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@file include/os0once.h
A class that aids executing a given function exactly once in a multi-threaded

Created Feb 20, 2014 Vasil Dimov

#ifndef os0once_h
#define os0once_h

#include "univ.i"

#include "ut0ut.h"

/** Execute a given function exactly once in a multi-threaded environment
or wait for the function to be executed by another thread.

Example usage:
First the user must create a control variable of type os_once::state_t and
assign it os_once::NEVER_DONE.
Then the user must pass this variable, together with a function to be
executed to os_once::do_or_wait_for_done().

Multiple threads can call os_once::do_or_wait_for_done() simultaneously with
the same (os_once::state_t) control variable. The provided function will be
called exactly once and when os_once::do_or_wait_for_done() returns then this
function has completed execution, by this or another thread. In other words
os_once::do_or_wait_for_done() will either execute the provided function or
will wait for its execution to complete if it is already called by another
thread or will do nothing if the function has already completed its execution

This mimics pthread_once(3), but unfortunatelly pthread_once(3) does not
support passing arguments to the init_routine() function. We should use
std::call_once() when we start compiling with C++11 enabled. */
class os_once {
	/** Control variables' state type */
	typedef ib_uint32_t	state_t;

	/** Not yet executed. */
	static const state_t	NEVER_DONE = 0;

	/** Currently being executed by this or another thread. */
	static const state_t	IN_PROGRESS = 1;

	/** Finished execution. */
	static const state_t	DONE = 2;

	/** Call a given function or wait its execution to complete if it is
	already called by another thread.
	@param[in,out]	state		control variable
	@param[in]	do_func		function to call
	@param[in,out]	do_func_arg	an argument to pass to do_func(). */
		volatile state_t*	state,
		void			(*do_func)(void*),
		void*			do_func_arg)
		int32 oldval = NEVER_DONE;

		/* Avoid calling my_atomic_cas32() in the most common case. */
		if (*state == DONE) {

		if (my_atomic_cas32((int32*) state, &oldval, IN_PROGRESS)) {
			/* We are the first. Call the function. */


			my_atomic_store32((int32*) state, DONE);
		} else {
			/* The state is not NEVER_DONE, so either it is
			IN_PROGRESS (somebody is calling the function right
			now or DONE (it has already been called and completed).
			Wait for it to become DONE. */
			for (;;) {
				const state_t	s = *state;

				switch (s) {
				case DONE:
				case IN_PROGRESS:
				case NEVER_DONE:
					/* fall through */


#endif /* os0once_h */