#include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include "../newbrt/brttypes.h" #include <db_cxx.h> DbEnv::DbEnv (u_int32_t flags) : do_no_exceptions((flags&DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS)!=0), errcall(NULL) { int ret = db_env_create(&the_env, flags & ~DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS); assert(ret==0); // should do an error. the_env->api1_internal = this; } DbEnv::DbEnv(DB_ENV *env, u_int32_t flags) : do_no_exceptions((flags&DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS)!=0), _error_stream(0) { the_env = env; if (env == 0) { DB_ENV *new_env; int ret = db_env_create(&new_env, flags & ~DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS); assert(ret==0); // should do an error. the_env = new_env; } the_env->api1_internal = this; } // If still open, close it. In most cases, the caller should call close explicitly so that they can catch the exceptions. DbEnv::~DbEnv(void) { if (the_env!=NULL) { (void)the_env->close(the_env, 0); the_env = 0; } } int DbEnv::close(u_int32_t flags) { int ret = EINVAL; if (the_env) ret = the_env->close(the_env, flags); the_env = 0; /* get rid of the env ref, so we don't touch it (even if we failed, or when the destructor is called) */ return maybe_throw_error(ret); } int DbEnv::open(const char *home, u_int32_t flags, int mode) { int ret = the_env->open(the_env, home, flags, mode); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } int DbEnv::set_cachesize(u_int32_t gbytes, u_int32_t bytes, int ncache) { int ret = the_env->set_cachesize(the_env, gbytes, bytes, ncache); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } int DbEnv::set_flags(u_int32_t flags, int onoff) { int ret = the_env->set_flags(the_env, flags, onoff); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR<4 || (DB_VERSION_MAJOR==4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR<=4) int DbEnv::set_lk_max(u_int32_t flags) { int ret = the_env->set_lk_max(the_env, flags); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } #endif int DbEnv::txn_begin(DbTxn *parenttxn, DbTxn **txnp, u_int32_t flags) { DB_TXN *txn; int ret = the_env->txn_begin(the_env, parenttxn->get_DB_TXN(), &txn, flags); if (ret==0) { *txnp = new DbTxn(txn); } return maybe_throw_error(ret); } int DbEnv::set_data_dir(const char *dir) { int ret = the_env->set_data_dir(the_env, dir); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } void DbEnv::set_errpfx(const char *errpfx) { the_env->set_errpfx(the_env, errpfx); } int DbEnv::maybe_throw_error(int err, DbEnv *env, int no_exceptions) throw (DbException) { if (err==0 || err==DB_NOTFOUND || err==DB_KEYEXIST) return err; if (no_exceptions) return err; if (err==DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { DbDeadlockException e(env); throw e; } else { DbException e(err); e.set_env(env); throw e; } } int DbEnv::maybe_throw_error(int err) throw (DbException) { return maybe_throw_error(err, this, do_no_exceptions); } extern "C" { void toku_ydb_error_all_cases(const DB_ENV * env, int error, BOOL include_stderrstring, BOOL use_stderr_if_nothing_else, const char *fmt, va_list ap); } void DbEnv::err(int error, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); toku_ydb_error_all_cases(the_env, error, TRUE, TRUE, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void DbEnv::set_errfile(FILE *errfile) { the_env->set_errfile(the_env, errfile); } int DbEnv::get_flags(u_int32_t *flagsp) { int ret = the_env->get_flags(the_env, flagsp); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } extern "C" void toku_db_env_errcall_c(const DB_ENV *dbenv_c, const char *errpfx, const char *msg) { DbEnv *dbenv = (DbEnv *) dbenv_c->api1_internal; dbenv->errcall(dbenv, errpfx, msg); } void DbEnv::set_errcall(void (*db_errcall_fcn)(const DbEnv *, const char *, const char *)) { errcall = db_errcall_fcn; the_env->set_errcall(the_env, toku_db_env_errcall_c); } extern "C" void toku_db_env_error_stream_c(const DB_ENV *dbenv_c, const char *errpfx, const char *msg) { DbEnv *dbenv = (DbEnv *) dbenv_c->api1_internal; if (dbenv->_error_stream) { if (errpfx) *(dbenv->_error_stream) << errpfx; if (msg) *(dbenv->_error_stream) << ":" << msg << "\n"; } } void DbEnv::set_error_stream(std::ostream *new_error_stream) { _error_stream = new_error_stream; the_env->set_errcall(the_env, toku_db_env_error_stream_c); } int DbEnv::set_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t max_locks) { int ret = the_env->set_lk_max_locks(the_env, max_locks); return maybe_throw_error(ret); } int DbEnv::get_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t *max_locks) { int ret = the_env->get_lk_max_locks(the_env, max_locks); return maybe_throw_error(ret); }