# Tests checking the content of the information_schema tables # character_sets # collations # collation_character_set_applicability # # Content variant 1 which should fit to # Enterprise or Classic builds (binaries provided by MySQL) # Pushbuilds # Source builds without "max" # # Please read suite/funcs_1/datadict/charset_collation.inc for # additional information. # # Created: # 2007-12-18 mleich - remove the unstable character_set/collation subtests # from include/datadict-master.inc # - create this new test # if (`SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.collations WHERE collation_name = 'utf8_general_cs') OR ( @@version_comment NOT LIKE '%Source%' AND @@version_comment NOT LIKE '%Enterprise%' AND @@version_comment NOT LIKE '%Classic%' AND @@version_comment NOT LIKE '%Pushbuild%') OR (SELECT count(*) = 0 FROM information_schema.collations WHERE collation_name = 'ucs2_bin')`) { skip Test needs Enterprise, Classic , regular Pushbuild or Source-without-max build; } --source suite/funcs_1/datadict/charset_collation.inc