--source include/have_ndb.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc --source include/master-slave.inc # # Currently test only works with ndb since it retrieves "old" # binlog positions with cluster_replication.binlog_index and apply_status; # # stop the save connection slave; STOP SLAVE; CREATE DATABASE ndbsynctest; USE ndbsynctest; # get some data on the master connection master; CREATE DATABASE ndbsynctest; USE ndbsynctest; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 BIT(1) NOT NULL, c2 BIT(1) NOT NULL, c3 CHAR(15), PRIMARY KEY(c3)) ENGINE = NDB ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1,"row1"),(0,1,"row2"),(1,0,"row3"),(0,0,"row4"); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 CHAR(15), c2 BIT(1) NOT NULL, c3 BIT(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(c1)) ENGINE = NDB ; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ("ABC",1,1),("BCDEF",0,1),("CD",1,0),("DEFGHIJKL",0,0); SELECT hex(c1),hex(c2),c3 FROM t1 ORDER BY c3; SELECT hex(c2),hex(c3),c1 FROM t2 ORDER BY c1; # take a backup on master --exec $NDB_MGM --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring=localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT -e "start backup" >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_select_all --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring=localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT -d sys -D , SYSTAB_0 | grep 520093696 > var/tmp.dat CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cluster_replication.backup_info (id INT, backup_id INT); DELETE FROM cluster_replication.backup_info; LOAD DATA INFILE '../../var/tmp.dat' INTO TABLE cluster_replication.backup_info FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; --replace_column 1 <the_backup_id> SELECT @the_backup_id:=backup_id FROM cluster_replication.backup_info; let the_backup_id=`select @the_backup_id` ; # update a row UPDATE t1 SET c2=0 WHERE c3="row2"; SELECT hex(c1),hex(c2),c3 FROM t1 ORDER BY c3; # restore on slave, first check that nothing is there connection slave # we should have no tables SHOW TABLES; --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT_SLAVE" -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUP_DIR/BACKUP/BACKUP-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT_SLAVE" -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r -e --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUP_DIR/BACKUP/BACKUP-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT # # BUG#11960 # prior to bugfix "DROP DATABASE" would give a warning since # the events were not created by ndb_restore # DROP DATABASE ndbsynctest; CREATE DATABASE ndbsynctest; USE ndbsynctest; --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT_SLAVE" -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUP_DIR/BACKUP/BACKUP-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT_SLAVE" -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r -e --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUP_DIR/BACKUP/BACKUP-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT # continue test SHOW TABLES; SELECT hex(c1),hex(c2),c3 FROM t1 ORDER BY c3; SELECT hex(c2),hex(c3),c1 FROM t2 ORDER BY c1; # # now setup replication to continue from last epoch # 1. get apply_status epoch from slave # 2. get corresponding _next_ binlog postition from master # 3. change master on slave # 1. connection slave; --replace_column 1 <the_epoch> SELECT @the_epoch:=MAX(epoch) FROM cluster_replication.apply_status; let $the_epoch= `select @the_epoch` ; # 2. connection master; --replace_result $the_epoch <the_epoch> --replace_column 1 <the_pos> eval SELECT @the_pos:=Position,@the_file:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(FILE, '/', -1) FROM cluster_replication.binlog_index WHERE epoch > $the_epoch ORDER BY epoch ASC LIMIT 1; let $the_pos= `SELECT @the_pos` ; let $the_file= `SELECT @the_file` ; # 3. connection slave; --replace_result $the_pos <the_pos> eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file = '$the_file', master_log_pos = $the_pos ; START SLAVE; # # # connection master; #sync_slave_with_master; --sleep 2 connection slave; --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MASTER_PORT --replace_column 1 <Slave_IO_State> 7 <Read_Master_Log_Pos> 8 <Relay_Log_File> 9 <Relay_Log_Pos> 16 <Replicate_Ignore_Table> 22 <Exec_Master_Log_Pos> 23 <Relay_Log_Space> 33 <Seconds_Behind_Master> SHOW SLAVE STATUS; SELECT hex(c1),hex(c2),c3 FROM t1 ORDER BY c3; SELECT hex(c2),hex(c3),c1 FROM t2 ORDER BY c1; # # Cleanup # connection master; DROP DATABASE ndbsynctest; #sync_slave_with_master; --sleep 2 connection slave; STOP SLAVE; # # Test some replication commands # connection master; reset master; # should now contain nothing select * from cluster_replication.binlog_index; connection slave; reset slave; # should now contain nothing select * from cluster_replication.apply_status;