/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ #include "includes.h" // Here's a very simple implementation. // It's not very fast at allocating or freeing. struct blockpair { u_int64_t offset; u_int64_t size; }; struct block_allocator { u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning; // How much to reserve at the beginning u_int64_t alignment; // Block alignment u_int64_t n_blocks; // How many blocks u_int64_t blocks_array_size; // How big is the blocks_array. Must be >= n_blocks. struct blockpair *blocks_array; // These blocks are sorted by address. u_int64_t next_fit_counter; // Used for the next_fit algorithm. }; void block_allocator_validate (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) { u_int64_t i; for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++) { if (i>0) { assert(ba->blocks_array[i].offset > ba->blocks_array[i-1].offset); assert(ba->blocks_array[i].offset >= ba->blocks_array[i-1].offset + ba->blocks_array[i-1].size ); } } } #if 0 #define VALIDATE(b) block_allocator_validate(b) #else #define VALIDATE(b) ((void)0) #endif #if 0 void block_allocator_print (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) { u_int64_t i; for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++) { printf("%" PRId64 ":%" PRId64 " ", ba->blocks_array[i].offset, ba->blocks_array[i].size); } printf("\n"); VALIDATE(ba); } #endif void create_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *ba, u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning, u_int64_t alignment) { BLOCK_ALLOCATOR XMALLOC(result); result->reserve_at_beginning = reserve_at_beginning; result->alignment = alignment; result->n_blocks = 0; result->blocks_array_size = 1; XMALLOC_N(result->blocks_array_size, result->blocks_array); result->next_fit_counter = 0; *ba = result; VALIDATE(result); } void destroy_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *bap) { BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba = *bap; *bap = 0; toku_free(ba->blocks_array); toku_free(ba); } static void grow_blocks_array (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) { if (ba->n_blocks >= ba->blocks_array_size) { ba->blocks_array_size *= 2; XREALLOC_N(ba->blocks_array_size, ba->blocks_array); } } void block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t offset) { assert(offset%ba->alignment == 0); u_int64_t i; VALIDATE(ba); assert(offset >= ba->reserve_at_beginning); grow_blocks_array(ba); // Just do a linear search for the block for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++) { if (ba->blocks_array[i].offset > offset) { // allocate it in that slot // Don't do error checking, since we require that the blocks don't overlap. // Slide everything over memmove(ba->blocks_array+i+1, ba->blocks_array+i, (ba->n_blocks - i)*sizeof(struct blockpair)); ba->blocks_array[i].offset = offset; ba->blocks_array[i].size = size; ba->n_blocks++; VALIDATE(ba); return; } } // Goes at the end ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks].offset = offset; ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks].size = size; ba->n_blocks++; VALIDATE(ba); } static inline u_int64_t align (u_int64_t value, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) { return ((value+ba->alignment-1)/ba->alignment)*ba->alignment; } void block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offset) { grow_blocks_array(ba); if (ba->n_blocks==0) { ba->blocks_array[0].offset = ba->reserve_at_beginning; ba->blocks_array[0].size = size; *offset = ba->reserve_at_beginning; ba->n_blocks++; return; } u_int64_t i; u_int64_t blocknum = ba->next_fit_counter; // Implement next fit. for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++, blocknum++) { if (blocknum>=ba->n_blocks) blocknum=0; // Consider the space after blocknum if (blocknum+1 == ba->n_blocks) continue; // Can't use the space after the last block, since that would be new space. struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum]; u_int64_t this_offset = bp[0].offset; u_int64_t this_size = bp[0].size; u_int64_t answer_offset = align(this_offset + this_size, ba); if (answer_offset + size > bp[1].offset) continue; // The block we want doesn't fit after this block. // It fits, so allocate it here. memmove(bp+2, bp+1, (ba->n_blocks - blocknum -1)*sizeof(struct blockpair)); bp[1].offset = answer_offset; bp[1].size = size; ba->n_blocks++; ba->next_fit_counter = blocknum; *offset = answer_offset; VALIDATE(ba); return; } // It didn't fit anywhere, so fit it on the end. struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks]; u_int64_t answer_offset = align(bp[-1].offset+bp[-1].size, ba); bp->offset = answer_offset; bp->size = size; ba->n_blocks++; *offset = answer_offset; VALIDATE(ba); } static int64_t find_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t offset) // Find the index in the blocks array that has a particular offset. Requires that the block exist. // Use binary search so it runs fast. { VALIDATE(ba); if (ba->n_blocks==1) { assert(ba->blocks_array[0].offset == offset); return 0; } u_int64_t lo = 0; u_int64_t hi = ba->n_blocks; while (1) { assert(lo<hi); // otherwise no such block exists. u_int64_t mid = (lo+hi)/2; u_int64_t thisoff = ba->blocks_array[mid].offset; //printf("lo=%" PRId64 " hi=%" PRId64 " mid=%" PRId64 " thisoff=%" PRId64 " offset=%" PRId64 "\n", lo, hi, mid, thisoff, offset); if (thisoff < offset) { lo = mid+1; } else if (thisoff > offset) { hi = mid; } else { return mid; } } } void block_allocator_free_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t offset) { VALIDATE(ba); int64_t bn = find_block(ba, offset); assert(bn>=0); // we require that there is a block with that offset. Might as well abort if no such block exists. memmove(&ba->blocks_array[bn], &ba->blocks_array[bn+1], (ba->n_blocks-bn-1) * sizeof(struct blockpair)); ba->n_blocks--; VALIDATE(ba); } u_int64_t block_allocator_block_size (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t offset) { int64_t bn = find_block(ba, offset); assert(bn>=0); // we require that there is a block with that offset. Might as well abort if no such block exists. return ba->blocks_array[bn].size; } u_int64_t block_allocator_allocated_limit (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) { if (ba->n_blocks==0) return ba->reserve_at_beginning; else { struct blockpair *last = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks-1]; return last->offset + last->size; } }