/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
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#ident "$Id$"
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc.  All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."

#include <fttypes.h>

#define flt_flush_before_applying_inbox 1
#define flt_flush_before_child_pin 2
#define ft_flush_aflter_child_pin 3
#define flt_flush_before_split 4
#define flt_flush_during_split 5
#define flt_flush_before_merge 6
#define ft_flush_aflter_merge 7
#define ft_flush_aflter_rebalance 8
#define flt_flush_before_unpin_remove 9
#define flt_flush_before_pin_second_node_for_merge 10

typedef struct flusher_advice FLUSHER_ADVICE;

 * Choose a child to flush to.  Returns a childnum, or -1 if we should
 * go no further.
 * Flusher threads: pick the heaviest child buffer
 * Cleaner threads: pick the heaviest child buffer
 * Cleaner thread merging leaf nodes: follow down to a key
 * Hot optimize table: follow down to the right of a key
typedef int (*FA_PICK_CHILD)(FT h, FTNODE parent, void* extra);

 * Decide whether to call `flush_some_child` on the child if it is
 * stable and a nonleaf node.
 * Flusher threads: yes if child is gorged
 * Cleaner threads: yes if child is gorged
 * Cleaner thread merging leaf nodes: always yes
 * Hot optimize table: always yes
typedef bool (*FA_SHOULD_RECURSIVELY_FLUSH)(FTNODE child, void* extra);

 * Called if the child needs merging.  Should do something to get the
 * child out of a fusible state.  Must unpin parent and child.
 * Flusher threads: just do the merge
 * Cleaner threads: if nonleaf, just merge, otherwise start a "cleaner
 *                  thread merge"
 * Cleaner thread merging leaf nodes: just do the merge
 * Hot optimize table: just do the merge
typedef void (*FA_MAYBE_MERGE_CHILD)(struct flusher_advice *fa,
                              FT h,
                              FTNODE parent,
                              int childnum,
                              FTNODE child,
                              void* extra);

 * Cleaner threads may need to destroy basement nodes which have been
 * brought more up to date than the height 1 node flushing to them.
 * This function is used to determine if we need to check for basement
 * nodes that are too up to date, and then destroy them if we find
 * them.
 * Flusher threads: no
 * Cleaner threads: yes
 * Cleaner thread merging leaf nodes: no
 * Hot optimize table: no
typedef bool (*FA_SHOULD_DESTROY_BN)(void* extra);

 * Update `ft_flusher_status` in whatever way necessary.  Called once
 * by `flush_some_child` right before choosing what to do next (split,
 * merge, recurse), with the number of nodes that were dirtied by this
 * execution of `flush_some_child`.
typedef void (*FA_UPDATE_STATUS)(FTNODE child, int dirtied, void* extra);

 * Choose whether to go to the left or right child after a split.  Called
 * by `ft_split_child`.  If -1 is returned, `ft_split_child` defaults to
 * the old behavior.
typedef int (*FA_PICK_CHILD_AFTER_SPLIT)(FT h,
                                         FTNODE node,
                                         int childnuma,
                                         int childnumb,
                                         void* extra);

 * A collection of callbacks used by the flushing machinery to make
 * various decisions.  There are implementations of each of these
 * functions for flusher threads (flt_*), cleaner threads (ct_*), , and hot
 * optimize table (hot_*).
struct flusher_advice {
    FA_PICK_CHILD pick_child;
    FA_SHOULD_RECURSIVELY_FLUSH should_recursively_flush;
    FA_MAYBE_MERGE_CHILD maybe_merge_child;
    FA_SHOULD_DESTROY_BN should_destroy_basement_nodes;
    FA_UPDATE_STATUS update_status;
    FA_PICK_CHILD_AFTER_SPLIT pick_child_after_split;
    void* extra; // parameter passed into callbacks

// FIXME all of these need the toku prefix
// how about: 
// toku_ftnode_flush_some_child()
// toku_fa_flusher_advice_init()
// toku_fa_always_recursively_flush()
// toku_fa_dont_destroy_basement_nodes()
// toku_fa_default_merge_child()
// toku_fa_default_pick_child_after_split()

    struct flusher_advice *fa,
    FA_PICK_CHILD pick_child,
    FA_SHOULD_DESTROY_BN should_destroy_basement_nodes,
    FA_SHOULD_RECURSIVELY_FLUSH should_recursively_flush,
    FA_MAYBE_MERGE_CHILD maybe_merge_child,
    FA_UPDATE_STATUS update_status,
    FA_PICK_CHILD_AFTER_SPLIT pick_child_after_split,
    void* extra

    FT h,
    FTNODE parent,
    struct flusher_advice *fa);

always_recursively_flush(FTNODE child, void* extra);

never_recursively_flush(FTNODE UU(child), void* UU(extra));

dont_destroy_basement_nodes(void* extra);

default_merge_child(struct flusher_advice *fa,
                    FT h,
                    FTNODE parent,
                    int childnum,
                    FTNODE child,
                    void* extra);

default_pick_child_after_split(FT h,
                               FTNODE parent,
                               int childnuma,
                               int childnumb,
                               void *extra);

#endif // End of header guardian.