# should work with embedded server after mysqltest is fixed
-- source include/not_embedded.inc
-- source include/have_innodb.inc

# BUG#11733: COMMITs should not happen if read-only is set

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_11733 ;

# READ_ONLY does nothing to SUPER users
# so we use a non-SUPER one:

grant CREATE, SELECT, DROP on *.* to test@localhost;

connect (con1,localhost,test,,test);

connection default;
set global read_only=0;

# Any transactional engine will do
create table table_11733 (a int) engine=InnoDb;

connection con1;
insert into table_11733 values(11733);

connection default;
set global read_only=1;

connection con1;
select @@global.read_only;
select * from table_11733 ;

connection default;
set global read_only=0;
drop table table_11733 ;
drop user test@localhost;