# This test is executed twice for each test case if mysql-test-run is passed
# the flag --check-testcase.
# Before every testcase it's run with mysqltest in record mode and will
# thus produce an output file
# that can be compared to output from after the tescase.
# In that way it's possible to check that a testcase does not have
# any unwanted side affects.

# Dump all global variables
show global variables;

# Dump all databases
show databases;

# Dump the "test" database, all it's tables and their data
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP --skip-comments --skip-lock-tables test

# Dump the "mysql" database and it's tables
# Select data separately to add "order by"
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP --skip-comments --skip-lock-tables --no-data mysql
use mysql;
select * from columns_priv;
select * from db order by host, db, user;
select * from func;
select * from help_category;
select * from help_keyword;
select * from help_relation;
select * from help_relation;
select * from host;
select * from proc;
select * from procs_priv;
select * from tables_priv;
select * from time_zone;
select * from time_zone_leap_second;
select * from time_zone_name;
select * from time_zone_transition;
select * from time_zone_transition_type;
select * from user;