#!/bin/bash # build.check.bash --revision=10500 # build.check.bash --tokudb=tokudb.1489 --revision=10500 # build.check.bash --branch=mysql.branches/1.1.3 --revision=10500 # build.check.bash --windows=1 --revision=10500 function usage() { echo "build tokudb and run regressions" echo "--windows=$dowindows (if yes/1 must be first option)" echo "--branch=$branch --tokudb=$tokudb --revision=$revision --bdb=$bdb" echo "--cc=$cc --cxx=$cxx --valgrind=$dovalgrind --VALGRIND=$VALGRIND" echo "--j=$makejobs" echo "--debugtests=$debugtests --releasetests=$releasetests --deleteafter=$deleteafter --doclean=$doclean" echo "--commit=$docommit" } function retry() { local cmd local retries local exitcode cmd=$* let retries=0 while [ $retries -le 10 ] ; do echo `date` $cmd bash -c "$cmd" exitcode=$? echo `date` $cmd $exitcode $retries let retries=retries+1 if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ] ; then break; fi sleep 10 done test $exitcode = 0 } # delete some characters that cygwin and osx have trouble with function sanitize() { tr -d '[/:\\\\()]' } function mydate() { date +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S" } function get_ncpus() { grep bogomips /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l } function get_latest_svn_revision() { local revision=0 local svntarget=$svnserver/$* local latest=`retry svn info $svntarget` if [[ $latest =~ "Last Changed Rev: ([0-9]+)" ]] ; then revision=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} fi echo $revision } function make_tokudb_name() { local tokudb_dir=$1 local tokudb=$2 if [ $tokudb_dir = "toku" ] ; then echo $tokudb else echo `echo $tokudb_dir-$tokudb | tr / -` fi } # run a command and trace its result function runcmd() { local fail=$1; shift local makedir=$1; shift local cmd=$* echo `mydate` $makedir $cmd pushd $makedir $cmd exitcode=$? local dir=$makedir if [[ $dir =~ "$HOME/svn.build/(.*)" ]] ; then dir=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} fi if [ $fail -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ] ; then result="PASS `mydate` $dir $cmd" let npass=npass+1 else result="FAIL `mydate` $dir $cmd" let nfail=nfail+1 fi else if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ] ; then result="XPASS `mydate` $dir $cmd" else result="XFAIL `mydate` $dir $cmd" fi fi echo $result echo $result >>$commit_msg echo $result >>/tmp/tokubuild.trace popd } # build a version of tokudb with a specific BDB target function build() { # setup build environment export BDB=$1 if [[ $BDB =~ "(.*)\.(.*)" ]] ;then export BDBMAJOR=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} export BDBMINOR=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else return 1 fi if [ $dowindows -eq 0 ] ; then export BDBDIR=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$BDB else export BDBDIR=c:/cygwin/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$BDB fi if [ ! -d $BDBDIR ] ; then return 2; fi tokudb_name=`make_tokudb_name $branch $tokudb` export TOKUDB_NAME=$tokudb_name export TOKUDB_REVISION=$revision productname=$tokudb_name-$revision checkout=$branch/$tokudb latestrev=`get_latest_svn_revision $checkout` if [ $latestrev -eq 0 ] ; then return 3; fi commit_msg=`mktemp` svnbase=~/svn.build if [ ! -d $svnbase ] ; then mkdir $svnbase ; fi # checkout the build dir buildbase=$svnbase/tokudb.build if [ ! -d $buildbase ] ; then mkdir $buildbase fi # make the build directory, possibly on multiple machines simultaneously, there can be only one builddir=$buildbase/$date pushd $buildbase while [ ! -d $date ] ; do svn mkdir $svnserver/tokudb.build/$date -m "" svn co -q $svnserver/tokudb.build/$date if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -rf $date; fi done popd tracefile=$builddir/build+$productname-$CC-$BDB+$nodename+$system+$release+$arch # get some config info uname -a >>$tracefile 2>&1 ulimit -a >>$tracefile 2>&1 $CC -v >>$tracefile 2>&1 $CXX -v >>$tracefile 2>&1 cat /proc/version >>$tracefile 2>&1 cat /proc/cpuinfo >>$tracefile 2>&1 env >>$tracefile 2>&1 # checkout the source dir productbuilddir=$svnbase/$productname # cleanup rm -rf $productbuilddir mkdir -p $productbuilddir let nfail=0 let npass=0 # checkout into $productbuilddir runcmd 0 $productbuilddir retry svn checkout -q -r $revision $svnserver/$checkout . >>$tracefile 2>&1 if [ $debugtests != 0 ] ; then # portability runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/$oschoice make local DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/$oschoice/tests make check -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # newbrt runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt make local -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt make check -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # src runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src make local -k -s -j$makejobs DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # utils runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/utils make -k -s -j$makejobs DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/utils make check -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # lock tree runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/range_tree/tests make check -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/lock_tree/tests make check -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # src/tests runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make tests.bdb -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make tests.tdb -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make check.tdb -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make stress_tests.tdbrun stress_tests.drdrun -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # benchmark tests runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/db-benchmark-test make -k -j$makejobs DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/db-benchmark-test make check -k -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # run the brtloader tests with a debug build runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt/tests make check_brtloader -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make loader-tests -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # upgrade tests if [ $upgradetests != 0 ] ; then runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make upgrade-tests.tdbrun -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 DEBUG=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi fi if [ $releasetests != 0 ] ; then # release build runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make clean >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make release CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/utils make CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 # release tests runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt/tests make check -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 VGRIND= >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt/tests make check_brtloader -k -j$makejobs -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 VGRIND= >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make tests.tdb -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make check.tdb -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 VGRIND= >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/src/tests make stress_tests.tdbrun stress_tests.drdrun -j$makejobs -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc HAVE_CILK=0 VGRIND= >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi # cilk tests if [ $cilktests != 0 ] ; then runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make clean >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make release CC=icc DEBUG=1 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/newbrt/tests make cilkscreen_brtloader -k -s SUMMARIZE=1 CC=icc DEBUG=1 >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi # cxx if [ $cxxtests != 0 ] ; then runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/cxx make -k -s >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/cxx make -k -s install >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/cxx/tests make -k -s check SUMMARIZE=1 >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/db-benchmark-test-cxx make -k -s >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/db-benchmark-test-cxx make -k -s check >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi # Makefile for release/examples is NOT ported to windows. Expect it to fail. if [ 0 = 1 ] ; then runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/release make -k setup >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd $dowindows $productbuilddir/release/examples make -k check >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi # man if [ 0 = 1 ] ; then runcmd 0 $productbuilddir/man/texi make -k -s -j$makejobs >>$tracefile 2>&1 fi if [ 0 = 1 -a $docoverage -eq 1 ] ; then # run coverage runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make -s clean >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make build-coverage >>$tracefile 2>&1 runcmd 0 $productbuilddir make check-coverage >>$tracefile 2>&1 # summarize the coverage data coveragefile=$builddir/coverage+$productname-$BDB+$nodename+$system+$release+$arch rawcoverage=`mktemp` for d in newbrt src src/range_tree src/lock_tree; do (cd $productbuilddir/$d; python ~/bin/gcovsumdir.py -b *.gcno >>$rawcoverage) if [ -d $productbuilddir/$d/tests ] ; then (cd $productbuilddir/$d/tests; python ~/bin/gcovsumdir.py -b *.gcno >>$rawcoverage) fi done python ~/bin/gcovsumsum.py <$rawcoverage >$coveragefile rm $rawcoverage fi # put the trace into svn if [ $docommit -ne 0 ] ; then testresult="PASS=$npass" if [ $nfail != 0 ] ; then testresult="FAIL=$nfail $testresult" fi local cf=`mktemp` echo "$testresult tokudb-build $productname $CC $GCCVERSION $system $release $arch $nodename" >$cf echo >>$cf; echo >>$cf cat $commit_msg >>$cf if [ $nfail != 0 ] ; then egrep " FAIL" $tracefile >>$cf; fi svn add $tracefile $coveragefile retry svn commit -F "$cf" $tracefile $coveragefile rm $cf else cat $commit_msg fi rm $commit_msg if [ $deleteafter -eq 1 ] ; then rm -rfv $productbuilddir > /dev/null #windows rm sometimes hangs on giant dirs without -v fi return 0 } # set defaults exitcode=0 svnserver=https://svn.tokutek.com/tokudb nodename=`uname -n` system=`uname -s | sanitize` release=`uname -r | sanitize` arch=`uname -m | sanitize` date=`date +%Y%m%d` branch="." tokudb="tokudb" bdb="4.6" makejobs=`get_ncpus` revision=0 dovalgrind=1 VALGRIND=valgrind docommit=1 docoverage=0 dowindows=0 oschoice=linux deleteafter=0 j=-1 cc=icc cxx=icpc debugtests=1 releasetests=1 upgradetests=0 cilktests=0 cxxtests=0 arg=$1; shopt -s compat31 #Necessary in some flavors of linux and windows if [ "$arg" = "--windows=yes" -o "$arg" = "--windows=1" ] ; then shift dowindows=1 export CC=icc export CXX=icc export CYGWIN=CYGWIN oschoice=windows fi # import the environment while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do arg=$1; shift if [ "$arg" = "--valgrind=no" -o "$arg" = "--valgrind=0" ] ; then dovalgrind=0 elif [ "$arg" = "--commit=no" -o "$arg" = "--commit=0" ] ; then docommit=0 elif [ "$arg" = "--windows=no" -o "$arg" = "--windows=0" ] ; then dowindows=0 elif [ "$arg" = "--windows=yes" -o "$arg" = "--windows=1" ] ; then usage; exit 1 elif [[ $arg =~ ^--(.*)=(.*) ]] ; then eval ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else usage; exit 1 fi done # setup default compiler if [ "$CC" = "" ] ; then export CC=$cc; fi if [ "$CXX" = "" ] ; then export CXX=$cxx; fi if [ $CC = icc ] ; then d=/opt/intel/bin if [ -d $d ] ; then export PATH=$d:$PATH . $d/compilervars.sh intel64 fi d=/opt/intel/cilkutil/bin if [ -d $d ] ; then export PATH=$d:$PATH fi fi if [ $j -ne "-1" ] ; then makejobs=$j; fi if [ $makejobs -eq 0 ] ; then usage; exit 1; fi if [ $branch = "." ] ; then branch="toku"; fi if [ $revision -eq 0 ] ; then revision=`get_latest_svn_revision`; fi # setup GCCVERSION export GCCVERSION=`$CC --version|head -1|cut -f3 -d" "` export VALGRIND=$VALGRIND # setup VGRIND if [ $dovalgrind = 0 ] ; then export VGRIND=""; fi # limit execution time to 2 hours ulimit -t 7200 ulimit -c unlimited build $bdb