# -*- Mode: Makefile -*- .DEFAULT_GOAL= build TOKUROOT=../ INCLUDEDIRS=-I. COMBINE=1 #TODO: Replace DEPEND_COMPILE with auto-dependancy generation. DEPEND_COMPILE += \ $(wildcard *.h) \ log_header.h \ # keep this line so I can have a \ on the previous line NEWBRT = newbrt.$(AEXT) NEWBRT_BUNDLE = newbrt.bundle #All executables need to statically link to newbrt LINK_FILES += $(NEWBRT) SKIP_NEWBRTRULE=1 include $(TOKUROOT)include/Makefile.include # When debugging, try: valgrind --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full ./brt-test BINS_RAW= \ brtdump \ tdb_logprint \ tdb-recover \ # Intentionally left blank # BINS will be defined automatically. BINS_O = $(patsubst %,%.$(OEXT),$(BINS_RAW)) .PHONY: build default bins libs build default: bins libs $(TEST_NEWBRT) $(MAYBEATSIGN)cd tests;$(MAKE) build BRT_SOURCES = \ block_allocator \ bread \ brt-serialize \ brt-verify \ brt \ brt-test-helpers \ cachetable \ fifo \ fingerprint \ key \ leafentry \ log \ log_code \ memarena \ mempool \ omt \ recover \ roll \ threadpool \ toku_assert \ trace_mem \ x1764 \ ybt \ # keep this line so I can have a \ on the previous line TEST_NEWBRT = brt-test-helpers.$(OEXT) BRT_C_FILES = $(patsubst %,%.c,$(BRT_SOURCES)) BRT_O_FILES = $(patsubst %,%.$(OEXT),$(BRT_SOURCES)) newbrt.$(OEXT): $(BRT_C_FILES) $(DEPEND_COMPILE) $(MAYBEATSIGN)$(CC) $(BRT_C_FILES) $(COMBINE_C) $(O_FROM_C_FLAGS) ifneq ($(CYGWIN),) NEWBRT_O_FILES = $(BRT_O_FILES) else ifeq ($(CC),icc) NEWBRT_O_FILES = $(BRT_O_FILES) else ifeq ($(COMBINE),0) NEWBRT_O_FILES = $(BRT_O_FILES) else NEWBRT_O_FILES = newbrt.o endif $(NEWBRT): $(NEWBRT_O_FILES) log_code.$(OEXT): log_header.h wbuf.h log-internal.h rbuf.h log_header.h: log_code.c @echo generated log_code.c so log_header.c was also generated log_code.c: logformat$(BINSUF) $(MAYBEATSIGN)./logformat #Needs to be done manually since it does not include newbrt. logformat$(BINSUF): logformat.c $(LIBPORTABILITY) $(MAYBEATSIGN)$(CC) $< $(BIN_FROM_O_FLAGS_NOLIB) $(LIBPORTABILITY) libs: $(NEWBRT) $(NEWBRT_BUNDLE) bins: $(BINS) # Put the benchmarktest_256 first since it takes the longest (and we want to use parallelism in the make) # Put check_benchmarktest_256 first because it is long-running (and therefore on the critical path, so get it started) check: bins $(MAYBEATSIGN)cd tests;$(MAKE) check %$(BINSUF): $(NEWBRT) $(LIBPORTABILITY) checko2: @if [[ "$(OPTFLAGS)" =~ "-O([2-3])" ]] ; then \ echo OPTFLAGS=$(OPTFLAGS) ok; \ else \ echo OPTFLAGS=$(OPTFLAGS) bad; exit 1; \ fi clean: clean-local clean-tests clean-tests: $(MAYBEATSIGN)cd tests;$(MAKE) clean clean-local: $(MAYBEATSIGN)rm -rf $(NEWBRT) $(MAYBEATSIGN)rm -rf test_oexcl.c.tmp *.brt $(MAYBEATSIGN)rm -rf log_code.c log_header.h logformat # After doing (cd ../src/tests;make test_log5.recover), run these. The files should have no differences. testdump: brtdump$(BINSUF) $(MAYBEATSIGN)./brtdump ../src/tests/dir.test_log5.c.tdb.recover/foo.db > dump.r && ./brtdump ../src/tests/dir.test_log5.c.tdb/foo.db > dump.$(OEXT) && diff dump.$(OEXT) dump.r