/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef unsigned char uchar; static void die(char* fmt, ...); static void safe_query(MYSQL* mysql, char* query, int read_ok); static void run_query_batch(int* order, int num_queries); static void permute(int *order, int num_queries); static void permute_aux(int *order, int num_queries, int* fixed); static void dump_result(MYSQL* mysql, char* query); int count = 0; struct query { MYSQL* mysql; char* query; int read_ok; int pri; int dump_result; }; MYSQL lock, sel, del_ins; struct query queries[] = { {&del_ins, "insert delayed into foo values(1)", 1, 0, 0}, {&del_ins, "insert delayed into foo values(1)", 1, 0, 0}, {&lock, "lock tables foo write", 1, 1, 0}, {&lock, "unlock tables", 1,2, 0}, {&sel, "select * from foo", 0,0, 0}, {&del_ins, "insert into foo values(4)", 0,3, 0}, {0,0,0} }; static void die(char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(args); exit(1); } static void permute(int *order, int num_queries) { int *fixed; if(num_queries < 2) return; if(!(fixed = (int*)malloc(num_queries * sizeof(int)))) die("malloc() failed"); memset(fixed, 0, num_queries * sizeof(int)); permute_aux(order, num_queries, fixed); free(fixed); } static order_ok(int *order, int num_queries) { int i,j, pri_i, pri_j; for(i = 0; i < num_queries; i++) { if((pri_i = queries[order[i]].pri)) for(j = i + 1; j < num_queries; j++) { pri_j = queries[order[j]].pri; if(pri_j && pri_i > pri_j) return 0; } } return 1; } static void permute_aux(int *order, int num_queries, int* fixed) { int *p,*p1,j,i,tmp, num_free = 0; p = fixed; for(i = 0; i < num_queries; i++, p++) { if(!*p) { num_free++; *p = 1; for(j = 0, p1 = fixed ; j < num_queries; j++,p1++) { if(!*p1) { tmp = order[i]; order[i] = order[j]; order[j] = tmp; *p1 = 1; permute_aux(order, num_queries, fixed); tmp = order[i]; order[i] = order[j]; order[j] = tmp; *p1 = 0; } } *p = 0; } } //printf("num_free = %d\n", num_free); if(num_free <= 1) { count++; if(order_ok(order, num_queries)) run_query_batch(order, num_queries); } } static void run_query_batch(int* order, int num_queries) { int i; struct query* q; int *save_order; safe_query(&lock, "delete from foo", 1); save_order = order; for(i = 0; i < num_queries; i++,order++) { q = queries + *order; printf("query='%s'\n", q->query); safe_query(q->mysql, q->query, q->read_ok); } order = save_order; for(i = 0; i < num_queries; i++,order++) { q = queries + *order; if(q->dump_result) dump_result(q->mysql, q->query); } printf("\n"); } static void safe_net_read(NET* net, char* query) { int len; len = my_net_read(net); if(len == packet_error || !len) die("Error running query '%s'", query); if(net->read_pos[0] == 255) die("Error running query '%s'", query); } static void safe_query(MYSQL* mysql, char* query, int read_ok) { int len; NET* net = &mysql->net; net_clear(net); if(net_write_command(net,(uchar)COM_QUERY, query,strlen(query))) die("Error running query '%s': %s", query, mysql_error(mysql)); if(read_ok) { safe_net_read(net, query); } } static void dump_result(MYSQL* mysql, char* query) { MYSQL_RES* res; safe_net_read(&mysql->net, query); res = mysql_store_result(mysql); if(res) mysql_free_result(res); } static int* init_order(int* num_queries) { struct query* q; int *order, *order_end, *p; int n,i; for(q = queries; q->mysql; q++) ; n = q - queries; if(!(order = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int)))) die("malloc() failed"); order_end = order + n; for(p = order,i = 0; p < order_end; p++,i++) *p = i; *num_queries = n; return order; } int main() { char* user = "root", *pass = "", *host = "localhost", *db = "test"; int *order, num_queries; order = init_order(&num_queries); if(!mysql_init(&lock) || !mysql_init(&sel) || !mysql_init(&del_ins)) die("error in mysql_init()"); mysql_options(&lock, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "mysql"); mysql_options(&sel, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "mysql"); mysql_options(&del_ins, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "mysql"); if(!mysql_real_connect(&lock, host, user, pass, db, 0,0,0 ) || !mysql_real_connect(&sel, host, user, pass, db, 0,0,0 ) || !mysql_real_connect(&del_ins, host, user, pass, db, 0,0,0 )) die("Error in mysql_real_connect(): %s", mysql_error(&lock)); permute(order, num_queries); printf("count = %d\n", count); mysql_close(&lock); mysql_close(&sel); mysql_close(&del_ins); free(order); }