#!/usr/bin/perl # Based on a Emacs macro by david@mysql.com # Implemented in Perl by jeremy@mysql.com # 2001-11-20 Fixups by arjen@mysql.com, 2 keywords and 15 synonyms were missing # 2001-12-07 Fixup by arjen@mysql.com, add column headings for multitable. # 2002-05-01 Fixup by arjen@mysql.com, use 3 columns instead of 4. # 2002-05-03 Fixup by arjen@mysql.com, fill last row to full # of columns. # 2002-06-14 Fixup by arjen@mysql.com, Issue a "bk edit manual.texi". print STDERR "Scanning lex.h for symbols..\n"; open LEX, "<../sql/lex.h"; while($line = <LEX>) { if($line =~ /\{\s*\"([A-Z_]+)\"/) { $words{$1} = $1; } elsif($line =~ /sql_functions/) { last; }; }; close LEX; print STDERR "Scanning sql_yacc.yy for non-reserved words...\n"; open YACC, "<../sql/sql_yacc.yy"; while(<YACC> !~ /^keyword:/) {}; while(($line = <YACC>) =~ /[\s|]+([A-Z_]+)/) { $keyword = $1; $keyword =~ s/_SYM//; delete $words{$keyword}; }; close YACC; print STDERR "Copying reserved words to an array...\n"; foreach(keys %words) { push @words, $words{$_}; }; print STDERR "Sorting array...\n"; @words = sort @words; printf STDERR "There are %i reserved words.\n", scalar @words; @pre = ("\@item", " \@tab", " \@tab"); $list = ""; for($i=0; $word = shift(@words); $i++) { $list .= sprintf "%s %s\n", $pre[$i%3], "\@code\{$word\}"; } # Fill last row to full # of columns. for( ; $i%3; $i++) { $list .= sprintf "%s\n", $pre[$i%3]; } `bk edit manual.texi`; open OLD, "<manual.texi"; open NEW, ">manual-tmp.texi"; print STDERR "Copying beginning of manual.texi...\n"; while(($line = <OLD>) !~ /START_OF_RESERVED_WORDS/) { print NEW $line; }; print NEW "\@c START_OF_RESERVED_WORDS\n\n"; printf NEW "\@c Reserved word list updated %s by %s.\n". "\@c To regenerate, use Support/update-reserved-words.pl.\n\n", &pretty_date, $ENV{USER}; print STDERR "Inserting list of reserved words...\n"; # Ensure the fractions add up to 100% otherwise it looks funny in print: print NEW "\@multitable \@columnfractions .33 .33 .34\n"; print NEW "\@item \@strong{Word}\n \@tab \@strong{Word}\n \@tab \@strong{Word}\n"; print NEW $list; print NEW "\@end multitable\n"; print STDERR "Skipping over old list...\n"; while(($line = <OLD>) !~ /END_OF_RESERVED_WORDS/) {}; print NEW "\n\@c END_OF_RESERVED_WORDS\n"; print STDERR "Copying end of manual.texi...\n"; while($line = <OLD>) { print NEW $line; }; close OLD; close NEW; print STDERR "Moving manual-tmp.texi to manual.texi...\n"; unlink "manual.texi"; rename "manual-tmp.texi", "manual.texi"; print STDERR "Reserved word list updated successfully!\n"; sub pretty_date { @time = ($time = shift)?((localtime($time))[0..6]):((localtime)[0..6]); ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = @time; $wday = (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)[$wday]; $mon = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$mon]; $year += 1900; $pretty = sprintf("%s %s %2i %02i:%02i:%02i %i", $wday, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $year); return $pretty; };