drop table if exists t1,t2;
create table t1 (
c_id int(11) not null default '0',
org_id int(11) default null,
unique key contacts$c_id (c_id),
key contacts$org_id (org_id)
) engine=innodb;
insert into t1 values 
(2,null),(120,null),(141,null),(218,7), (128,1),
create table t2 (
slai_id int(11) not null default '0',
owner_tbl int(11) default null,
owner_id int(11) default null,
sla_id int(11) default null,
inc_web int(11) default null,
inc_email int(11) default null,
inc_chat int(11) default null,
inc_csr int(11) default null,
inc_total int(11) default null,
time_billed int(11) default null,
activedate timestamp null default null,
expiredate timestamp null default null,
state int(11) default null,
sla_set int(11) default null,
unique key t2$slai_id (slai_id),
key t2$owner_id (owner_id),
key t2$sla_id (sla_id)
) engine=innodb;
insert into t2(slai_id, owner_tbl, owner_id, sla_id) values
(1,3,1,1), (3,3,10,2), (4,3,3,6), (5,3,2,5), (6,3,8,3), (7,3,9,7),
(8,3,6,8), (9,3,4,9), (10,3,5,10), (11,3,11,11), (12,3,7,12);
flush tables;
select si.slai_id
from t1 c join t2 si on
((si.owner_tbl = 3 and si.owner_id = c.org_id) or 
( si.owner_tbl = 2 and si.owner_id = c.c_id)) 
c.c_id = 218 and expiredate is null;
select * from t1 where org_id is null;
c_id	org_id
120	NULL
141	NULL
select si.slai_id
from t1 c join t2 si on
((si.owner_tbl = 3 and si.owner_id = c.org_id) or 
( si.owner_tbl = 2 and si.owner_id = c.c_id)) 
c.c_id = 218 and expiredate is null;
drop table t1, t2;