Functions i mysys: (For flags se my_sys.h)

 int my_copy _A((const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags));
	- Copy file

 int my_delete _A((const char *name,myf MyFlags));
	- Delete file

 int my_getwd _A((string buf,uint size,myf MyFlags));
 int my_setwd _A((const char *dir,myf MyFlags));
	- Get and set working directory

 string my_tempnam _A((const char *pfx,myf MyFlags));
	- Make a uniq temp file name by using dir and adding something after
	 pfx to make name uniq. Name is made by adding a uniq 6 length-string
	 and TMP_EXT after pfx.
	 Returns pointer to malloced area for filename. Should be freed by

 File my_open _A((const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags));
 File my_create _A((const char *FileName,int CreateFlags,
			  int AccsesFlags, myf MyFlags));
 int my_close _A((File Filedes,myf MyFlags));
 uint my_read _A((File Filedes,byte *Buffer,uint Count,myf MyFlags));
 uint my_write _A((File Filedes,const byte *Buffer,uint Count,
			 myf MyFlags));
 ulong my_seek _A((File fd,ulong pos,int whence,myf MyFlags));
 ulong my_tell _A((File fd,myf MyFlags));
	- Use instead of open,open-with-create-flag, close read and write
	  to get automatic error-messages (flag: MYF_WME) and only have
	  to test for != 0 if error (flag: MY_NABP).

 int my_rename _A((const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags));
	- Rename file

 FILE *my_fopen _A((const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags));
 FILE *my_fdopen _A((File Filedes,int Flags,myf MyFlags));
 int my_fclose _A((FILE *fd,myf MyFlags));
 uint my_fread _A((FILE *stream,byte *Buffer,uint Count,myf MyFlags));
 uint my_fwrite _A((FILE *stream,const byte *Buffer,uint Count,
			  myf MyFlags));
 ulong my_fseek _A((FILE *stream,ulong pos,int whence,myf MyFlags));
 ulong my_ftell _A((FILE *stream,myf MyFlags));
	- Same read-interface for streams as for files

 gptr _mymalloc _A((uint uSize,const char *sFile,
			  uint uLine, myf MyFlag));
 gptr _myrealloc _A((string pPtr,uint uSize,const char *sFile,
			   uint uLine, myf MyFlag));
 void _myfree _A((gptr pPtr,const char *sFile,uint uLine));
 int _sanity _A((const char *sFile,unsigned int uLine));
 gptr _myget_copy_of_memory _A((const byte *from,uint length,
				      const char *sFile, uint uLine,
				      myf MyFlag));
	- malloc(size,myflag) is mapped to this functions if not compiled

 void TERMINATE _A((void));
	- Writes malloc-info on stdout if compiled with -DSAFEMALLOC.

 int my_chsize _A((File fd,ulong newlength,myf MyFlags));
	- Change size of file

 void my_error _D((int nr,myf MyFlags, ...));
	- Writes message using error number (se mysys/errors.h) on
	  stdout or curses if  MYSYS_PROGRAM_USES_CURSES() is called.

 void my_message _A((const char *str,myf MyFlags));
	- Writes message-string on
	 stdout or curses if  MYSYS_PROGRAM_USES_CURSES() is called.

 void my_init _A((void ));
	- Start each program (in main) with this.
 void my_end _A((int infoflag));
	- Gives info about program.
	- If infoflag & MY_CHECK_ERROR prints if some files are left open
	- If infoflag & MY_GIVE_INFO   prints timing info and malloc info
	  about prog.

 int my_redel _A((const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags));
	- Delete from before rename of to to from. Copyes state from old
	  file to new file. If MY_COPY_TIME is set sets old time.

 int my_copystat _A((const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags));
	- Copye state from old file to new file.
	  If MY_COPY_TIME is set sets copy also time.

 string my_filename _A((File fd));
	- Give filename of open file.

 int dirname _A((string to,const char *name));
	- Copy name of directory from filename.

 int test_if_hard_path _A((const char *dir_name));
	- Test if dirname is a hard path (Starts from root)

 void convert_dirname _A((string name));
	- Convert dirname acording to system.
	  - In MSDOS changes all caracters to capitals and changes '/' to
 string fn_ext _A((const char *name));
	- Returns pointer to extension in filename
 string fn_format _A((string to,const char *name,const char *dsk,
			    const char *form,int flag));
	format a filename with replace of library and extension and
	converts between different systems.
	params to and name may be identicall
	function dosn't change name if name != to
	Flag may be:	1   force replace filnames library with 'dsk'
			2   force replace extension with 'form' */
			4   force Unpack filename (replace ~ with home)
			8   Pack filename as short as possibly for output to
	All open requests should allways use at least:
	"open(fn_format(temp_buffe,name,"","",4),...)" to unpack home and
	convert filename to system-form.

 string fn_same _A((string toname,const char *name,int flag));
	- Copys directory and extension from name to toname if neaded.
	  copy can be forced by same flags that in fn_format.

 int wild_compare _A((const char *str,const char *wildstr));
	- Compare if str matches wildstr. Wildstr can contain "*" and "?"
	  as match-characters.
	  Returns 0 if match.

 void get_date _A((string to,int timeflag));
	- Get current date in a form ready for printing.

 void soundex _A((string out_pntr, string in_pntr))
	- Makes in_pntr to a 5 chars long string. All words that sounds
	  alike have the same string.

 int init_key_cache _A((ulong use_mem,ulong leave_this_much_mem));
	- Use cacheing of keys in MISAM, PISAM, and ISAM.
	  KEY_CACHE_SIZE is a good size.
	  - Remember to lock databases for optimal cacheing

 void end_key_cache _A((void));
	- End key-cacheing.