DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2; select format(1.5555,0),format(123.5555,1),format(1234.5555,2),format(12345.55555,3),format(123456.5555,4),format(1234567.5555,5),format("12345.2399",2); format(1.5555,0) format(123.5555,1) format(1234.5555,2) format(12345.55555,3) format(123456.5555,4) format(1234567.5555,5) format("12345.2399",2) 2 123.6 1,234.56 12,345.556 123,456.5555 1,234,567.55550 12,345.24 select inet_ntoa(inet_aton("")); inet_ntoa(inet_aton("")) NULL select inet_aton(""),inet_aton(""),inet_aton("0.1.255"); inet_aton("") inet_aton("") inet_aton("0.1.255") 1099511627775 4294902271 65791 select inet_ntoa(1099511627775),inet_ntoa(4294902271),inet_ntoa(511); inet_ntoa(1099511627775) inet_ntoa(4294902271) inet_ntoa(511) NULL select hex(inet_aton('127')); hex(inet_aton('127')) 7F select hex(inet_aton('127.1')); hex(inet_aton('127.1')) 7F000001 select hex(inet_aton('127.1.1')); hex(inet_aton('127.1.1')) 7F010001 select length(uuid()), charset(uuid()), length(unhex(replace(uuid(),_utf8'-',_utf8''))); length(uuid()) charset(uuid()) length(unhex(replace(uuid(),_utf8'-',_utf8''))) 36 utf8 16 set @a= uuid_short(); set @b= uuid_short(); select @b - @a; @b - @a 1 select length(format('nan', 2)) > 0; length(format('nan', 2)) > 0 1 Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'nan' select concat("$",format(2500,2)); concat("$",format(2500,2)) $2,500.00 create table t1 ( a timestamp ); insert into t1 values ( '2004-01-06 12:34' ); select a from t1 where left(a+0,6) in ( left(20040106,6) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 select a from t1 where left(a+0,6) = ( left(20040106,6) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 select a from t1 where right(a+0,6) in ( right(20040106123400,6) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 select a from t1 where right(a+0,6) = ( right(20040106123400,6) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 select a from t1 where mid(a+0,6,3) in ( mid(20040106123400,6,3) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 select a from t1 where mid(a+0,6,3) = ( mid(20040106123400,6,3) ); a 2004-01-06 12:34:00 drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (conn CHAR(7), connection_id INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('default', CONNECTION_ID()); SELECT GET_LOCK('bug16501',600); GET_LOCK('bug16501',600) 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('con1', CONNECTION_ID()); SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = connection_id FROM t1 WHERE conn = 'default'; IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = connection_id 1 SELECT GET_LOCK('bug16501',600); SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = CONNECTION_ID(); IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = CONNECTION_ID() 1 SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('bug16501'); RELEASE_LOCK('bug16501') 1 GET_LOCK('bug16501',600) 1 SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = connection_id FROM t1 WHERE conn = 'con1'; IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = connection_id 1 SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = CONNECTION_ID(); IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') = CONNECTION_ID() 1 SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('bug16501'); RELEASE_LOCK('bug16501') 1 SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501'); IS_USED_LOCK('bug16501') NULL DROP TABLE t1; select export_set(3, _latin1'foo', _utf8'bar', ',', 4); export_set(3, _latin1'foo', _utf8'bar', ',', 4) foo,foo,bar,bar End of 4.1 tests create table t1 as select uuid(), length(uuid()); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `uuid()` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `length(uuid())` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests for Bug#6760 and Bug#12689 SET @row_count = 4; SET @sleep_time_per_result_row = 1; SET @max_acceptable_delay = 2; SET @@global.query_cache_size = 1024 * 64; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS t_history; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_history (attempt SMALLINT, start_ts DATETIME, end_ts DATETIME, start_cached INTEGER, end_cached INTEGER); CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 BIGINT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t_history SET attempt = 4 - 4 + 1, start_ts = NOW(), start_cached = 0; SELECT *, SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) FROM t1; f1 SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 UPDATE t_history SET end_ts = NOW() WHERE attempt = 4 - 4 + 1; UPDATE t_history SET end_cached = 0 WHERE attempt = 4 - 4 + 1; INSERT INTO t_history SET attempt = 4 - 3 + 1, start_ts = NOW(), start_cached = 0; SELECT *, SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) FROM t1; f1 SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 UPDATE t_history SET end_ts = NOW() WHERE attempt = 4 - 3 + 1; UPDATE t_history SET end_cached = 0 WHERE attempt = 4 - 3 + 1; INSERT INTO t_history SET attempt = 4 - 2 + 1, start_ts = NOW(), start_cached = 0; SELECT *, SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) FROM t1; f1 SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 UPDATE t_history SET end_ts = NOW() WHERE attempt = 4 - 2 + 1; UPDATE t_history SET end_cached = 0 WHERE attempt = 4 - 2 + 1; INSERT INTO t_history SET attempt = 4 - 1 + 1, start_ts = NOW(), start_cached = 0; SELECT *, SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) FROM t1; f1 SLEEP(@sleep_time_per_result_row) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 UPDATE t_history SET end_ts = NOW() WHERE attempt = 4 - 1 + 1; UPDATE t_history SET end_cached = 0 WHERE attempt = 4 - 1 + 1; # Test 1: Does the query with SLEEP need a reasonable time? SELECT COUNT(*) >= 4 - 1 INTO @aux1 FROM t_history WHERE TIMEDIFF(end_ts,start_ts) - @sleep_time_per_result_row * @row_count BETWEEN 0 AND @max_acceptable_delay; SELECT @aux1 AS "Expect 1"; Expect 1 1 # Test 2: Does the query with SLEEP need a reasonable time even in case # of the non first execution? SELECT COUNT(*) >= 4 - 1 - 1 INTO @aux2 FROM t_history WHERE TIMEDIFF(end_ts,start_ts) - @sleep_time_per_result_row * @row_count BETWEEN 0 AND @max_acceptable_delay AND attempt > 1; SELECT @aux2 AS "Expect 1"; Expect 1 1 # Test 3: The query with SLEEP must be not cached. SELECT COUNT(*) = 4 INTO @aux3 FROM t_history WHERE end_cached = start_cached; SELECT @aux3 AS "Expect 1"; Expect 1 1 DROP TABLE t1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t_history; SET @@global.query_cache_size = default; create table t1 select INET_ATON('') as `a`; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` bigint(21) unsigned DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; drop table if exists table_26093; drop function if exists func_26093_a; drop function if exists func_26093_b; create table table_26093(a int); insert into table_26093 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10); create function func_26093_a(x int) returns int begin set @invoked := @invoked + 1; return x; end// create function func_26093_b(x int, y int) returns int begin set @invoked := @invoked + 1; return x; end// select avg(a) from table_26093; avg(a) 5.5000 select benchmark(100, (select avg(a) from table_26093)); benchmark(100, (select avg(a) from table_26093)) 0 set @invoked := 0; select benchmark(100, (select avg(func_26093_a(a)) from table_26093)); benchmark(100, (select avg(func_26093_a(a)) from table_26093)) 0 select @invoked; @invoked 10 set @invoked := 0; select benchmark(100, (select avg(func_26093_b(a, rand())) from table_26093)); benchmark(100, (select avg(func_26093_b(a, rand())) from table_26093)) 0 select @invoked; @invoked 1000 select benchmark(100, (select (a) from table_26093)); ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row select benchmark(100, (select 1, 1)); ERROR 21000: Operand should contain 1 column(s) drop table table_26093; drop function func_26093_a; drop function func_26093_b; SELECT NAME_CONST('test', NOW()); ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST SELECT NAME_CONST('test', UPPER('test')); ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST SELECT NAME_CONST('test', NULL); test NULL SELECT NAME_CONST('test', 1); test 1 SELECT NAME_CONST('test', -1); test -1 SELECT NAME_CONST('test', 1.0); test 1.0 SELECT NAME_CONST('test', -1.0); test -1.0 SELECT NAME_CONST('test', 'test'); test test CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); SELECT NAME_CONST('flag',1) * MAX(a) FROM t1; NAME_CONST('flag',1) * MAX(a) 3 SELECT NAME_CONST('flag',1.5) * MAX(a) FROM t1; NAME_CONST('flag',1.5) * MAX(a) 4.5 SELECT NAME_CONST('flag',-1) * MAX(a) FROM t1; NAME_CONST('flag',-1) * MAX(a) -3 SELECT NAME_CONST('flag',-1.5) * MAX(a) FROM t1; NAME_CONST('flag',-1.5) * MAX(a) -4.5 SELECT NAME_CONST('flag', SQRT(4)) * MAX(a) FROM t1; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST SELECT NAME_CONST('flag',-SQRT(4)) * MAX(a) FROM t1; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5), (2); SELECT NAME_CONST(x,2) FROM (SELECT a x FROM t1) t; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (), (), (); SELECT NAME_CONST(a, '1') FROM t1; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST SET INSERT_ID= NAME_CONST(a, a); ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a int not null); insert into t1 values (-1), (-2); select min(a) from t1 group by inet_ntoa(a); min(a) -2 drop table t1; SELECT NAME_CONST('var', 'value') COLLATE latin1_general_cs; NAME_CONST('var', 'value') COLLATE latin1_general_cs value select @@session.time_zone into @save_tz; set @@session.time_zone='UTC'; select uuid() into @my_uuid; select mid(@my_uuid,15,1); mid(@my_uuid,15,1) 1 select 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10 into @my_uuid_one_day; select concat('0',mid(@my_uuid,16,3),mid(@my_uuid,10,4),left(@my_uuid,8)) into @my_uuidate; select floor(conv(@my_uuidate,16,10)/@my_uuid_one_day) into @my_uuid_date; select 141427 + datediff(curdate(),'1970-01-01') into @my_uuid_synthetic; select @my_uuid_date - @my_uuid_synthetic; @my_uuid_date - @my_uuid_synthetic 0 set @@session.time_zone=@save_tz; CREATE TABLE t1 (a DATE); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = NAME_CONST('reportDate', _binary'2009-01-09' COLLATE 'binary'); a DROP TABLE t1; select NAME_CONST('_id',1234) as id; id 1234 End of 5.0 tests select connection_id() > 0; connection_id() > 0 1 # # Bug #54461: crash with longblob and union or update with subquery # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b LONGBLOB); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '2'), (2, '3'), (3, '2'); SELECT DISTINCT LEAST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; LEAST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) 1 2 SELECT DISTINCT GREATEST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; GREATEST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) 2 3 1 DROP TABLE t1; SELECT INET_NTOA(0); INET_NTOA(0) SELECT '1' IN ('1', INET_NTOA(0)); '1' IN ('1', INET_NTOA(0)) 1 # # Bug #52165: Assertion failed: file .\dtoa.c, line 465 # CREATE TABLE t1 (a SET('a'), b INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('', 0); SELECT COALESCE(a) = COALESCE(b) FROM t1; COALESCE(a) = COALESCE(b) 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #54461: crash with longblob and union or update with subquery # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b LONGBLOB); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '2'), (2, '3'), (3, '2'); SELECT DISTINCT LEAST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; LEAST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) 1 2 SELECT DISTINCT GREATEST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; GREATEST(a, (SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 1)) 2 3 1 DROP TABLE t1; SELECT INET_NTOA(0); INET_NTOA(0) SELECT '1' IN ('1', INET_NTOA(0)); '1' IN ('1', INET_NTOA(0)) 1 # # End of 5.1 tests # # # Bug #58199: name_const in the having clause crashes # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); SELECT 1 from t1 HAVING NAME_CONST('', a); ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST DROP TABLE t1; # # End of 5.5 tests # # # End of tests #