/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /*====== This file is part of PerconaFT. Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ---------------------------------------- PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ======= */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved." #include "test.h" static void flush (CACHEFILE f __attribute__((__unused__)), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY k __attribute__((__unused__)), void *v __attribute__((__unused__)), void** UU(dd), void *e __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR s __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), bool w __attribute__((__unused__)), bool keep __attribute__((__unused__)), bool c __attribute__((__unused__)), bool UU(is_clone) ) { if (w) { assert(c); assert(keep); } } static void kibbutz_work(void *fe_v) { CACHEFILE CAST_FROM_VOIDP(f1, fe_v); sleep(2); int r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(8)); assert(r==0); remove_background_job_from_cf(f1); } static void unlock_dummy (void* UU(v)) { } static void reset_unlockers(UNLOCKERS unlockers) { unlockers->locked = true; } static void run_case_that_should_succeed(CACHEFILE f1, pair_lock_type first_lock, pair_lock_type second_lock) { void* v1; long s1; CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = flush; struct unlockers unlockers = {true, unlock_dummy, NULL, NULL}; int r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, first_lock, NULL, NULL); assert(r==0); cachefile_kibbutz_enq(f1, kibbutz_work, f1); reset_unlockers(&unlockers); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, second_lock, NULL, &unlockers); assert(r==0); assert(unlockers.locked); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(8)); assert(r==0); } static void run_case_that_should_fail(CACHEFILE f1, pair_lock_type first_lock, pair_lock_type second_lock) { void* v1; long s1; CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = flush; struct unlockers unlockers = {true, unlock_dummy, NULL, NULL}; int r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, first_lock, NULL, NULL); assert(r==0); cachefile_kibbutz_enq(f1, kibbutz_work, f1); reset_unlockers(&unlockers); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, second_lock, NULL, &unlockers); assert(r == TOKUDB_TRY_AGAIN); assert(!unlockers.locked); } static void run_test (void) { const int test_limit = 12; int r; CACHETABLE ct; toku_cachetable_create(&ct, test_limit, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); const char *fname1 = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME; unlink(fname1); CACHEFILE f1; r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f1, ct, fname1, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r == 0); void* v1; long s1; CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = flush; // // test that if we are getting a PAIR for the first time that TOKUDB_TRY_AGAIN is returned // because the PAIR was not in the cachetable. // r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, NULL, NULL); assert(r==TOKUDB_TRY_AGAIN); run_case_that_should_succeed(f1, PL_READ, PL_WRITE_CHEAP); run_case_that_should_succeed(f1, PL_READ, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE); run_case_that_should_succeed(f1, PL_WRITE_CHEAP, PL_READ); run_case_that_should_succeed(f1, PL_WRITE_CHEAP, PL_WRITE_CHEAP); run_case_that_should_succeed(f1, PL_WRITE_CHEAP, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE); run_case_that_should_fail(f1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, PL_READ); run_case_that_should_fail(f1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, PL_WRITE_CHEAP); run_case_that_should_fail(f1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE); toku_cachetable_verify(ct); toku_cachefile_close(&f1, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&ct); } int test_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { default_parse_args(argc, argv); run_test(); return 0; }