/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #include #include #include #include "test.h" #include "includes.h" #define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) const double USECS_PER_SEC = 1000000.0; static int omt_cmp(OMTVALUE p, void *q) { LEAFENTRY a = p, b = q; void *ak, *bk; u_int32_t al, bl; ak = le_key_and_len(a, &al); bk = le_key_and_len(b, &bl); int l = MIN(al, bl); int c = memcmp(ak, bk, l); if (c < 0) { return -1; } if (c > 0) { return +1; } int d = al - bl; if (d < 0) { return -1; } if (d > 0) { return +1; } else { return 0; } } static LEAFENTRY le_fastmalloc(char *key, int keylen, char *val, int vallen) { LEAFENTRY r = toku_malloc(sizeof(r->type) + sizeof(r->keylen) + sizeof(r->u.clean.vallen) + keylen + vallen); resource_assert(r); r->type = LE_CLEAN; r->keylen = keylen; r->u.clean.vallen = vallen; memcpy(&r->u.clean.key_val[0], key, keylen); memcpy(&r->u.clean.key_val[keylen], val, vallen); return r; } static int long_key_cmp(DB *UU(e), const DBT *a, const DBT *b) { const long *x = a->data, *y = b->data; return (*x > *y) - (*x < *y); } static void test_serialize_leaf(int valsize, int nelts, double entropy) { // struct brt source_brt; const int nodesize = (1<<22); struct brtnode sn, *dn; int fd = open(__FILE__ ".brt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(fd >= 0); int r; sn.max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk.msn = 0; sn.nodesize = nodesize; sn.flags = 0x11223344; sn.thisnodename.b = 20; sn.layout_version = BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION; sn.layout_version_original = BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION; sn.height = 0; sn.n_children = 8; sn.dirty = 1; MALLOC_N(sn.n_children, sn.bp); MALLOC_N(sn.n_children-1, sn.childkeys); sn.totalchildkeylens = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sn.n_children; ++i) { BP_STATE(&sn,i) = PT_AVAIL; set_BLB(&sn, i, toku_create_empty_bn()); } int nperbn = nelts / sn.n_children; LEAFENTRY les[nelts]; memset(les, 0, sizeof les); for (int ck = 0; ck < sn.n_children; ++ck) { long k; for (long i = 0; i < nperbn; ++i) { k = ck * nperbn + i; char buf[valsize]; int c; for (c = 0; c < valsize * entropy; ) { int *p = (int *) &buf[c]; *p = rand(); c += sizeof(*p); } memset(&buf[c], 0, valsize - c); les[k] = le_fastmalloc((char *)&k, sizeof k, buf, sizeof buf); r = toku_omt_insert(BLB_BUFFER(&sn, ck), les[k], omt_cmp, les[k], NULL); assert(r==0); } BLB_NBYTESINBUF(&sn, ck) = nperbn*(KEY_VALUE_OVERHEAD+(sizeof(long)+valsize)) + toku_omt_size(BLB_BUFFER(&sn, ck)); if (ck < 7) { sn.childkeys[ck] = kv_pair_malloc(&k, sizeof k, 0, 0); sn.totalchildkeylens += sizeof k; } } struct brt *XMALLOC(brt); struct brt_header *XCALLOC(brt_h); brt->h = brt_h; sn.h = brt_h; brt_h->type = BRTHEADER_CURRENT; brt_h->panic = 0; brt_h->panic_string = 0; brt_h->basementnodesize = 128*1024; brt_h->compression_method = TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD; brt_h->compare_fun = long_key_cmp; toku_brtheader_init_treelock(brt_h); toku_blocktable_create_new(&brt_h->blocktable); //Want to use block #20 BLOCKNUM b = make_blocknum(0); while (b.b < 20) { toku_allocate_blocknum(brt_h->blocktable, &b, brt_h); } assert(b.b == 20); { DISKOFF offset; DISKOFF size; toku_blocknum_realloc_on_disk(brt_h->blocktable, b, 100, &offset, brt_h, FALSE); assert(offset==BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); toku_translate_blocknum_to_offset_size(brt_h->blocktable, b, &offset, &size); assert(offset == BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); assert(size == 100); } struct timeval t[2]; gettimeofday(&t[0], NULL); BRTNODE_DISK_DATA ndd = NULL; r = toku_serialize_brtnode_to(fd, make_blocknum(20), &sn, &ndd, TRUE, brt->h, 1, 1, FALSE); assert(r==0); gettimeofday(&t[1], NULL); double dt; dt = (t[1].tv_sec - t[0].tv_sec) + ((t[1].tv_usec - t[0].tv_usec) / USECS_PER_SEC); printf("serialize leaf: %0.05lf\n", dt); struct brtnode_fetch_extra bfe; fill_bfe_for_full_read(&bfe, brt_h); gettimeofday(&t[0], NULL); BRTNODE_DISK_DATA ndd2 = NULL; r = toku_deserialize_brtnode_from(fd, make_blocknum(20), 0/*pass zero for hash*/, &dn, &ndd2, &bfe); assert(r==0); dn->h = brt_h; gettimeofday(&t[1], NULL); dt = (t[1].tv_sec - t[0].tv_sec) + ((t[1].tv_usec - t[0].tv_usec) / USECS_PER_SEC); printf("deserialize leaf: %0.05lf\n", dt); toku_brtnode_free(&dn); for (int i = 0; i < sn.n_children-1; ++i) { kv_pair_free(sn.childkeys[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nelts; ++i) { if (les[i]) { toku_free(les[i]); } } for (int ck = 0; ck < sn.n_children; ++ck) { destroy_basement_node(BLB(&sn, ck)); } toku_free(sn.bp); toku_free(sn.childkeys); toku_block_free(brt_h->blocktable, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); toku_blocktable_destroy(&brt_h->blocktable); toku_brtheader_destroy_treelock(brt_h); toku_free(brt_h); toku_free(brt); toku_free(ndd); toku_free(ndd2); r = close(fd); assert(r != -1); } static void test_serialize_nonleaf(int valsize, int nelts, double entropy) { // struct brt source_brt; const int nodesize = (1<<22); struct brtnode sn, *dn; int fd = open(__FILE__ ".brt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(fd >= 0); int r; // source_brt.fd=fd; sn.max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk.msn = 0; sn.nodesize = nodesize; sn.flags = 0x11223344; sn.thisnodename.b = 20; sn.layout_version = BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION; sn.layout_version_original = BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION; sn.height = 1; sn.n_children = 8; sn.dirty = 1; MALLOC_N(sn.n_children, sn.bp); MALLOC_N(sn.n_children-1, sn.childkeys); sn.totalchildkeylens = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sn.n_children; ++i) { BP_BLOCKNUM(&sn, i).b = 30 + (i*5); BP_STATE(&sn,i) = PT_AVAIL; set_BNC(&sn, i, toku_create_empty_nl()); } //Create XIDS XIDS xids_0 = xids_get_root_xids(); XIDS xids_123; r = xids_create_child(xids_0, &xids_123, (TXNID)123); CKERR(r); int nperchild = nelts / 8; for (int ck = 0; ck < sn.n_children; ++ck) { long k; NONLEAF_CHILDINFO bnc = BNC(&sn, ck); for (long i = 0; i < nperchild; ++i) { k = ck * nperchild + i; char buf[valsize]; int c; for (c = 0; c < valsize * entropy; ) { int *p = (int *) &buf[c]; *p = rand(); c += sizeof(*p); } memset(&buf[c], 0, valsize - c); r = toku_bnc_insert_msg(bnc, &k, sizeof k, buf, valsize, BRT_NONE, next_dummymsn(), xids_123, true, NULL, long_key_cmp); assert_zero(r); } if (ck < 7) { sn.childkeys[ck] = kv_pair_malloc(&k, sizeof k, 0, 0); sn.totalchildkeylens += sizeof k; } } //Cleanup: xids_destroy(&xids_0); xids_destroy(&xids_123); struct brt *XMALLOC(brt); struct brt_header *XCALLOC(brt_h); brt->h = brt_h; sn.h = brt_h; brt_h->type = BRTHEADER_CURRENT; brt_h->panic = 0; brt_h->panic_string = 0; brt_h->basementnodesize = 128*1024; brt_h->compression_method = TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD; brt_h->compare_fun = long_key_cmp; toku_brtheader_init_treelock(brt_h); toku_blocktable_create_new(&brt_h->blocktable); //Want to use block #20 BLOCKNUM b = make_blocknum(0); while (b.b < 20) { toku_allocate_blocknum(brt_h->blocktable, &b, brt_h); } assert(b.b == 20); { DISKOFF offset; DISKOFF size; toku_blocknum_realloc_on_disk(brt_h->blocktable, b, 100, &offset, brt_h, FALSE); assert(offset==BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); toku_translate_blocknum_to_offset_size(brt_h->blocktable, b, &offset, &size); assert(offset == BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); assert(size == 100); } struct timeval t[2]; gettimeofday(&t[0], NULL); BRTNODE_DISK_DATA ndd = NULL; r = toku_serialize_brtnode_to(fd, make_blocknum(20), &sn, &ndd, TRUE, brt->h, 1, 1, FALSE); assert(r==0); gettimeofday(&t[1], NULL); double dt; dt = (t[1].tv_sec - t[0].tv_sec) + ((t[1].tv_usec - t[0].tv_usec) / USECS_PER_SEC); printf("serialize nonleaf: %0.05lf\n", dt); struct brtnode_fetch_extra bfe; fill_bfe_for_full_read(&bfe, brt_h); gettimeofday(&t[0], NULL); BRTNODE_DISK_DATA ndd2 = NULL; r = toku_deserialize_brtnode_from(fd, make_blocknum(20), 0/*pass zero for hash*/, &dn, &ndd2, &bfe); assert(r==0); dn->h = brt_h; gettimeofday(&t[1], NULL); dt = (t[1].tv_sec - t[0].tv_sec) + ((t[1].tv_usec - t[0].tv_usec) / USECS_PER_SEC); printf("deserialize nonleaf: %0.05lf\n", dt); toku_brtnode_free(&dn); for (int i = 0; i < sn.n_children-1; ++i) { kv_pair_free(sn.childkeys[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < sn.n_children; ++i) { destroy_nonleaf_childinfo(BNC(&sn, i)); } toku_free(sn.bp); toku_free(sn.childkeys); toku_block_free(brt_h->blocktable, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_TOTAL_HEADER_RESERVE); toku_blocktable_destroy(&brt_h->blocktable); toku_brtheader_destroy_treelock(brt_h); toku_free(brt_h); toku_free(brt); toku_free(ndd); toku_free(ndd2); r = close(fd); assert(r != -1); } int test_main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), const char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) { long valsize, nelts; double entropy = 0.3; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 2; } valsize = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); nelts = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0); initialize_dummymsn(); test_serialize_leaf(valsize, nelts, entropy); test_serialize_nonleaf(valsize, nelts, entropy); return 0; }