/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." /* LICENSE: This file is licensed under the GPL or from Tokutek. */ /* Make a db.h that will be link-time compatible with Sleepycat's Berkeley DB. */ #include <db.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #define DECL_LIMIT 100 #define FIELD_LIMIT 100 struct fieldinfo { char decl[DECL_LIMIT]; unsigned int off; unsigned int size; } fields[FIELD_LIMIT]; int field_counter=0; int compare_fields (const void *av, const void *bv) { const struct fieldinfo *a = av; const struct fieldinfo *b = bv; if (a->off < b->off) return -1; if (a->off > b->off) return 1; return 0; } #define STRUCT_SETUP(typ, name, fstring) ({ snprintf(fields[field_counter].decl, DECL_LIMIT, fstring, #name); \ fields[field_counter].off = __builtin_offsetof(typ, name); \ { typ dummy; \ fields[field_counter].size = sizeof(dummy.name); } \ field_counter++; }) FILE *outf; void open_file (void) { char fname[100]; #ifdef LOCAL snprintf(fname, 100, "sample_offsets_local.h"); #else snprintf(fname, 100, "sample_offsets_%d_%d_%d.h", __WORDSIZE, DB_VERSION_MAJOR, DB_VERSION_MINOR); #endif outf = fopen(fname, "w"); assert(outf); } void sort_and_dump_fields (const char *structname, unsigned int sizeofstruct) { int i; qsort(fields, field_counter, sizeof(fields[0]), compare_fields); fprintf(outf, "struct fieldinfo %s_fields%d[] = {\n", structname, __WORDSIZE); for (i=0; i<field_counter; i++) { fprintf(outf, " {\"%s\", %d, %d},\n", fields[i].decl, fields[i].off, fields[i].size); } fprintf(outf, " {0, %d, %d} /* size of whole struct */\n", sizeofstruct, sizeofstruct); fprintf(outf, "};\n"); } void sample_db_btree_stat_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_BTREE_STAT, bt_ndata, "u_int32_t %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_BTREE_STAT, bt_nkeys, "u_int32_t %s"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_btree_stat", sizeof(DB_BTREE_STAT)); } void sample_db_env_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, app_private, "void *%s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, close, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, err, "void (*%s) (const DB_ENV *, int, const char *, ...)"); #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 3 STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, get_cachesize, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, get_flags, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t *)"); #endif STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, log_archive, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, char **[], u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, log_flush, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const DB_LSN *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, open, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const char *, u_int32_t, int)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_cachesize, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, int)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_data_dir, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const char *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_errcall, "void (*%s) (DB_ENV *, void (*)(const char *, char *))"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_errpfx, "void (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const char *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_flags, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t, int)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_lg_bsize, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_lg_dir, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const char *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_lg_max, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_lk_detect, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t)"); #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR <= 4 STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_lk_max, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t)"); #endif //STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_noticecall, "void (*%s) (DB_ENV *, void (*)(DB_ENV *, db_notices))"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_tmp_dir, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, const char *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, set_verbose, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t, int)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, txn_checkpoint, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, txn_stat, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, DB_TXN_STAT **, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_ENV, txn_begin, "int (*%s) (DB_ENV *, DB_TXN *, DB_TXN **, u_int32_t)"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_env", sizeof(DB_ENV)); } void sample_db_key_range_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_KEY_RANGE, less, "double %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_KEY_RANGE, equal, "double %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_KEY_RANGE, greater, "double %s"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_key_range", sizeof(DB_ENV)); } void sample_db_lsn_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; sort_and_dump_fields("db_lsn", sizeof(DB_LSN)); } void sample_db_offsets (void) { /* Do these in alphabetical order. */ field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB, app_private, "void *%s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, associate, "int (*%s) (DB*, DB_TXN*, DB*, int(*)(DB*, const DBT*, const DBT*, DBT*), u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, close, "int (*%s) (DB*, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, cursor, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBC **, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, dbenv, "DB_ENV *%s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, del, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, get, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 3 STRUCT_SETUP(DB, get_flags, "int (*%s) (DB *, u_int32_t *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, get_pagesize, "int (*%s) (DB *, u_int32_t *)"); #endif STRUCT_SETUP(DB, key_range, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DB_KEY_RANGE *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, open, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, const char *, const char *, DBTYPE, u_int32_t, int)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, pget, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, put, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, remove, "int (*%s) (DB *, const char *, const char *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, rename, "int (*%s) (DB *, const char *, const char *, const char *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, set_bt_compare, "int (*%s) (DB *, int (*)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *))"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, set_dup_compare, "int (*%s) (DB *, int (*)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *))"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, set_flags, "int (*%s) (DB *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, set_pagesize, "int (*%s) (DB *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, stat, "int (*%s) (DB *, void *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB, verify, "int (*%s) (DB *, const char *, const char *, FILE *, u_int32_t)"); sort_and_dump_fields("db", sizeof(DB)); } void sample_db_txn_active_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN_ACTIVE, lsn, "DB_LSN %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN_ACTIVE, txnid, "u_int32_t %s"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_txn_active", sizeof(DB_TXN_ACTIVE)); } void sample_db_txn_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN, commit, "int (*%s) (DB_TXN*, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN, id, "u_int32_t (*%s) (DB_TXN *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN, abort, "int (*%s) (DB_TXN *)"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_txn", sizeof(DB_TXN)); } void sample_db_txn_stat_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN_STAT, st_nactive, "u_int32_t %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DB_TXN_STAT, st_txnarray, "DB_TXN_ACTIVE *%s"); sort_and_dump_fields("db_txn_stat", sizeof(DB_TXN_STAT)); } void sample_dbc_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; STRUCT_SETUP(DBC, c_close, "int (*%s) (DBC *)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBC, c_del, "int (*%s) (DBC *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBC, c_get, "int (*%s) (DBC *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBC, c_pget, "int (*%s) (DBC *, DBT *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBC, c_put, "int (*%s) (DBC *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)"); sort_and_dump_fields("dbc", sizeof(DBC)); } void sample_dbt_offsets (void) { field_counter=0; #if 0 && DB_VERSION_MAJOR==4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR==1 STRUCT_SETUP(DBT, app_private, "void*%s"); #endif STRUCT_SETUP(DBT, data, "void*%s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBT, flags, "u_int32_t %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBT, size, "u_int32_t %s"); STRUCT_SETUP(DBT, ulen, "u_int32_t %s"); sort_and_dump_fields("dbt", sizeof(DBT)); } int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) { open_file(); fprintf(outf, "/* BDB offsets on a %d-bit machine */\n", __WORDSIZE); fprintf(outf, "#define DB_VERSION_MAJOR_%d %d\n", __WORDSIZE, DB_VERSION_MAJOR); fprintf(outf, "#define DB_VERSION_MINOR_%d %d\n", __WORDSIZE, DB_VERSION_MINOR); fprintf(outf, "#define DB_VERSION_STRING_%d \"Berkeley DB Compatability Header %d.%d\"\n", __WORDSIZE, DB_VERSION_MAJOR, DB_VERSION_MINOR); sample_db_btree_stat_offsets(); sample_db_env_offsets(); sample_db_key_range_offsets(); sample_db_lsn_offsets(); sample_db_offsets(); sample_db_txn_active_offsets(); sample_db_txn_offsets(); sample_db_txn_stat_offsets(); sample_dbc_offsets(); sample_dbt_offsets(); return 0; }