# Test of triggers with replication
# Adding statement include due to Bug 12574
# TODO: Remove statement include once 12574 is patched
--source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc 
source include/master-slave.inc;

# #12482: Triggers has side effects with auto_increment values

create table t1 (a int auto_increment, primary key (a), b int, rand_value double not null);
create table t2 (a int auto_increment, primary key (a), b int);
create table t3 (a int auto_increment, primary key (a), name varchar(64) not null, old_a int, old_b int, rand_value double not null);

delimiter |;
create trigger t1 before insert on t1 for each row
 insert into t3 values (NULL, "t1", new.a, new.b, rand());

create trigger t2 after insert on t2 for each row
 insert into t3 values (NULL, "t2", new.a, new.b, rand());
delimiter ;|

insert into t3 values(100,"log",0,0,0);

# Ensure we always have same random numbers
SET @@RAND_SEED1=658490765, @@RAND_SEED2=635893186;

# Emulate that we have rows 2-9 deleted on the slave
insert into t1 values(1,1,rand()),(NULL,2,rand());
insert into t2 (b) values(last_insert_id());
insert into t2 values(3,0),(NULL,0);
insert into t2 values(NULL,0),(500,0);

select a,b, truncate(rand_value,4) from t1;
select * from t2;
select a,name, old_a, old_b, truncate(rand_value,4) from t3;
connection slave;
select "--- On slave --" as "";
select a,b, truncate(rand_value,4) from t1;
select * from t2;
select a,name, old_a, old_b, truncate(rand_value,4) from t3;
connection master;
drop table t1,t2,t3;

# #12480: NOW() is not constant in a trigger
# #12481: Using NOW() in a stored function breaks statement based replication

# Start by getting a lock on 'bug12480' to be able to use get_lock() as sleep()
connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
connection con2;
select get_lock("bug12480",2);
connection default;

create table t1 (a datetime,b  datetime, c datetime);
drop function if exists bug12480;

delimiter |;

create function bug12480() returns datetime
  set @a=get_lock("bug12480",2);
  return now();

create trigger t1_first before insert on t1
for each row begin
  set @a=get_lock("bug12480",2);
  set new.b= now();
  set new.c= bug12480();

delimiter ;|
insert into t1 set a = now();
select a=b && a=c from t1;
let $time=`select a from t1`;

# Check that definer attribute is replicated properly:
#   - dump definers on the master;
#   - wait for the slave to synchronize with the master;
#   - dump definers on the slave;

SELECT routine_name, definer
FROM information_schema.routines;

SELECT trigger_name, definer
FROM information_schema.triggers;

connection slave;
select "--- On slave --" as "";

# XXX: Definers of stored procedures and functions are not replicated. WL#2897
# (Complete definer support in the stored routines) addresses this issue. So,
# the result file is expected to be changed after implementation of this WL
# item.

SELECT routine_name, definer
FROM information_schema.routines;

SELECT trigger_name, definer
FROM information_schema.triggers;

select a=b && a=c from t1;
eval select a='$time' as 'test' from t1;

connection master;
disconnect con2;

truncate table t1;
drop trigger t1_first;

insert into t1 values ("2003-03-03","2003-03-03","2003-03-03"),(bug12480(),bug12480(),bug12480()),(now(),now(),now());
select a=b && a=c from t1;

drop function bug12480;
drop table t1;

# #14614: Replication of tables with trigger generates error message if databases is changed
# Note. The error message is emitted by _myfree() using fprintf() to the stderr
# and because of that does not fall into the .result file.

create table t1 (i int);
create table t2 (i int);

delimiter |;
create trigger tr1 before insert on t1 for each row
 insert into t2 values (1);
delimiter ;|

create database other;
use other;
insert into test.t1 values (1);

connection slave;

connection master;
use test;
drop table t1,t2;
drop database other;

# End of test
connection slave;