2 char(2)); insert into t2 values ('a','b'), ('c', 'd'), (null, 'e'), ('f', 'g'); --echo # Force rowid-merge partial matching set @@optimizer_switch="partial_match_rowid_merge=on,partial_match_table_scan=off"; explain format=json select * from t1 where (a1, a2) not in (select b1, b2 from t2); --source include/ analyze format=json select * from t1 where (a1, a2) not in (select b1, b2 from t2); --echo # Force table scan partial matching set @@optimizer_switch="partial_match_rowid_merge=off,partial_match_table_scan=on"; --source include/ analyze format=json select * from t1 where (a1, a2) not in (select b1, b2 from t2); --echo # Subquery in SELECT list explain format=json select t1.*, (a1, a2) in (select * from t2) as in_res from t1; --source include/ analyze format=json select t1.*, (a1, a2) in (select * from t2) as in_res from t1; --source include/ analyze format=json select t1.*, (a1, a2) not in (select * from t2) as in_res from t1; set @@optimizer_switch="partial_match_rowid_merge=on,partial_match_table_scan=off"; --source include/ analyze format=json select t1.*, (a1, a2) in (select * from t2) as in_res from t1; --source include/ analyze format=json select t1.*, (a1, a2) not in (select * from t2) as in_res from t1; drop table t1,t2; set @@optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch;