--source include/have_ndb.inc
-- source include/not_embedded.inc

drop table if exists t1;
drop database if exists test2;

# Minimal NDB blobs test.
# On NDB API level there is an extensive test program "testBlobs".
# A prerequisite for this handler test is that "testBlobs" succeeds.

# -- general test starts --

# make test harder with autocommit off
set autocommit=0;

create table t1 (
  a int not null primary key,
  b text not null,
  c int not null,
  d longblob,
  key (c)
) engine=ndbcluster;

# -- values --

# x0 size 256 (current inline size)
set @x0 = '01234567012345670123456701234567';
set @x0 = concat(@x0,@x0,@x0,@x0,@x0,@x0,@x0,@x0);

# b1 length 2000+256 (blob part aligned)
set @b1 = 'b1';
set @b1 = concat(@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1);
set @b1 = concat(@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1);
set @b1 = concat(@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1);
set @b1 = concat(@b1,@x0);
# d1 length 3000
set @d1 = 'dd1';
set @d1 = concat(@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1);
set @d1 = concat(@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1);
set @d1 = concat(@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1,@d1);

# b2 length 20000
set @b2 = 'b2';
set @b2 = concat(@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2);
set @b2 = concat(@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2);
set @b2 = concat(@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2);
set @b2 = concat(@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2,@b2);
# d2 length 30000
set @d2 = 'dd2';
set @d2 = concat(@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2);
set @d2 = concat(@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2);
set @d2 = concat(@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2);
set @d2 = concat(@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2,@d2);

select length(@x0),length(@b1),length(@d1) from dual;
select length(@x0),length(@b2),length(@d2) from dual;

# -- pk ops --

insert into t1 values(1,@b1,111,@d1);
insert into t1 values(2,@b2,222,@d2);
explain select * from t1 where a = 1;

# pk read
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# pk update
update t1 set b=@b2,d=@d2 where a=1;
update t1 set b=@b1,d=@d1 where a=2;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# pk update
update t1 set b=concat(b,b),d=concat(d,d) where a=1;
update t1 set b=concat(b,b),d=concat(d,d) where a=2;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*9000,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*900,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# pk update to null
update t1 set d=null where a=1;
select a from t1 where d is null;

# pk delete
delete from t1 where a=1;
delete from t1 where a=2;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- replace ( bug-6018 ) --

# insert
replace t1 set a=1,b=@b1,c=111,d=@d1;
replace t1 set a=2,b=@b2,c=222,d=@d2;
explain select * from t1 where a = 1;

# pk read
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# update
replace t1 set a=1,b=@b2,c=111,d=@d2;
replace t1 set a=2,b=@b1,c=222,d=@d1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# update
replace t1 set a=1,b=concat(@b2,@b2),c=111,d=concat(@d2,@d2);
replace t1 set a=2,b=concat(@b1,@b1),c=222,d=concat(@d1,@d1);
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*9000,3)
from t1 where a=1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*900,3)
from t1 where a=2;

# update to null
replace t1 set a=1,b='xyz',c=111,d=null;
select a,b from t1 where d is null;

# pk delete
delete from t1 where a=1;
delete from t1 where a=2;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- hash index ops --

insert into t1 values(1,@b1,111,@d1);
insert into t1 values(2,@b2,222,@d2);
explain select * from t1 where c = 111;

# hash key read
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where c=111;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where c=222;

# hash key update
update t1 set b=@b2,d=@d2 where c=111;
update t1 set b=@b1,d=@d1 where c=222;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*9000,3)
from t1 where c=111;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where c=222;

# hash key update to null
update t1 set d=null where c=111;
select a from t1 where d is null;

# hash key delete
delete from t1 where c=111;
delete from t1 where c=222;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- table scan ops, short values --

insert into t1 values(1,'b1',111,'dd1');
insert into t1 values(2,'b2',222,'dd2');
insert into t1 values(3,'b3',333,'dd3');
insert into t1 values(4,'b4',444,'dd4');
insert into t1 values(5,'b5',555,'dd5');
insert into t1 values(6,'b6',666,'dd6');
insert into t1 values(7,'b7',777,'dd7');
insert into t1 values(8,'b8',888,'dd8');
insert into t1 values(9,'b9',999,'dd9');
explain select * from t1;

# table scan read
select * from t1 order by a;

# table scan update
update t1 set b=concat(a,'x',b),d=concat(a,'x',d);
select * from t1 order by a;

# table scan delete
delete from t1;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- table scan ops, long values --

insert into t1 values(1,@b1,111,@d1);
insert into t1 values(2,@b2,222,@d2);
explain select * from t1;

# table scan read
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 order by a;

# table scan update
update t1 set b=concat(b,b),d=concat(d,d);
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*9000,3)
from t1 order by a;

# table scan delete
delete from t1;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- range scan ops, short values --

insert into t1 values(1,'b1',111,'dd1');
insert into t1 values(2,'b2',222,'dd2');
insert into t1 values(3,'b3',333,'dd3');
insert into t1 values(4,'b4',444,'dd4');
insert into t1 values(5,'b5',555,'dd5');
insert into t1 values(6,'b6',666,'dd6');
insert into t1 values(7,'b7',777,'dd7');
insert into t1 values(8,'b8',888,'dd8');
insert into t1 values(9,'b9',999,'dd9');
explain select * from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan read
select * from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan update
update t1 set b=concat(a,'x',b),d=concat(a,'x',d)
where c >= 100;
select * from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan delete
delete from t1 where c >= 100;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- range scan ops, long values --

insert into t1 values(1,@b1,111,@d1);
insert into t1 values(2,@b2,222,@d2);
explain select * from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan read
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan update
update t1 set b=concat(b,b),d=concat(d,d);
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+4*9000,2),length(d),substr(d,1+6*9000,3)
from t1 where c >= 100 order by a;

# range scan delete
delete from t1 where c >= 100;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- rollback --

insert into t1 values(1,@b1,111,@d1);
insert into t1 values(2,@b2,222,@d2);
# 626
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a = 0;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a = 1;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 where a = 2;
select a,length(b),substr(b,1+2*900,2),length(d),substr(d,1+3*900,3)
from t1 order by a;
select count(*) from t1;

# -- alter table and multi db --

insert into t1 values(1,'b1',111,'dd1');
insert into t1 values(2,'b2',222,'dd2');
insert into t1 values(3,'b3',333,'dd3');
insert into t1 values(4,'b4',444,'dd4');
insert into t1 values(5,'b5',555,'dd5');
insert into t1 values(6,'b6',666,'dd6');
insert into t1 values(7,'b7',777,'dd7');
insert into t1 values(8,'b8',888,'dd8');
insert into t1 values(9,'b9',999,'dd9');

select * from t1 order by a;
alter table t1 add x int;
select * from t1 order by a;
alter table t1 drop x;
select * from t1 order by a;

create database test2;
use test2;

  a bigint unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  b int unsigned not null,
  c int unsigned
) engine=ndbcluster;

insert into t2 values (1,1,1),(2,2,2);
select * from test.t1,t2 where test.t1.a = t2.a order by test.t1.a;

drop table t2;
use test;

select * from t1 order by a;
alter table t1 add x int;
select * from t1 order by a;
alter table t1 drop x;
select * from t1 order by a;

# -- end general test --

drop table t1;
drop database test2;

# -- bug-5252 tinytext crashes plus no-commit result --

set autocommit=0;
create table t1 (
  a int not null primary key,
  b tinytext
) engine=ndbcluster;

insert into t1 values(1, 'x');
update t1 set b = 'y';
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;

# -- bug-5013 insert empty string to text --

set autocommit=0;
create table t1 (
  a int not null primary key,
  b text not null
) engine=ndbcluster;

insert into t1 values(1, '');
select * from t1;
drop table t1;

# -- bug #5349 --
set autocommit=1;
use test;
  a int,
  b text,

select * from t1 order by a;
alter table t1 engine=ndb;
select * from t1 order by a;

# -- bug #5872 --
set autocommit=1;
alter table t1 engine=myisam;
select * from t1 order by a;
drop table t1;

# -- bug #7340 --
create table t1 (
  id int(11) unsigned primary key NOT NULL auto_increment,
  msg text NOT NULL
) engine=ndbcluster default charset=utf8;
insert into t1 (msg) values(
'Tries to validate (8 byte length + inline bytes) as UTF8 :(
Fast fix: removed validation for Text.  It is not yet indexable
so bad data will not crash kernel.
Proper fix: Set inline bytes to multiple of mbmaxlen and
validate it (after the 8 byte length).');
select * from t1;
drop table t1;

# End of 4.1 tests