# Works in statement-based and row-based binlogging. # Test that GRANT and other user management commands are replicated to the slave -- source include/master-slave.inc # do not be influenced by other tests. connection master; delete from mysql.user where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; delete from mysql.db where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; flush privileges; save_master_pos; connection slave; sync_with_master; # if these DELETE did nothing on the master, we need to do them manually on the # slave. delete from mysql.user where user=_binary'rpl_ignore_grant'; delete from mysql.db where user=_binary'rpl_ignore_grant'; flush privileges; # test replication of GRANT connection master; grant select on *.* to rpl_do_grant@localhost; grant drop on test.* to rpl_do_grant@localhost; save_master_pos; connection slave; sync_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant@localhost; # test replication of SET PASSWORD connection master; set password for rpl_do_grant@localhost=password("does it work?"); save_master_pos; connection slave; sync_with_master; select password<>_binary'' from mysql.user where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; # # Bug#24158 SET PASSWORD in binary log fails under ANSI_QUOTES # connection master; update mysql.user set password='' where user='rpl_do_grant'; flush privileges; select password<>'' from mysql.user where user='rpl_do_grant'; set sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES'; set password for rpl_do_grant@localhost=password('does it work?'); set sql_mode=''; save_master_pos; connection slave; sync_with_master; select password<>'' from mysql.user where user='rpl_do_grant'; # clear what we have done, to not influence other tests. connection master; delete from mysql.user where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; delete from mysql.db where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; flush privileges; sync_slave_with_master; # The mysql database is not replicated, so we have to do the deletes # manually on the slave as well. delete from mysql.user where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; delete from mysql.db where user=_binary'rpl_do_grant'; flush privileges; # End of 4.1 tests connection master; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant@localhost; connection slave; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant@localhost; connection master; create user rpl_do_grant@localhost; show grants for rpl_do_grant@localhost; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant@localhost; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; connection master; rename user rpl_do_grant@localhost to rpl_do_grant2@localhost; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; connection master; grant DELETE,INSERT on mysqltest1.* to rpl_do_grant2@localhost; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; connection master; revoke DELETE on mysqltest1.* from rpl_do_grant2@localhost; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; connection master; revoke all privileges, grant option from rpl_do_grant2@localhost; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; connection master; drop user rpl_do_grant2@localhost; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; sync_slave_with_master; --error 1141 show grants for rpl_do_grant2@localhost; ##################################################### # Purpose # Test whether mysql.procs_priv get replicated # Related bugs: # BUG42217 mysql.procs_priv does not get replicated ##################################################### connection master; --disable_warnings DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS bug42217_db; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE bug42217_db; GRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON bug42217_db.* TO 'create_rout_db'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'create_rout_db' WITH GRANT OPTION; sync_slave_with_master; connection master; connect (create_rout_db_master, localhost, create_rout_db, create_rout_db, bug42217_db,$MASTER_MYPORT,); connect (create_rout_db_slave, localhost, create_rout_db, create_rout_db, bug42217_db, $SLAVE_MYPORT,); connection create_rout_db_master; USE bug42217_db; DELIMITER //; CREATE FUNCTION upgrade_del_func() RETURNS CHAR(30) BEGIN RETURN "INSIDE upgrade_del_func()"; END// DELIMITER ;// connection master; USE bug42217_db; --replace_column 8 # SELECT * FROM mysql.procs_priv; SELECT upgrade_del_func(); sync_slave_with_master; --replace_column 8 # SELECT * FROM mysql.procs_priv; SHOW GRANTS FOR 'create_rout_db'@'localhost'; USE bug42217_db; SHOW CREATE FUNCTION upgrade_del_func; SELECT upgrade_del_func(); --echo "Check whether the definer user will be able to execute the replicated routine on slave" connection create_rout_db_slave; USE bug42217_db; SHOW CREATE FUNCTION upgrade_del_func; SELECT upgrade_del_func(); connection slave; DELETE FROM mysql.procs_priv; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; USE bug42217_db; --echo "Can't execute the replicated routine on slave like before after procs privilege is deleted " --error 1370 SELECT upgrade_del_func(); --echo "Test the user who creates a function on master doesn't exist on slave." --echo "Hence SQL thread ACL_GLOBAL privilege jumps in and no mysql.procs_priv is inserted" DROP USER 'create_rout_db'@'localhost'; connection create_rout_db_master; DELIMITER //; CREATE FUNCTION upgrade_alter_func() RETURNS CHAR(30) BEGIN RETURN "INSIDE upgrade_alter_func()"; END// DELIMITER ;// connection master; SELECT upgrade_alter_func(); sync_slave_with_master; SHOW CREATE FUNCTION upgrade_alter_func; --echo "Should no privilege record for upgrade_alter_func in mysql.procs_priv" --replace_column 8 # SELECT * FROM mysql.procs_priv; --error 1449 SELECT upgrade_alter_func(); ###### CLEAN UP SECTION ############## disconnect create_rout_db_master; disconnect create_rout_db_slave; connection master; USE bug42217_db; DROP FUNCTION upgrade_del_func; DROP FUNCTION upgrade_alter_func; DROP DATABASE bug42217_db; DROP USER 'create_rout_db'@'localhost'; --echo "End of test"