/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ #ident "$Id: brt.c 16740 2009-12-29 23:01:29Z bkuszmaul $" #ident "Copyright (c) 2009 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." /* See merger.h for a description of this module. */ #include <toku_portability.h> #include "brttypes.h" #include "merger.h" #include <memory.h> #include <toku_assert.h> #include <string.h> struct merger { int n_files; FILE **files; BOOL *present;// one for each file: present[i] is TRUE if and only if keys[i] and vals[i] are valid. (If the file gets empty then files[i] will be NULL) DBT *keys; // one for each file. ulen keeps track of how much memory is actually allocated. DBT *vals; // one for each file. DB *db; COMPARISON_FUNCTION cf; MEMORY_ALLOCATION_UPDATER mup; }; MERGER create_merger (int n_files, char *file_names[n_files], DB *db, COMPARISON_FUNCTION cf, MEMORY_ALLOCATION_UPDATER mup) { MERGER MALLOC(result); result->n_files = n_files; MALLOC_N(n_files, result->files); MALLOC_N(n_files, result->present); MALLOC_N(n_files, result->keys); MALLOC_N(n_files, result->vals); for (int i=0; i<n_files; i++) { result->files[i] = fopen(file_names[i], "r"); assert(result->files[i]); result->present[i] = FALSE; memset(&result->keys[i], 0, sizeof(result->keys[0])); memset(&result->vals[i], 0, sizeof(result->vals[0])); } result->db = db; result->cf = cf; result->mup = mup; return result; } void merger_close (MERGER m) { for (int i=0; i<m->n_files; i++) { if (m->files[i]) { int r = fclose(m->files[i]); assert(r==0); } if (m->keys[i].data) { toku_free(m->keys[i].data); } if (m->vals[i].data) { toku_free(m->vals[i].data); } } toku_free(m->files); toku_free(m->present); toku_free(m->keys); toku_free(m->vals); toku_free(m); } static int merge_fill_dbt (MERGER m, int i) // Effect: Make sure that keys[i] has data in it and return 0. // If we cannot, then return nonzero. { if (m->present[i]) return 0; // it's there, so we are OK. if (m->files[i]==NULL) return -1; // the file was previously empty, so no more. u_int32_t keylen; { int n = fread(&keylen, sizeof(keylen), 1, m->files[i]); if (n!=1) { // must have hit EOF, so close the file and set return -1. int r = fclose(m->files[i]); assert(r==0); m->files[i] = NULL; return -1; } } // Got something, so we should be able to get the rest. if (m->keys[i].ulen < keylen) { m->keys[i].data = toku_xrealloc(m->keys[i].data, keylen); m->keys[i].ulen = keylen; } { size_t n = fread(m->keys[i].data, 1, keylen, m->files[i]); assert(n==keylen); } u_int32_t vallen; { int n = fread(&vallen, sizeof(vallen), 1, m->files[i]); assert(n==1); } if (m->vals[i].ulen < vallen) { m->vals[i].data = toku_xrealloc(m->vals[i].data, vallen); m->vals[i].ulen = vallen; } { size_t n = fread(m->vals[i].data, 1, vallen, m->files[i]); assert(n==vallen); } m->keys[i].size = keylen; m->vals[i].size = vallen; m->present[i] = TRUE; return 0; } static int find_first_nonempty (MERGER m, int *besti) { for (int i=0; i<m->n_files; i++) { if (merge_fill_dbt(m, i)==0) { *besti = i; return 0; } } return -1; } int merger_pop (MERGER m, /*out*/ DBT *key, /*out*/ DBT *val) // This version is as simple as I can make it. { int firsti = -1; if (find_first_nonempty(m, &firsti)) { // there are no more nonempty rows. return -1; } int besti = firsti; // besti is the first nonempty item. for (int i=firsti+1; i<m->n_files; i++) { if (merge_fill_dbt(m, i)==0) { // there is something there, so we continue if (m->cf(m->db, &m->keys[besti], &m->keys[i])>0) { // then i is the new besti. besti = i; } } } // Now besti is the one to return. *key = m->keys[besti]; *val = m->vals[besti]; m->present[besti] = FALSE; return 0; }