/* Copyright (C) 2010 Monty Program Ab This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** @file Engine defined options of tables/fields/keys in CREATE/ALTER TABLE. */ #include "create_options.h" #include <my_getopt.h> #define FRM_QUOTED_VALUE 0x8000 /** Links this item to the given list end @param start The list beginning or NULL @param end The list last element or does not matter */ void engine_option_value::link(engine_option_value **start, engine_option_value **end) { DBUG_ENTER("engine_option_value::link"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: '%s' (%u) value: '%s' (%u)", name.str, (uint) name.length, value.str, (uint) value.length)); engine_option_value *opt; /* check duplicates to avoid writing them to frm*/ for(opt= *start; opt && ((opt->parsed && !opt->value.str) || my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (uchar *)name.str, name.length, (uchar*)opt->name.str, opt->name.length)); opt= opt->next) /* no-op */; if (opt) { opt->value.str= NULL; /* remove previous value */ opt->parsed= TRUE; /* and don't issue warnings for it anymore */ } /* Add this option to the end of the list @note: We add even if it is opt->value.str == NULL because it can be ALTER TABLE to remove the option. */ if (*start) { (*end)->next= this; *end= this; } else { /* note that is *start == 0, the value of *end does not matter, it can be uninitialized. */ *start= *end= this; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static bool report_wrong_value(THD *thd, const char *name, const char *val, my_bool suppress_warning) { if (suppress_warning) return 0; if (!(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS) && !thd->slave_thread) { my_error(ER_BAD_OPTION_VALUE, MYF(0), val, name); return 1; } push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BAD_OPTION_VALUE, ER(ER_BAD_OPTION_VALUE), val, name); return 0; } static bool report_unknown_option(THD *thd, engine_option_value *val, my_bool suppress_warning) { DBUG_ENTER("report_unknown_option"); if (val->parsed || suppress_warning) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("parsed => exiting")); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } if (!(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS) && !thd->slave_thread) { my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_OPTION, MYF(0), val->name.str); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_UNKNOWN_OPTION, ER(ER_UNKNOWN_OPTION), val->name.str); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } static bool set_one_value(ha_create_table_option *opt, THD *thd, LEX_STRING *value, void *base, my_bool suppress_warning, MEM_ROOT *root) { DBUG_ENTER("set_one_value"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("opt: 0x%lx type: %u name '%s' value: '%s'", (ulong) opt, opt->type, opt->name, (value->str ? value->str : "<DEFAULT>"))); switch (opt->type) { case HA_OPTION_TYPE_ULL: { ulonglong *val= (ulonglong*)((char*)base + opt->offset); if (!value->str) { *val= opt->def_value; DBUG_RETURN(0); } my_option optp= { opt->name, 1, 0, (uchar **)val, 0, 0, GET_ULL, REQUIRED_ARG, (longlong)opt->def_value, (longlong)opt->min_value, opt->max_value, 0, (long) opt->block_size, 0}; ulonglong orig_val= strtoull(value->str, NULL, 10); my_bool unused; *val= orig_val; *val= getopt_ull_limit_value(*val, &optp, &unused); if (*val == orig_val) DBUG_RETURN(0); DBUG_RETURN(report_wrong_value(thd, opt->name, value->str, suppress_warning)); } case HA_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: { char **val= (char **)((char *)base + opt->offset); if (!value->str) { *val= 0; DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!(*val= strmake_root(root, value->str, value->length))) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } case HA_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: { uint *val= (uint *)((char *)base + opt->offset), num; *val= (uint) opt->def_value; if (!value->str) DBUG_RETURN(0); const char *start= opt->values, *end; num= 0; while (*start) { for (end=start; *end && *end != ','; end+= my_mbcharlen(system_charset_info, *end)) /* no-op */; if (!my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (uchar*)start, end-start, (uchar*)value->str, value->length)) { *val= num; DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (*end) end++; start= end; num++; } DBUG_RETURN(report_wrong_value(thd, opt->name, value->str, suppress_warning)); } case HA_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL: { bool *val= (bool *)((char *)base + opt->offset); *val= opt->def_value; if (!value->str) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (!my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"NO", 2, (uchar *)value->str, value->length) || !my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"OFF", 3, (uchar *)value->str, value->length) || !my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"0", 1, (uchar *)value->str, value->length)) { *val= FALSE; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } if (!my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"YES", 3, (uchar *)value->str, value->length) || !my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"ON", 2, (uchar *)value->str, value->length) || !my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar*)"1", 1, (uchar *)value->str, value->length)) { *val= TRUE; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } DBUG_RETURN(report_wrong_value(thd, opt->name, value->str, suppress_warning)); } } DBUG_ASSERT(0); my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } static const size_t ha_option_type_sizeof[]= { sizeof(ulonglong), sizeof(char *), sizeof(uint), sizeof(bool)}; /** Creates option structure and parses list of options in it @param thd thread handler @param option_struct where to store pointer on the option struct @param option_list list of options given by user @param rules list of option description by engine @param suppress_warning second parse so we do not need warnings @param root MEM_ROOT where allocate memory @retval TRUE Error @retval FALSE OK */ my_bool parse_option_list(THD* thd, void *option_struct_arg, engine_option_value *option_list, ha_create_table_option *rules, my_bool suppress_warning, MEM_ROOT *root) { ha_create_table_option *opt; size_t option_struct_size= 0; engine_option_value *val= option_list; void **option_struct= (void**)option_struct_arg; DBUG_ENTER("parse_option_list"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("struct: 0x%lx list: 0x%lx rules: 0x%lx suppres %u root 0x%lx", (ulong) *option_struct, (ulong)option_list, (ulong)rules, (uint) suppress_warning, (ulong) root)); if (rules) { LEX_STRING default_val= {NULL, 0}; for (opt= rules; opt->name; opt++) set_if_bigger(option_struct_size, opt->offset + ha_option_type_sizeof[opt->type]); *option_struct= alloc_root(root, option_struct_size); /* set all values to default */ for (opt= rules; opt->name; opt++) set_one_value(opt, thd, &default_val, *option_struct, suppress_warning, root); } for (; val; val= val->next) { for (opt= rules; opt && opt->name; opt++) { if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (uchar*)opt->name, opt->name_length, (uchar*)val->name.str, val->name.length)) continue; if (set_one_value(opt, thd, &val->value, *option_struct, suppress_warning || val->parsed, root)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); val->parsed= true; break; } if (report_unknown_option(thd, val, suppress_warning)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); val->parsed= true; } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /** Parses all table/fields/keys options @param thd thread handler @param file handler of the table @parem share descriptor of the table @retval TRUE Error @retval FALSE OK */ my_bool parse_engine_table_options(THD *thd, handlerton *ht, TABLE_SHARE *share) { MEM_ROOT *root= &share->mem_root; DBUG_ENTER("parse_engine_table_options"); if (parse_option_list(thd, &share->option_struct, share->option_list, ht->table_options, TRUE, root)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); for (Field **field= share->field; *field; field++) { if (parse_option_list(thd, &(*field)->option_struct, (*field)->option_list, ht->field_options, TRUE, root)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } for (uint index= 0; index < share->keys; index ++) { if (parse_option_list(thd, &share->key_info[index].option_struct, share->key_info[index].option_list, ht->index_options, TRUE, root)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /** Returns representation length of key and value in the frm file */ uint engine_option_value::frm_length() { /* 1 byte - name length 2 bytes - value length if value.str is NULL, this option is not written to frm (=DEFAULT) */ return value.str ? 1 + name.length + 2 + value.length : 0; } /** Returns length of representation of option list in the frm file */ static uint option_list_frm_length(engine_option_value *opt) { uint res= 0; for (; opt; opt= opt->next) res+= opt->frm_length(); return res; } /** Calculates length of options image in the .frm @param table_option_list list of table options @param create_fields field descriptors list @param keys number of keys @param key_info array of key descriptors @returns length of image in frm */ uint engine_table_options_frm_length(engine_option_value *table_option_list, List<Create_field> &create_fields, uint keys, KEY *key_info) { List_iterator<Create_field> it(create_fields); Create_field *field; uint res, index; DBUG_ENTER("engine_table_options_frm_length"); res= option_list_frm_length(table_option_list); while ((field= it++)) res+= option_list_frm_length(field->option_list); for (index= 0; index < keys; index++, key_info++) res+= option_list_frm_length(key_info->option_list); /* if there's at least one option somewhere (res > 0) we write option lists for all fields and keys, zero-terminated. If there're no options we write nothing at all (backward compatibility) */ DBUG_RETURN(res ? res + 1 + create_fields.elements + keys : 0); } /** Writes image of the key and value to the frm image buffer @param buff pointer to the buffer free space beginning @returns pointer to byte after last recorded in the buffer */ uchar *engine_option_value::frm_image(uchar *buff) { if (value.str) { *buff++= name.length; memcpy(buff, name.str, name.length); buff+= name.length; int2store(buff, value.length | (quoted_value ? FRM_QUOTED_VALUE : 0)); buff+= 2; memcpy(buff, (const uchar *) value.str, value.length); buff+= value.length; } return buff; } /** Writes image of the key and value to the frm image buffer @param buff pointer to the buffer to store the options in @param opt list of options; @returns pointer to the end of the stored data in the buffer */ static uchar *option_list_frm_image(uchar *buff, engine_option_value *opt) { for (; opt; opt= opt->next) buff= opt->frm_image(buff); *buff++= 0; return buff; } /** Writes options image in the .frm buffer @param buff pointer to the buffer @param table_option_list list of table options @param create_fields field descriptors list @param keys number of keys @param key_info array of key descriptors @returns pointer to byte after last recorded in the buffer */ uchar *engine_table_options_frm_image(uchar *buff, engine_option_value *table_option_list, List<Create_field> &create_fields, uint keys, KEY *key_info) { List_iterator<Create_field> it(create_fields); Create_field *field; KEY *key_info_end= key_info + keys; DBUG_ENTER("engine_table_options_frm_image"); buff= option_list_frm_image(buff, table_option_list); while ((field= it++)) buff= option_list_frm_image(buff, field->option_list); while (key_info < key_info_end) buff= option_list_frm_image(buff, (key_info++)->option_list); DBUG_RETURN(buff); } /** Reads name and value from buffer, then link it in the list @param buff the buffer to read from @param start The list beginning or NULL @param end The list last element or does not matter @param root MEM_ROOT for allocating @returns pointer to byte after last recorded in the buffer */ uchar *engine_option_value::frm_read(const uchar *buff, engine_option_value **start, engine_option_value **end, MEM_ROOT *root) { LEX_STRING name, value; uint len; name.length= buff[0]; buff++; if (!(name.str= strmake_root(root, (const char*)buff, name.length))) return NULL; buff+= name.length; len= uint2korr(buff); value.length= len & ~FRM_QUOTED_VALUE; buff+= 2; if (!(value.str= strmake_root(root, (const char*)buff, value.length))) return NULL; buff+= value.length; engine_option_value *ptr=new (root) engine_option_value(name, value, len & FRM_QUOTED_VALUE, start, end); if (!ptr) return NULL; return (uchar *)buff; } /** Reads options from this buffer @param buff the buffer to read from @param length buffer length @param share table descriptor @param root MEM_ROOT for allocating @retval TRUE Error @retval FALSE OK */ my_bool engine_table_options_frm_read(const uchar *buff, uint length, TABLE_SHARE *share) { const uchar *buff_end= buff + length; engine_option_value *UNINIT_VAR(end); MEM_ROOT *root= &share->mem_root; uint count; DBUG_ENTER("engine_table_options_frm_read"); while (buff < buff_end && *buff) { if (!(buff= engine_option_value::frm_read(buff, &share->option_list, &end, root))) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } buff++; for (count=0; count < share->fields; count++) { while (buff < buff_end && *buff) { if (!(buff= engine_option_value::frm_read(buff, &share->field[count]->option_list, &end, root))) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } buff++; } for (count=0; count < share->keys; count++) { while (buff < buff_end && *buff) { if (!(buff= engine_option_value::frm_read(buff, &share->key_info[count].option_list, &end, root))) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } buff++; } if (buff < buff_end) sql_print_warning("Table '%s' was created in a later MariaDB version - " "unknown table attributes were ignored", share->table_name.str); DBUG_RETURN(buff > buff_end); } /** Merges two lists of engine_option_value's with duplicate removal. */ engine_option_value *merge_engine_table_options(engine_option_value *first, engine_option_value *second, MEM_ROOT *root) { engine_option_value *end, *opt; DBUG_ENTER("merge_engine_table_options"); LINT_INIT(end); /* find last element */ if (first && second) for (end= first; end->next; end= end->next) /* no-op */; for (opt= second; opt; opt= opt->next) new (root) engine_option_value(opt->name, opt->value, opt->quoted_value, &first, &end); DBUG_RETURN(first); }