# This test assumes we are ignoring updates on table t2, but doing
# updates on t1
source include/master-slave.inc;
drop table if exists t11;
connection slave;
drop table if exists t11;

create table t2 (n int);
insert into t2 values(4);
connection master;
create table t2 (s char(20));
load data infile '../std_data_ln/words.dat' into table t2;
insert into t2 values('five');
create table t1 (m int);
insert into t1 values(15),(16),(17);
update t1 set m=20 where m=16;
delete from t1 where m=17;
create table t11 select * from t1;
connection slave;
select * from t1 ORDER BY m;
select * from t2;
--error 1146
select * from t11;
connection master;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t11;
connection slave;
# show slave status, just to see of it prints replicate-do-table
--replace_column 1 # 7 # 8 # 9 # 16 # 22 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;

# BUG#12542
# TEST: "SET ONE_SHOT should always be executed on slave"
# We could use any timezone different than server default in this test
connection master;
create table t1 (ts timestamp);
set one_shot time_zone='met';
insert into t1 values('2005-08-12 00:00:00');
set one_shot time_zone='met';
select * from t1;

connection slave;
set one_shot time_zone='met';
select * from t1;

connection master;
drop table t1;

# End of 4.1 tests