#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA use strict; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use File::Basename; my $cmakeargs = ""; # Find source root directory # Assume this script is in <srcroot>/cmake my $srcdir = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))); my $cmake_install_prefix=""; my $just_print= 0; # Sets installation directory, bindir, libdir, libexecdir etc # the equivalent CMake variables are given without prefix # e.g if --prefix is /usr and --bindir is /usr/bin # then cmake variable (INSTALL_BINDIR) must be just "bin" sub set_installdir { my($path, $varname) = @_; my $prefix_length = length($cmake_install_prefix); if (($prefix_length > 0) && (index($path,$cmake_install_prefix) == 0)) { # path is under the prefix, so remove the prefix and maybe following "/" $path = substr($path, $prefix_length); if(length($path) > 0) { my $char = substr($path, 0, 1); if($char eq "/") { $path= substr($path, 1); } } if(length($path) > 0) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -D".$varname."=".$path; } } } # CMake understands CC and CXX env.variables correctly, if they contain 1 or 2 tokens # e.g CXX=gcc and CXX="ccache gcc" are ok. However it could have a problem if there # (recognizing gcc) with more tokens ,e.g CXX="ccache gcc --pipe". # The problem is simply fixed by splitting compiler and flags, e.g # CXX="ccache gcc --pipe" => CXX=ccache gcc CXXFLAGS=--pipe sub check_compiler { my ($varname, $flagsvarname) = @_; my @tokens = split(/ /,$ENV{$varname}); if($#tokens >= 2) { $ENV{$varname} = $tokens[0]." ".$tokens[1]; my $flags; for(my $i=2; $i<=$#tokens; $i++) { $flags= $flags." ".$tokens[$i]; } if(defined $ENV{$flagsvarname}) { $flags = $flags." ".$ENV{$flagsvarname}; } $ENV{$flagsvarname}=$flags; print("$varname=$ENV{$varname}\n"); print("$flagsvarname=$ENV{$flagsvarname}\n"); } } check_compiler("CC", "CFLAGS"); check_compiler("CXX", "CXXFLAGS"); foreach my $option (@ARGV) { if (substr ($option, 0, 2) eq "--") { $option = substr($option, 2); } else { # This must be environment variable my @v = split('=', $option); my $name = shift(@v); if(@v) { $ENV{$name} = join('=', @v); } next; } if($option =~ /srcdir/) { $srcdir = substr($option,7); next; } if($option =~ /help/) { system("cmake ${srcdir} -LH"); exit(0); } if ($option =~ /print/) { $just_print=1; next; } if($option =~ /with-plugins=/) { my @plugins= split(/,/, substr($option,13)); foreach my $p (@plugins) { $p =~ s/-/_/g; $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_".uc($p)."=AUTO"; } next; } if($option =~ /with-extra-charsets=/) { my $charsets= substr($option,20); $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=".$charsets; next; } if($option =~ /without-plugin=/ || $option =~ /without-plugin-/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DPLUGIN_".uc(substr($option,15))."=NO"; next; } if($option =~ /with-plugin-(.*)=(.*)/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DPLUGIN_".uc($1)."=".uc($2); next; } if($option =~ /with-zlib-dir=bundled/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_ZLIB=bundled"; next; } if($option =~ /with-zlib-dir=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_ZLIB=system"; next; } if($option =~ /with-libevent=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_LIBEVENT=system"; next; } if($option =~ /with-libevent/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_LIBEVENT=bundled"; next; } if($option =~ /with-ssl=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_SSL=yes"; next; } if($option =~ /with-debug/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSECURITY_HARDENED=OFF"; next; } if($option =~ /with-ssl/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_SSL=bundled"; next; } if($option =~ /prefix=/) { $cmake_install_prefix= substr($option, 7); $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=".$cmake_install_prefix; next; } if($option =~/bindir=/) { set_installdir(substr($option,7), "INSTALL_BINDIR"); next; } if($option =~/libdir=/) { set_installdir(substr($option,7), "INSTALL_LIBDIR"); next; } if($option =~/libexecdir=/) { set_installdir(substr($option,11), "INSTALL_SBINDIR"); next; } if($option =~/includedir=/) { set_installdir(substr($option,11), "INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR"); next; } if ($option =~ /extra-charsets=all/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_CHARSETS=all"; next; } if ($option =~ /extra-charsets=complex/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DWITH_CHARSETS=complex"; next; } if ($option =~ /localstatedir=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DMYSQL_DATADIR=".substr($option,14); next; } if ($option =~ /mysql-maintainer-mode/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=" . ($option =~ /enable/ ? "1" : "0"); next; } if ($option =~ /with-comment=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." \"-DWITH_COMMENT=".substr($option,13)."\""; next; } if ($option =~ /with-gcov/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DENABLE_GCOV=ON"; next; } if ($option =~ /with-max-indexes=/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DMAX_INDEXES=".substr($option, 17); next; } if ($option =~ /verbose/) { $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1"; next; } if ($option =~ /with-client-ldflags/) { print("configure.pl : ignoring $option\n"); next; } if ($option =~ /with-mysqld-ldflags=/) { print("configure.pl : ignoring $option\n"); next; } if ($option =~ /with-client-ldflags/) { print("configure.pl : ignoring $option\n"); next; } if ($option =~ /with-mysqld-ldflags=/) { print("configure.pl : ignoring $option\n"); next; } $option = uc($option); $option =~ s/-/_/g; $cmakeargs = $cmakeargs." -D".$option."=1"; } print("configure.pl : calling cmake $srcdir $cmakeargs\n"); exit(0) if ($just_print); unlink("CMakeCache.txt"); my $rc = system("cmake $srcdir $cmakeargs"); exit($rc);