#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2003,2008 MySQL AB # Copyright (C) 2010,2017 Sergei Golubchik and MariaDB Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1335 USA # Run gcov and report test coverage on only those code lines touched by # a given list of commits. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; use Cwd qw/realpath/; my $opt_verbose=0; my $opt_generate; my $opt_help; my $opt_purge; my $opt_only_gcov; my $opt_skip_gcov; my %cov; my $file_no=0; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions ("v|verbose+" => \$opt_verbose, "h|help" => \$opt_help, "p|purge" => \$opt_purge, "g|generate" => \$opt_generate, "o|only-gcov" => \$opt_only_gcov, "s|skip-gcov" => \$opt_skip_gcov, ) or usage(); usage() if $opt_help; sub logv(@) { print STDERR @_,"\n" if $opt_verbose; } sub gcov_prefix($) { defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] || '#####' : '-' } my $root= `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`; chomp $root; die "Failed to find tree root" unless $root; $root=realpath($root).'/'; logv "Chdir $root"; chdir $root or die "chdir($root): $!"; my $res; my $cmd; if ($opt_purge) { $cmd= "find . -name '*.da' -o -name '*.gcda*' -o -name '*.gcov' -o ". "-name '*.dgcov' | xargs rm -f ''"; logv "Running: $cmd"; system($cmd)==0 or die "system($cmd): $? $!"; exit 0; } my $gcc_version= `gcc -dumpversion`; $gcc_version=~ s/^(\d+).*$/$1/ or die "Cannot parse gcc -dumpversion: $gcc_version"; find(\&gcov_one_file, $root); find(\&write_coverage, $root) if $opt_generate; exit 0 if $opt_only_gcov; if (@ARGV) { print_gcov_for_diff(@ARGV); } else { print_gcov_for_diff('HEAD') or print_gcov_for_diff('HEAD^'); } exit 0; sub print_gcov_for_diff { $cmd="git diff --no-prefix --ignore-space-change @_"; logv "Running: $cmd"; open PIPE, '-|', $cmd or die "Failed to popen '$cmd': $!: $?"; my ($lnum, $cnt, $fcov, $acc, $printme, $fname); while () { if (/^diff --git (.*) \1\n/) { print $acc if $printme; $fname=$1; $acc="dgcov $fname"; $acc=('*' x length($acc)) . "\n$acc\n" . ('*' x length($acc)); $lnum=undef; $fcov=$cov{realpath($fname)}; $printme=0; logv "File: $fname"; next; } if (/^@@ -\d+,\d+ \+(\d+),(\d+) @@/ and $fcov) { $lnum=$1; $cnt=$2; $acc.="\n@@ +$lnum,$cnt @\@$'"; logv " lines: $lnum,",$lnum+$cnt; next; } next unless $lnum and $cnt; $acc.=sprintf '%9s:%5s:%s', '', $lnum, $' if /^ /; ++$printme, $acc.=sprintf '%9s:%5s:%s', gcov_prefix($fcov->{$lnum}), $lnum, $' if /^\+/; die "$_^^^ dying", unless /^[- +]/; ++$lnum, --$cnt unless /^-/; } print $acc if $printme; close PIPE or die "command '$cmd' failed: $!: $?"; return defined($fname); } sub usage { print <^ If no arguments are specified, it prints the coverage for all uncommitted changes, if any, otherwise for the last commit. Options: -h --help This help. -v --verbose Show commands run. -p --purge Delete all test coverage information, to prepare for a new coverage test. -o --only-gcov Stop after running gcov, don't run git -s --skip-gcov Do not run gcov, assume .gcov files are already in place -g --generate Create .dgcov files for all source files Prior to running this tool, MariaDB should be built with cmake -DENABLE_GCOV=ON and the testsuite should be run. dgcov will report the coverage for all lines modified in the specified commits. END exit 1; } sub gcov_one_file { return unless /\.gcda$/; unless ($opt_skip_gcov) { $cmd= "gcov -il '$_' 2>/dev/null >/dev/null"; print STDERR ++$file_no,"\r" if not $opt_verbose and -t STDERR; logv "Running: $cmd"; system($cmd)==0 or die "system($cmd): $? $!"; } (my $filename = $_)=~ s/\.[^.]+$//; # remove extension my $gcov_file_path= $File::Find::dir."/$filename.gcov"; if (! -f $gcov_file_path) { return; } # now, read the generated file if ($gcc_version <9){ for my $gcov_file (<$_*.gcov>) { open FH, '<', "$gcov_file_path" or die "open(<$gcov_file_path): $!"; my $fname; while () { chomp; if (/^function:/) { next; } if (/^file:/) { $fname=realpath(-f $' ? $' : $root.$'); next; } next if /^lcount:\d+,-\d+/; # whatever that means unless (/^lcount:(\d+),(\d+)/ and $fname) { warn "unknown line '$_' in $gcov_file_path"; next; } $cov{$fname}->{$1}+=$2; } close(FH); } } else { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; require JSON::PP; no warnings 'once'; my $gcov_file_json; s/\.gcda$// if $gcc_version >= 11; IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip("$_.gcov.json.gz", \$gcov_file_json) or die "gunzip($_.gcov.json.gz): $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError"; my $obj= JSON::PP::decode_json $gcov_file_json; for my $file (@{$obj->{files}}) { for my $line (@{$file->{lines}}){ $cov{$file->{file}}->{$line->{line_number}}+= $line->{count}; } } } } sub write_coverage { my $fn=$File::Find::name; my $h=$cov{$fn}; return unless $h and $root eq substr $fn, 0, length($root); open I, '<', $fn or die "open(<$fn): $!"; open O, '>', "$fn.dgcov" or die "open(>$fn.dgcov): $!"; logv "Annotating: ", substr $fn, length($root); while () { printf O '%9s:%5s:%s', gcov_prefix($h->{$.}), $., $_; } close I; close O; }