#!PATH_TO_PERL -*- perl -*-
# Add path to perl on the previous line and make this executable
# if you want to use this as a normal script.
'di ';
'ig 00 ';
# #
# File: texi2html #
# #
# Description: Program to transform most Texinfo documents to HTML #
# #
# @(#)texi2html 1.52 971230 Written (mainly) by Lionel Cons, Lionel.Cons@cern.ch
# Enhanced by David Axmark, david@detron.se
# The man page for this program is included at the end of this file and can be
# viewed using the command 'nroff -man texi2html'.
# Please read the copyright at the end of the man page.
# #
# Constants #
# #
$DEBUG_DEF = 16;
$BIBRE = '\[[\w\/]+\]'; # RE for a bibliography reference
$FILERE = '[\/\w.+-]+'; # RE for a file name
$VARRE = '[^\s\{\}]+'; # RE for a variable name
$NODERE = '[^@{}:\'`",]+'; # RE for a node name
$NODESRE = '[^@{}:\'`"]+'; # RE for a list of node names
$XREFRE = '[^@{}]+'; # RE for a xref (should use NODERE)
$ERROR = "***"; # prefix for errors and warnings
$THISPROG = "texi2html 1.52 (hacked by david\@detron.se)"; # program name and version
$HOMEPAGE = "http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~obachman/Texi2html/"; # program home page
$TODAY = &pretty_date; # like "20 September 1993"
$SPLITTAG = "\n"; # tag to know where to split
$PROTECTTAG = "_ThisIsProtected_"; # tag to recognize protected sections
$html2_doctype = '';
# language dependent constants
#$LDC_SEE = 'see';
#$LDC_SECTION = 'section';
#$LDC_IN = 'in';
#$LDC_TOC = 'Table of Contents';
#$LDC_GOTO = 'Go to the';
#$LDC_FOOT = 'Footnotes';
# TODO: @def* shortcuts
#$user_sub{"email"} = "fix_email";
# pre-defined indices
%predefined_index = (
'cp', 'c',
'fn', 'f',
'vr', 'v',
'ky', 'k',
'pg', 'p',
'tp', 't',
# valid indices
%valid_index = (
'c', 1,
'f', 1,
'v', 1,
'k', 1,
'p', 1,
't', 1,
# texinfo section names to level
%sec2level = (
'top', 0,
'chapter', 1,
'unnumbered', 1,
'majorheading', 1,
'chapheading', 1,
'appendix', 1,
'section', 2,
'unnumberedsec', 2,
'heading', 2,
'appendixsec', 2,
'appendixsection', 2,
'subsection', 3,
'unnumberedsubsec', 3,
'subheading', 3,
'appendixsubsec', 3,
'subsubsection', 4,
'unnumberedsubsubsec', 4,
'subsubheading', 4,
'appendixsubsubsec', 4,
# accent map, TeX command to ISO name
%accent_map = (
'"', 'uml',
'~', 'tilde',
'^', 'circ',
'`', 'grave',
'\'', 'acute',
# texinfo "simple things" (@foo) to HTML ones
%simple_map = (
# cf. makeinfo.c
"*", "
", # HTML+
" ", " ",
"\n", "\n",
"|", "",
# spacing commands
":", "",
"!", "!",
"?", "?",
".", ".",
# texinfo "things" (@foo{}) to HTML ones
%things_map = (
'TeX', 'TeX',
'br', '
', # paragraph break
'bullet', '*',
'copyright', '(C)',
'dots', '...',
'equiv', '==',
'error', 'error-->',
'expansion', '==>',
'minus', '-',
'point', '-!-',
'print', '-|',
'result', '=>',
'today', $TODAY,
# texinfo styles (@foo{bar}) to HTML ones
%style_map = (
'asis', '',
'b', 'B',
'cite', 'CITE',
'code', 'CODE',
'ctrl', '&do_ctrl', # special case
'dfn', 'STRONG', # DFN tag is illegal in the standard
'dmn', '', # useless
'email', '&fix_email', # special
'emph', 'EM',
'file', '"TT', # will put quotes, cf. &apply_style
'i', 'I',
'kbd', 'KBD',
'key', 'KBD',
'r', '', # unsupported
'samp', '"SAMP', # will put quotes, cf. &apply_style
'sc', '&do_sc', # special case
'strong', 'STRONG',
't', 'TT',
'titlefont', '', # useless
'image', '&fix_image', # Image
'url', '&fix_url', # URL
'uref', '&fix_uref', # URL Reference
'var', 'VAR',
'w', '', # unsupported
# texinfo format (@foo/@end foo) to HTML ones
%format_map = (
'display', 'PRE',
'example', 'PRE',
'format', 'PRE',
'lisp', 'PRE',
'quotation', 'BLOCKQUOTE',
'smallexample', 'PRE',
'smalllisp', 'PRE',
# lists
'itemize', 'UL',
'enumerate', 'OL',
# poorly supported
'flushleft', 'PRE',
'flushright', 'PRE',
# texinfo definition shortcuts to real ones
%def_map = (
# basic commands
'deffn', 0,
'defvr', 0,
'deftypefn', 0,
'deftypevr', 0,
'defcv', 0,
'defop', 0,
'deftp', 0,
# basic x commands
'deffnx', 0,
'defvrx', 0,
'deftypefnx', 0,
'deftypevrx', 0,
'defcvx', 0,
'defopx', 0,
'deftpx', 0,
# shortcuts
'defun', 'deffn Function',
'defmac', 'deffn Macro',
'defspec', 'deffn {Special Form}',
'defvar', 'defvr Variable',
'defopt', 'defvr {User Option}',
'deftypefun', 'deftypefn Function',
'deftypevar', 'deftypevr Variable',
'defivar', 'defcv {Instance Variable}',
'defmethod', 'defop Method',
# x shortcuts
'defunx', 'deffnx Function',
'defmacx', 'deffnx Macro',
'defspecx', 'deffnx {Special Form}',
'defvarx', 'defvrx Variable',
'defoptx', 'defvrx {User Option}',
'deftypefunx', 'deftypefnx Function',
'deftypevarx', 'deftypevrx Variable',
'defivarx', 'defcvx {Instance Variable}',
'defmethodx', 'defopx Method',
# things to skip
%to_skip = (
# comments
'c', 1,
'comment', 1,
# useless
'contents', 1,
'shortcontents', 1,
'summarycontents', 1,
'footnotestyle', 1,
'end ifclear', 1,
'end ifset', 1,
'titlepage', 1,
'end titlepage', 1,
# unsupported commands (formatting)
'afourpaper', 1,
'cropmarks', 1,
'finalout', 1,
'headings', 1,
'need', 1,
'page', 1,
'setchapternewpage', 1,
'everyheading', 1,
'everyfooting', 1,
'evenheading', 1,
'evenfooting', 1,
'oddheading', 1,
'oddfooting', 1,
'smallbook', 1,
'vskip', 1,
'filbreak', 1,
# unsupported formats
'cartouche', 1,
'end cartouche', 1,
'group', 1,
'end group', 1,
# #
# Argument parsing, initialisation #
# #
%value = (); # hold texinfo variables
$use_bibliography = 1;
$use_acc = 0;
$debug = 0;
$doctype = '';
$check = 0;
$expandinfo = 0;
$use_glossary = 0;
$invisible_mark = '';
$use_iso = 0;
@include_dirs = ();
$show_menu = 0;
$number_sections = 0;
$split_node = 0;
$split_chapter = 0;
$monolithic = 0;
$verbose = 0;
$opt_use_numbers = 0;
$opt_empty_headers = 0;
$opt_special_links = "";
$usage = < \n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($tag eq 'setref') {
&protect_html; # if setref contains '&' for instance
if (/^\s*\@$tag\s*{($NODERE)}\s*$/) {
$setref = $1;
$setref =~ s/\s+/ /g; # normalize
$setref =~ s/ $//;
$node2sec{$setref} = $name;
$node2href{$setref} = "$link_doc#$docid";
push(@maybe_wrong_links, $setref);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad setref line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'defindex' || $tag eq 'defcodeindex') {
if (/^\s*\@$tag\s+(\w\w)\s*$/) {
$valid_index{$1} = 1;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad defindex line: $_";
} elsif (defined($def_map{$tag})) {
if ($def_map{$tag}) {
$tag = $def_map{$tag};
$_ = "\@$tag $_";
$tag =~ s/\s.*//;
} elsif (defined($user_sub{$tag})) {
$sub = $user_sub{$tag};
print "# user $tag = $sub, arg: $_" if $debug & $DEBUG_USER;
if (defined(&$sub)) {
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad user sub for $tag: $sub\n";
if (defined($def_map{$tag})) {
if ($tag =~ /x$/) {
# extra definition line
$tag = $`;
$is_extra = 1;
} else {
$is_extra = 0;
while (/\{([^\{\}]*)\}/) {
# this is a {} construct
($before, $contents, $after) = ($`, $1, $');
# protect spaces
$contents =~ s/\s+/$;9/g;
# restore $_ protecting {}
$_ = "$before$;7$contents$;8$after";
@args = split(/\s+/, &protect_html($_));
foreach (@args) {
s/$;9/ /g; # unprotect spaces
s/$;7/\{/g; # ... {
s/$;8/\}/g; # ... }
$type = shift(@args);
$type =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
print "# def ($tag): {$type} ", join(', ', @args), "\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_DEF;
$type .= ':'; # it's nicer like this
$name = shift(@args);
$name =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
if ($is_extra) {
$_ = &debug(" $name \n");
$_ = &debug($_, __LINE__);
# otherwise
push(@lines, $_);
# finish TOC
$level = 0;
while ($level < $curlevel)
push(@toc_lines, "\n");
print "# end of pass 1\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 2/3: handle style, menu, index, cross-reference #
# #
@lines2 = (); # whole document (2nd pass)
@lines3 = (); # whole document (3rd pass)
$in_menu = 0; # am I inside a menu
while (@lines)
$_ = shift(@lines);
# special case (protected sections)
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
push(@lines2, $_);
# menu
$in_menu = 1, push(@lines2, &debug("
while (@lines3)
$_ = shift(@lines3);
# special case (protected sections)
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
push(@doc_lines, $_);
$end_of_para = 0;
# footnotes
while (/\@footnote([^\{\s]+)\{/) {
($before, $d, $after) = ($`, $1, $');
$_ = $after;
$text = '';
$after = '';
$failed = 1;
while (@lines3) {
if (/\}/) {
$text .= $`;
$after = $';
$failed = 0;
} else {
$text .= $_;
$_ = shift(@lines3);
if ($failed) {
die "* Bad syntax (\@footnote) after: $before\n";
} else {
$docid = "DOCF$foot_num";
$footid = "FOOT$foot_num";
$foot = "($foot_num)";
push(@foot_lines, " $text" unless $text =~ /^\s* /;
push(@foot_lines, "$text\n");
$_ = $before . &anchor($docid, "$docu_foot#$footid", $foot) . $after;
# remove unnecessary
if (/^\s* \s*$/) {
next if $end_of_para++;
} else {
$end_of_para = 0;
# otherwise
push(@doc_lines, $_);
print "# end of pass 4\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 5: print things #
# #
$header = < \n";
sub print_header
# clean the title
$_ = &remove_style($_[0]);
# print the header
if ($doctype eq 'html2') {
print FILE $html2_doctype;
} elsif ($doctype) {
print FILE $doctype;
my($tags) = defined($value{"_body_tags"}) ? " " . $value{"_body_tags"} : "";
my($et) = defined($value{"_extra_head"}) ? " " . $value{"_extra_head"} : "";
$et = &unprotect_html($et);
print FILE < \n";
sub print_footer
print FILE <\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad table line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'multitable') {
if (/^\s*\@multitable\s*\@columnfractions\s+([\.\d\s]+)\s*$/ ||
$in_multitable = 1;
my($col_list) = $1;
$multitable_cols = ($col_list =~ /\@columnfractions/ ? s/[\d.]+\s+//g :
print "# Multitable with $multitable_cols columns\n"
if $debug and $DEBUG_USER;
push(@lines, &debug("
\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($end_tag eq 'menu') {
push(@lines, $_); # must keep it for pass 2
# misc things
# protect texi and HTML things
$_ = &protect_html($_) unless $dont_html;
$dont_html = 0;
# substitution (unsupported things)
# other substitutions
s/\@footnote\{/\@footnote$docu_doc\{/g; # mark footnotes, cf. pass 4
s|\s+\@tab\s*| \n", __LINE__));
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad table line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'synindex' || $tag eq 'syncodeindex') {
if (/^\s*\@$tag\s+(\w)\w\s+(\w)\w\s*$/) {
eval("*${1}index = *${2}index");
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad syn*index line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'sp') {
push(@lines, &debug("
} elsif (defined($def_map{$end_tag})) {
push(@lines, &debug("\n
} elsif ($end_tag eq 'multitable') {
print "# end of multitable with $multitable_cols columns\n"
if $debug and $DEBUG_USER;
$in_multitable = 0;
push(@lines, "\n");
push(@lines, " |g if ($in_multitable);
# analyze the tag again
if ($tag) {
if (defined($sec2level{$tag}) && $sec2level{$tag} > 0) {
if (/^\s*\@$tag\s+(.+)$/) {
$name = $1;
$name =~ s/\s+$//;
$level = $sec2level{$tag};
$name = &update_sec_num($tag, $level) . " $name"
if $number_sections && $tag !~ /^unnumbered/;
if ($tag =~ /heading$/) {
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
if ($html_element ne 'body') {
# We are in a nice pickle here. We are trying to get a H? heading
# even though we are not in the body level. So, we convert
# it to a nice, bold, line by itself.
$_ = &debug("\n\n \n");
while ($level < $curlevel) {
push(@toc_lines, "
$_ = " |g;
push(@lines, &debug(" $what\n", __LINE__));
if ($deferred_ref)
push(@lines, &debug("$deferred_ref\n", __LINE__));
$deferred_ref = '';
if ($html_element eq 'DL' || $html_element eq 'DD') {
if ($things_map{$in_table} && !$what) {
# special case to allow @table @bullet for instance
push(@lines, &debug(" \n", __LINE__)), next if /^\s*\@menu\b/;
$in_menu = 0, push(@lines2, &debug("
\n", __LINE__)), next if /^\s*\@end\s+menu\b/;
if ($in_menu) {
if (/^\*\s+($NODERE)::/o) {
$descr = $';
&menu_entry($1, $1, $descr);
} elsif (/^\*\s+(.+):\s+([^\t,\.\n]+)[\t,\.\n]/) {
$descr = $';
&menu_entry($1, $2, $descr);
} elsif (/^\*/) {
warn "$ERROR Bad menu line: $_";
} else { # description continued?
push(@lines2, $_);
# printindex
if (/^\s*\@printindex\s+(\w\w)\b/) {
local($index, *ary, @keys, $key, $letter, $last_letter, @refs);
if ($predefined_index{$1}) {
$index = $predefined_index{$1} . 'index';
} else {
$index = $1 . 'index';
eval("*ary = *$index");
@keys = keys(%ary);
foreach $key (@keys) {
$_ = $key;
1 while s/<(\w+)>\`(.*)\'<\/\1>/$2/; # remove HTML tags with quotes
1 while s/<(\w+)>(.*)<\/\1>/$2/; # remove HTML tags
$_ = &unprotect_html($_);
tr/A-Z/a-z/; # lowercase
$key2alpha{$key} = $_;
print "# index $key sorted as $_\n"
if $key ne $_ && $debug & $DEBUG_INDEX;
$last_letter = undef;
foreach $key (sort byalpha @keys) {
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 1);
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 2) if $letter eq $;;
$letter = " " unless $letter =~ /[a-zA-Z]/;
if (!defined($last_letter) || $letter ne $last_letter) {
push(@lines2, "\n") if defined($last_letter);
push(@lines2, "" . &protect_html(uc($letter)) . "
push(@lines2, "" . &anchor($footid, "$d#$docid", $foot) . "
$text = "" . join("
\n", split(/\n/, $_)) . "
# print ToC
if (!$monolithic && @toc_lines)
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_toc")) {
print "# creating $docu_toc...\n" if $verbose;
&print_toplevel_header("$title - Table of Contents");
&print(*toc_lines, FILE);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write (toc) to $docu_toc: $!\n";
# print footnotes
if (!$monolithic && @foot_lines)
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_foot")) {
print "# creating $docu_foot...\n" if $verbose;
&print_toplevel_header("$title - Footnotes");
&print(*foot_lines, FILE);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write (foot) to $docu_foot: $!\n";
# print document
if ($split_chapter || $split_node)
{ # split
$doc_num = 0;
$last_num = scalar(@sections);
$first_doc = &doc_name(1);
$last_doc = &doc_name($last_num);
while (@sections) {
$section = shift(@sections);
# Remove added links part
if (open(FILE, ">$docu_doc")) {
print "# creating $docu_doc... ($section)\n" if $verbose;
&print_header("$title - $section") unless $opt_empty_headers;
$prev_doc = ($doc_num == 1 ? undef : &doc_name($doc_num - 1));
$next_doc = ($doc_num == $last_num ? undef : &doc_name($doc_num + 1));
$navigation = "Go to the ";
$navigation .= ($prev_doc ? &anchor('', $first_doc, "first") : "first");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($prev_doc ? &anchor('', $prev_doc, "previous") : "previous");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($next_doc ? &anchor('', $next_doc, "next") : "next");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($next_doc ? &anchor('', $last_doc, "last") : "last");
$navigation .= " section, " . &anchor('', $docu_toc, "table of contents") . ".\n";
print FILE $navigation unless $opt_empty_headers;
&print_ruler unless $opt_empty_headers;
# find corresponding lines
@tmp_lines = ();
while (@doc_lines) {
$_ = shift(@doc_lines);
last if ($_ eq $SPLITTAG);
push(@tmp_lines, $_);
&print(*tmp_lines, FILE);
&print_ruler unless $opt_empty_headers;
print FILE $navigation unless $opt_empty_headers;
&print_footer unless $opt_empty_headers;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write (doc) to $docu_doc: $!\n";
{ # not split
if (open(FILE, ">$docu_doc")) {
print "# creating $docu_doc...\n" if $verbose;
if ($monolithic || !@toc_lines) {
} else {
print FILE $full_title;
if ($monolithic && @toc_lines) {
print FILE "Table of Contents
&print(*toc_lines, FILE);
&print(*doc_lines, FILE);
if ($monolithic && @foot_lines) {
print FILE "Footnotes
&print(*foot_lines, FILE);
if ($monolithic || !@toc_lines) {
} else {
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write (doc2) to $docu_doc: $!\n";
print "# that's all folks\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Low level functions #
# #
sub update_sec_num
local($name, $level) = @_;
$level--; # here we start at 0
if ($name =~ /^appendix/) {
# appendix style
if (defined(@appendix_sec_num)) {
&incr_sec_num($level, @appendix_sec_num);
} else {
@appendix_sec_num = ('A', 0, 0, 0);
return(join('.', @appendix_sec_num[0..$level]));
} else {
# normal style
if (defined(@normal_sec_num)) {
&incr_sec_num($level, @normal_sec_num);
} else {
@normal_sec_num = (1, 0, 0, 0);
return(join('.', @normal_sec_num[0..$level]));
sub incr_sec_num
local($level, $l);
$level = shift(@_);
foreach $l ($level+1 .. 3) {
$_[$l] = 0;
sub check
local($_, %seen, %context, $before, $match, $after);
while (<>) {
if (/\@(\*|\.|\:|\@|\{|\})/) {
$context{$&} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
$_ = "$`XX$'";
if (/\@(\w+)/) {
($before, $match, $after) = ($`, $&, $');
if ($before =~ /\b[\w-]+$/ && $after =~ /^[\w-.]*\b/) { # e-mail address
$seen{'e-mail address'}++;
$context{'e-mail address'} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
} else {
$context{$match} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
$match =~ s/^\s*\@/X/;
$_ = "$before$match$after";
foreach (sort(keys(%seen))) {
if ($verbose) {
print "$_\n";
print $context{$_};
} else {
print "$_ ($seen{$_})\n";
sub open
local($name) = @_;
if (open($fh_name, $name)) {
unshift(@fhs, $fh_name);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't read file $name: $!\n";
sub init_input
@fhs = (); # hold the file handles to read
@input_spool = (); # spooled lines to read
$fh_name = 'FH000';
sub next_line
local($fh, $line);
if (@input_spool) {
$line = shift(@input_spool);
while (@fhs) {
$fh = $fhs[0];
$line = <$fh>;
return($line) if $line;
# used in pass 1, use &next_line
sub skip_until
local($tag) = @_;
while ($_ = &next_line) {
return if /^\s*\@end\s+$tag\s*$/;
die "* Failed to find '$tag' after: " . $lines[$#lines];
# HTML stacking to have a better HTML output
sub html_reset
@html_stack = ('html');
$html_element = 'body';
sub html_push
local($what) = @_;
push(@html_stack, $html_element);
$html_element = $what;
sub html_push_if
local($what) = @_;
push(@html_stack, $html_element)
if ($html_element && $html_element ne 'P');
$html_element = $what;
sub html_pop
$html_element = pop(@html_stack);
sub html_pop_if
if (@_) {
foreach $elt (@_) {
if ($elt eq $html_element) {
$html_element = pop(@html_stack) if @html_stack;
} else {
$html_element = pop(@html_stack) if @html_stack;
sub html_debug
local($what, $line) = @_;
if $debug & $DEBUG_HTML;
# to debug the output...
sub debug
local($what, $line) = @_;
if $debug & $DEBUG_HTML;
sub normalise_node
$_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$_[0] =~ s/ $//;
$_[0] =~ s/^ //;
sub menu_entry
local($entry, $node, $descr) = @_;
$href = $node2href{$node};
if ($href) {
$descr =~ s/^\s+//;
$descr = ": $descr" if $descr;
push(@lines2, "$_
if ($value{'_author'}) {
$value{'_author'} =~ s/\n+$//;
foreach (split(/\n/, $value{'_author'})) {
$_ = &substitute_style($_);
print FILE "$_\n";
print FILE "