#ident "$Id: cachetable-simple-verify.c 39504 2012-02-03 16:19:33Z zardosht $" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #include "includes.h" #include "test.h" BOOL clone_called; BOOL check_flush; BOOL flush_expected; BOOL flush_called; static void clone_callback(void* UU(value_data), void** cloned_value_data, PAIR_ATTR* new_attr, BOOL UU(for_checkpoint), void* UU(write_extraargs)) { *cloned_value_data = (void *)1; new_attr->is_valid = FALSE; clone_called = TRUE; } static void flush ( CACHEFILE f __attribute__((__unused__)), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY k __attribute__((__unused__)), void *v __attribute__((__unused__)), void** UU(dd), void *e __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR s __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), BOOL w __attribute__((__unused__)), BOOL keep __attribute__((__unused__)), BOOL c __attribute__((__unused__)), BOOL UU(is_clone) ) { if (w) usleep(5*1024*1024); if (w && check_flush) { assert(flush_expected); if (clone_called) assert(is_clone); } flush_called = TRUE; if (is_clone) assert(!keep); } static uint64_t tdelta_usec(struct timeval *tend, struct timeval *tstart) { uint64_t t = tend->tv_sec * 1000000 + tend->tv_usec; t -= tstart->tv_sec * 1000000 + tstart->tv_usec; return t; } // // test the following things for simple cloning: // - if the pending pair is clean, nothing gets written // - if the pending pair is dirty and cloneable, then pair is written // in background and get_and_pin returns immedietely // - if the pending pair is dirty and not cloneable, then get_and_pin // blocks until the pair is written out // static void test_clean (enum cachetable_dirty dirty, BOOL cloneable) { const int test_limit = 12; int r; CACHETABLE ct; r = toku_create_cachetable(&ct, test_limit, ZERO_LSN, NULL_LOGGER); assert(r == 0); char fname1[] = __FILE__ "test1.dat"; unlink(fname1); CACHEFILE f1; r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f1, ct, fname1, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r == 0); void* v1; long s1; CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.clone_callback = cloneable ? clone_callback : NULL; wc.flush_callback = flush; r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, TRUE, NULL); r = toku_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, dirty, make_pair_attr(8)); check_flush = TRUE; clone_called = FALSE; flush_expected = (dirty == CACHETABLE_DIRTY) ? TRUE : FALSE; flush_called = FALSE; // begin checkpoint, since pair is clean, we should not // have the clone called r = toku_cachetable_begin_checkpoint(ct, NULL); assert_zero(r); struct timeval tstart; struct timeval tend; gettimeofday(&tstart, NULL); // test that having a pin that passes FALSE for may_modify_value does not stall behind checkpoint r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, FALSE, NULL); r = toku_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(8)); gettimeofday(&tend, NULL); assert(tdelta_usec(&tend, &tstart) <= 2000000); assert(!clone_called); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, TRUE, NULL); gettimeofday(&tend, NULL); // we take 5 seconds for a write // we check if time to pin is less than 2 seconds, if it is // then we know act of cloning worked properly if (cloneable || !dirty ) { assert(tdelta_usec(&tend, &tstart) <= 2000000); } else { assert(tdelta_usec(&tend, &tstart) >= 2000000); } if (dirty == CACHETABLE_DIRTY && cloneable) { assert(clone_called); } else { assert(!clone_called); } // at this point, there should be no more dirty writes r = toku_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(8)); gettimeofday(&tend, NULL); if (cloneable || !dirty ) { assert(tdelta_usec(&tend, &tstart) <= 2000000); } else { assert(tdelta_usec(&tend, &tstart) >= 2000000); } r = toku_cachetable_end_checkpoint( ct, NULL, fake_ydb_lock, fake_ydb_unlock, NULL, NULL ); assert_zero(r); check_flush = FALSE; toku_cachetable_verify(ct); r = toku_cachefile_close(&f1, 0, FALSE, ZERO_LSN); assert(r == 0 && f1 == 0); r = toku_cachetable_close(&ct); lazy_assert_zero(r); } int test_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { default_parse_args(argc, argv); test_clean(CACHETABLE_CLEAN, TRUE); test_clean(CACHETABLE_DIRTY, TRUE); test_clean(CACHETABLE_CLEAN, FALSE); test_clean(CACHETABLE_DIRTY, FALSE); return 0; }