# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind

# Note that the string library is built with #define THREAD,
# which by default cause all the thread related code (my_pthread.h)
# and therefore the associated instrumentation (mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h)
# to be used.
# Since the string code itself is not instrumented, we use
# #define DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H here to avoid unneeded dependencies.

INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include -DDISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H
pkglib_LIBRARIES =	libmystrings.a

# Exact one of ASSEMBLER_X
ASRCS		= strings-x86.s longlong2str-x86.s my_strtoll10-x86.s
CSRCS		= bfill.c bmove.c bchange.c strxnmov.c int2str.c str2int.c strtol.c strtoul.c strtoll.c strtoull.c llstr.c strnlen.c ctype.c ctype-simple.c ctype-mb.c ctype-big5.c ctype-cp932.c ctype-czech.c ctype-eucjpms.c ctype-euc_kr.c ctype-gb2312.c ctype-gbk.c ctype-sjis.c ctype-tis620.c ctype-ujis.c ctype-utf8.c ctype-ucs2.c ctype-uca.c ctype-win1250ch.c ctype-bin.c ctype-latin1.c my_vsnprintf.c xml.c decimal.c ctype-extra.c str_alloc.c longlong2str_asm.c my_strchr.c dtoa.c strmov.c
#no assembler
# These file MUST all be on the same line!! Otherwise automake
# generats a very broken makefile
CSRCS		= strxmov.c bmove_upp.c strappend.c strcont.c strend.c strfill.c strcend.c is_prefix.c strstr.c strmake.c strnmov.c strmov.c longlong2str.c bfill.c bmove.c bchange.c strxnmov.c int2str.c str2int.c strtol.c strtoul.c strtoll.c strtoull.c llstr.c strnlen.c ctype.c ctype-simple.c ctype-mb.c ctype-big5.c ctype-cp932.c ctype-czech.c ctype-eucjpms.c ctype-euc_kr.c ctype-gb2312.c ctype-gbk.c ctype-sjis.c ctype-tis620.c ctype-ujis.c ctype-utf8.c ctype-ucs2.c ctype-uca.c ctype-win1250ch.c ctype-bin.c ctype-latin1.c my_vsnprintf.c xml.c decimal.c ctype-extra.c my_strtoll10.c str_alloc.c my_strchr.c dtoa.c

libmystrings_a_SOURCES = $(ASRCS) $(CSRCS)
noinst_PROGRAMS = conf_to_src
CLEANFILES = str_test uctypedump test_decimal
# Default charset definitions
EXTRA_DIST =		ctype-big5.c ctype-cp932.c ctype-czech.c ctype-eucjpms.c ctype-euc_kr.c ctype-win1250ch.c \
			ctype-gb2312.c ctype-gbk.c ctype-sjis.c ctype-utf8.c \
			ctype-ucs2.c ctype-uca.c ctype-tis620.c ctype-ujis.c \
			xml.c decimal.c strto.c strings-x86.s \
			longlong2str.c longlong2str-x86.s longlong2str_asm.c \
			my_strtoll10.c my_strtoll10-x86.s \
			strxmov.c bmove_upp.c strappend.c strcont.c strend.c \
			strfill.c strcend.c is_prefix.c strstr.c \
			strmake.c strnmov.c strmov.c strnlen.c \
			t_ctype.h my_strchr.c CMakeLists.txt \

conf_to_src_SOURCES = conf_to_src.c xml.c ctype.c
#force static linking of conf_to_src - essential when linking against
#custom installation of libc

# This is because the dependency tracking misses @FOO@ vars in sources.
#strtoull.o:		@CHARSET_OBJS@


str_test: str_test.c $(pkglib_LIBRARIES)
	$(LINK) $(FLAGS) -DMAIN $(INCLUDES) $(srcdir)/str_test.c $(LDADD) $(pkglib_LIBRARIES)

uctypedump: uctypedump.c
	$(LINK) $(INCLUDES) $(srcdir)/uctypedump.c

test_decimal$(EXEEXT): decimal.c $(pkglib_LIBRARIES)
	$(CP) $(srcdir)/decimal.c ./test_decimal.c
	$(LINK) $(FLAGS) -DMAIN  ./test_decimal.c $(LDADD) $(pkglib_LIBRARIES)
	$(RM) -f ./test_decimal.c