# Check tests after fix MDEV-28475 -- source include/no_view_protocol.inc create table t2 (sal int(10)); delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns int begin declare continue handler for not found return 0; loop fetch group next row; insert into t2 (sal) values (x); end loop; end| delimiter ;| create table t1 (sal int(10),id int(10)); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (5000,1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (2000,1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (1000,1); select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; select * from t2; drop table t2; drop function f1; delimiter |; --error ER_INVALID_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns INT begin insert into t1(sal) values (x); return x; end| --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION create function f1(x INT) returns INT begin set x=5; fetch group next row; return x+1; end | create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns INT begin declare continue handler for not found return x; loop fetch group next row; end loop; end | delimiter ;| select f1(1); show create function f1; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR alter function f1 aggregate none; show create function f1; select f1(1); drop function f1; delimiter |; create aggregate function f2(i int) returns int begin FEtCH GROUP NEXT ROW; if i <= 0 then return 0; elseif i = 1 then return (select count(*) from t1 where id = i); else return (select count(*) + f2( i - 1) from t1 where id = i); end if; end| select f2(1)| # Since currently recursive functions are disallowed ER_SP_NO_RECURSION # error will be returned, once we will allow them error about # insufficient number of locked tables will be returned instead. --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select f2(2)| --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select f2(3)| drop function f2| create aggregate function f1(x int) returns int begin declare mini int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return mini; loop fetch group next row; set mini= mini+x; fetch group next row; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(10); select f1(sal) from t1; select f1(sal) from t1 where 1=0; drop function f1; delimiter |; #WITHOUT RETURN STATEMENT IN AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS --error 1320 create aggregate function f1(x int) returns int begin declare mini int default 0; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; set mini = mini + x; END LOOP; end| #without handler create aggregate function f1(x int) returns int begin declare mini int default 0; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; set mini = mini + x; END LOOP; return -1; end| --error 1329 select f1(sal) from t1| drop function f1| #without loop create aggregate function f1(x int) returns int begin declare mini int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return mini; FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; set mini = mini + x; end| --error 1321 select f1(sal) from t1| drop function f1| create aggregate function f1(x int) returns int begin declare mini int default 0; declare continue handler for not found set mini=-1; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; set mini = mini + x; END LOOP; return 0; end| --error 1321 select f1(sal) from t1| drop function f1| drop table t1| delimiter ;| # primary indexing create table t1 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int, primary key(id)); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 1, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 2, 16, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 3, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 4, 15, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 5, 11, 5); delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| delimiter ;| --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by val; drop table t1; #unique index create table t1 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int, primary key(id), unique key(val)); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 1, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 2, NULL, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 3, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 4, 15, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 5, 11, 5); --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by val; drop table t1; # compound indexing create table t1 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int, primary key(id), INDEX name (val,counter)); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 1, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 2, 10, 4); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 3, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 4, 11, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 5, 11, 5); --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by val; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by counter; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by id; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val order by val; drop table t1; drop function f1; # prepared statement with aggregate functions delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| create aggregate function f2() returns double begin declare z int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z = z+1; end loop; end| delimiter ;| create table t1 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 2, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 1, 16, 5); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 2, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 3, 15, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 4, 11, 4); prepare test from "select f2() from t1 where id>= ?"; set @param= 2; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; set @param= 1; execute test using @param; set @param= 3; execute test using @param; set @param= 4; execute test using @param; deallocate prepare test; prepare test from "select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= ?"; set @param= 2; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; execute test using @param; set @param= 1; execute test using @param; set @param= 3; execute test using @param; set @param= 4; execute test using @param; set @param= 5; execute test using @param; deallocate prepare test; drop function f2; prepare test from "select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= ?"; set @param= 2; execute test using @param; drop function f1; create function f1(x int) returns int return -1; execute test using @param; drop function f1; delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| delimiter ;| execute test using @param; deallocate prepare test; drop table t1; drop function f1; create table t1 (sal int, id int, val varchar(10), counter int); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 2, 'ab', 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 1, 'cd', 5); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 2, 'ef', 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 3, 'gh', 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 4, 'ij', 4); create table t2 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 2, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 1, 16, 5); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 2, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 3, 15, 3); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 4, 11, 4); delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x double) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| create aggregate function f2(x INT) returns CHAR(10) begin declare mini INT default 0; declare continue handler for not found return mini; loop fetch group next row; set mini= mini + x; end loop; end| create aggregate function f3(x INT) returns CHAR(10) begin declare mini INT default 0; declare continue handler for not found return mini; loop fetch group next row; set mini= mini + x; fetch group next row; set mini= mini - x; end loop; end| create aggregate function f4(x INT, y varchar(10)) returns varchar(1000) begin declare str varchar(1000) default ''; declare continue handler for not found return str; loop fetch group next row; set str= concat(str,y); end loop; end| create aggregate function f5(x INT) returns varchar(1000) begin declare z int default 0; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT sal FROM test.t2; declare continue handler for not found return 0; loop fetch group next row; set z = z+x; end loop; end| create function f6(x int) returns int return (select f1(sal) from t1)| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1; # group by test --sorted_result select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; # multiple fetch statements in the loop --sorted_result select f3(sal) from t1; # incorrect column type --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD select f2(val) from t1; #subquery --sorted_result select val, id, c from (select f1(sal) as c from t2) as t1, t2; #multiple calls to an aggregate function --sorted_result select f1(sal),f1(val), f1(id), f1(sal) from t2; #string type, also more than one areguments --sorted_result select f4(sal, val) from t1; #select f1((select sal from t2 where id= 1)) from t1; --sorted_result select c from (select f1(sal) as c from t2) as t1; # this fails as more than one row is returned #select f1((select val from t2 where id > 1)) from t1; select f1((select val from t2 where 0 > 1)) from t1; select f1((select val from t2 where id= 1)) from t1; select f5(sal) from t1; SELECT f1(sal)*f1(sal) FROM t1; --sorted_result SELECT (SELECT f1(sal) FROM t1) FROM t2; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1; --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; --sorted_result select f1(sal), f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; --sorted_result select f1(sal), f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id ; --sorted_result select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id ; select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 order by counter; select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter; select counter, id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter; select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter; drop table t1; drop table t2; drop function f1; drop function f2; drop function f3; drop function f4; drop function f5; drop function f6; delimiter |; # aggregate AND function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns INT begin declare z double default 1000; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= (z&x); end loop; end| delimiter ;| create table t1 (sal int, id int, val int, counter int); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 2, 10, 2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (7000, 1, 16, 5); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 2, 18, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 3, 15, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (3000, 4, 11, 4); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (2000, 5, 10, 7); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (5000, 7, 13, 8); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (6000, 6, 19, 9); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (7000, 7, 12, 0); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (4000, 6, 14, 1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (8000, 5, 19, 3); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (9000, 4, 11, 4); INSERT INTO t1 (sal, id, val, counter) VALUES (1000, 3, 11, 2); select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; drop function f1; delimiter |; # aggregate AVG function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare count double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z/count; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; set count= count+1; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; drop function f1; delimiter |; # aggregate MAX function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns INT begin declare maxi INT default -1; declare continue handler for not found return maxi; loop fetch group next row; if maxi < x then set maxi= x; end if; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; drop function f1; delimiter |; # aggregate MIN function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare mini INT default 100000; declare continue handler for not found return mini; loop fetch group next row; if mini > x then set mini = x; end if; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; drop function f1; delimiter |; # aggregate XOR function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns double begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z^x; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; drop function f1; delimiter |; # aggregate SUM function create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns INT begin declare z int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; delimiter |; create aggregate function f2() returns INT begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+1; end loop; end| delimiter ;| # no parameters select f2() from t1; create table t2 (sal int, id int); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id) VALUES (NULL, 1); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id) VALUES (2000, 1); INSERT INTO t2 (sal, id) VALUES (3000, 1); # null values select f1(sal) from t2; # no tables select f1(1); # aggregate function called from regular functions create function f3() returns int return (select f1(sal) from t1); select f3(); create function f4() returns INT return 1; # regular functions called from aggregate functions delimiter |; create aggregate function f5() returns INT begin declare z double default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+f3(); end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f5() from t2; delimiter |; # aggregate functions called from aggregate functions create aggregate function f6(x INT) returns INT begin declare z int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; if x then set z= z+(select f1(sal) from t1); end if; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f6(sal) from t2; # GROUP BY AND ORDER BY --sorted_result select id, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id; --sorted_result select counter, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by counter; --sorted_result select val, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by val; --sorted_result select counter, f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter; --sorted_result select counter, id, f1(sal), f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter; --sorted_result select counter, id, f1(sal), sum(distinct sal) from t1 where id>= 1 group by id order by counter desc; ##### insert aggregate function value into a table ###### create table t3 (i int); INSERT INTO t3 (i) select f1(sal) from t1; select * from t3; delimiter |; create aggregate function f7(x INT) returns INT begin declare z int default 0; DECLARE done BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE a,b,c INT; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM test.t2; declare continue handler for not found return z; outer_loop: LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; set z= z+x; inner_block: begin DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM test.t2; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur2; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur2 INTO a; IF done THEN CLOSE cur2; LEAVE read_loop; END IF; END LOOP read_loop; end inner_block; END LOOP outer_loop; end| delimiter ;| select f7(sal) from t1; drop table t1; drop table t2; drop table t3; drop function f1; drop function f2; drop function f3; drop function f4; drop function f5; drop function f6; drop function f7; delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x date) returns date begin declare continue handler for not found return x; loop fetch group next row; end loop; end| delimiter ;| select f1('2001-01-01'),cast(f1('2001-01-01') as time); drop function f1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-15957 Unexpected "Data too long" when doing CREATE..SELECT with stored functions --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1(x INT) RETURNS INT(3) BEGIN DECLARE res INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN res-200; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; SET res= res + x; END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT CONCAT(f1(a)) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1,t2; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DELIMITER $$; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN ''; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END LOOP; RETURN ''; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT f1() AS c1, COALESCE(f1()) AS c2, CONCAT(f1()) AS c3; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-14520: Custom aggregate functions work incorrectly with WITH ROLLUP clause --echo # --delimiter | create aggregate function agg_sum(x INT) returns INT begin declare z int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return z; loop fetch group next row; set z= z+x; end loop; end| --delimiter ; create table t1 (i int); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(2),(3); select i, agg_sum(i) from t1 group by i with rollup; --echo # --echo # Compare with select i, sum(i) from t1 group by i with rollup; # Cleanup drop function agg_sum; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # User defined aggregate functions not working correctly when the schema is changed --echo # CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS common_schema; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS another_schema; DELIMITER |; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS common_schema.add_ints | CREATE FUNCTION common_schema.add_ints(int_1 INT, int_2 INT) RETURNS INT NO SQL BEGIN RETURN int_1 + int_2; END | DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS common_schema.sum_ints | CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION common_schema.sum_ints(int_val INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE result INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN result; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; SET result = common_schema.add_ints(result, int_val); END LOOP; END | DELIMITER ;| use common_schema; SELECT common_schema.sum_ints(seq) FROM (SELECT 1 seq UNION ALL SELECT 2) t; USE another_schema; SELECT common_schema.sum_ints(seq) FROM (SELECT 1 seq UNION ALL SELECT 2) t; drop database common_schema; drop database another_schema; USE test; --echo # End of 10.3 tests --echo # --echo # MDEV-18813 PROCEDURE and anonymous blocks silently ignore FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW --echo # DELIMITER $$; --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION BEGIN NOT ATOMIC FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CREATE DEFINER=root@localhost FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INT BEGIN FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; RETURN 0; END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CREATE TRIGGER tr1 AFTER INSERT ON t1 FOR EACH ROW FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; DROP TABLE t1; --error ER_NOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CREATE EVENT ev1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 1 MONTH ENDS CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 1 MONTH + INTERVAL 1 WEEK DO FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; --echo # End of 10.4 tests