--disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_warnings create table t1 (product varchar(32), country_id int not null, year int, profit int); insert into t1 values ( 'Computer', 2,2000, 1200), ( 'TV', 1, 1999, 150), ( 'Calculator', 1, 1999,50), ( 'Computer', 1, 1999,1500), ( 'Computer', 1, 2000,1500), ( 'TV', 1, 2000, 150), ( 'TV', 2, 2000, 100), ( 'TV', 2, 2000, 100), ( 'Calculator', 1, 2000,75), ( 'Calculator', 2, 2000,75), ( 'TV', 1, 1999, 100), ( 'Computer', 1, 1999,1200), ( 'Computer', 2, 2000,1500), ( 'Calculator', 2, 2000,75), ( 'Phone', 3, 2003,10) ; create table t2 (country_id int primary key, country char(20) not null); insert into t2 values (1, 'USA'),(2,'India'), (3,'Finland'); # First simple rollups, with just grand total select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by product; select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by 1 with rollup; select product, sum(profit),avg(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; # Sub totals select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year; select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; explain select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; select product, country_id , sum(profit) from t1 group by product desc, country_id with rollup; # limit select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup limit 5; select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup limit 3,3; select product, country_id, count(*), count(distinct year) from t1 group by product, country_id; select product, country_id, count(*), count(distinct year) from t1 group by product, country_id with rollup; # Test of having select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having country_id = 1; select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having sum(profit) > 200; select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having sum(profit) > 7000; # Functions select concat(product,':',country_id) as 'prod', concat(":",year,":") as 'year',1+1, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by 1,2 with rollup; select product, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by product with rollup; select left(product,4) as prod, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by prod with rollup; select concat(product,':',country_id), 1+1, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by concat(product,':',country_id) with rollup; # Joins select product, country , year, sum(profit) from t1,t2 where t1.country_id=t2.country_id group by product, country, year with rollup; # Derived tables and sub selects select product, `sum` from (select product, sum(profit) as 'sum' from t1 group by product with rollup) as tmp where product is null; select product from t1 where exists (select product, country_id , sum(profit) from t1 as t2 where t1.product=t2.product group by product, country_id with rollup having sum(profit) > 6000); # The following doesn't return the expected answer, but this is a limitation # in the implementation so we should just document it select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year having country_id is NULL; select concat(':',product,':'), sum(profit),avg(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; # Error handling # Cube is not yet implemented --error 1235 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube; --error 1235 explain select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube; --error 1235 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube union all select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; drop table t1,t2;