Testing server 'MySQL 3.22.16 gamma' at 1999-02-20 21:28:50

Testing the speed of selecting on keys that consist of many parts
The test-table has 10000 rows and the test is done with 8.5 ranges.

Creating table
Inserting 10000 rows
Time to insert (10000): 12 wallclock secs ( 2.52 usr +  1.26 sys =  3.79 CPU)

Testing big selects on the table
Time for select_big (70:17207):  1 wallclock secs ( 0.23 usr +  0.11 sys =  0.34 CPU)
Time for select_range (400:61130):  5 wallclock secs ( 1.21 usr +  0.42 sys =  1.63 CPU)
Time for min_max_on_key (70000): 216 wallclock secs (49.80 usr + 13.51 sys = 63.31 CPU)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
45135 queries in 9027 loops of 10000 loops took 601 seconds
Estimated time for count_key (50000): 665 wallclock secs (36.67 usr +  9.66 sys = 46.33 CPU)

Estimated total time: 899 wallclock secs (90.43 usr + 24.97 sys = 115.41 CPU)