# Can't test with embedded server
-- source include/not_embedded.inc

# simple test of grants
grant create view on test.* to test@localhost;
show grants for test@localhost;
revoke create view on test.* from test@localhost;
show grants for test@localhost;

# grant create view test
connect (root,localhost,root,,test);
connection root;
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int);
create table mysqltest.t2 (a int, b int);

grant select on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant create view,select on test.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connect (user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,test);
connection user1;

create view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
# try to modify view without DROP privilege on it
-- error 1142
alter view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
-- error 1142
create or replace view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
# no CRETE VIEW privilege
-- error 1142
create view mysqltest.v2  as select * from mysqltest.t1;
# no SELECT privilege
-- error 1142
create view v2 as select * from mysqltest.t2;

connection root;
grant create view,drop,select on test.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
# following 'use' command is workaround of bug #9582 and should be removed
# when that bug will be fixed
use test;
alter view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
create or replace view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;

connection root;
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.t1 from mysqltest_1@localhost;
revoke all privileges on test.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;

drop database mysqltest;
drop view test.v1;

# grants per columns
# MERGE algorithm
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int);
create view mysqltest.v1 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
grant select (c) on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
select c from mysqltest.v1;
# there are no privileges on column 'd'
-- error 1143
select d from mysqltest.v1;

connection root;
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.v1 from mysqltest_1@localhost;
delete from mysql.user where user='mysqltest_1';
drop database mysqltest;

create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int);
create algorithm=temptable view mysqltest.v1 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
grant select (c) on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
select c from mysqltest.v1;
# there are no privileges on column 'd'
-- error 1143
select d from mysqltest.v1;

connection root;
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.v1 from mysqltest_1@localhost;
delete from mysql.user where user='mysqltest_1';
drop database mysqltest;

# EXPLAIN rights
connection root;
create database mysqltest;
#prepare views and tables
create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int);
create table mysqltest.t2 (a int, b int);
create view mysqltest.v1 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
create algorithm=temptable view mysqltest.v2 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
create view mysqltest.v3 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t2;
create algorithm=temptable view mysqltest.v4 (c,d) as select a+1,b+1 from mysqltest.t2;
grant select on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.v2 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.v4 to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
# all selects works
select c from mysqltest.v1;
select c from mysqltest.v2;
select c from mysqltest.v3;
select c from mysqltest.v4;
# test of show coluns
show columns from mysqltest.v1;
show columns from mysqltest.v2;
# but explain/show do not
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v1;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v1;
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v2;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v2;
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v3;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v3;
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v4;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v4;

# allow to see one of underlying table
connection root;
grant select on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
connection user1;
# EXPLAIN of view on above table works
explain select c from mysqltest.v1;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v1;
explain select c from mysqltest.v2;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v2;
# but other EXPLAINs do not
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v3;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v3;
-- error 1345
explain select c from mysqltest.v4;
-- error 1142
show create view mysqltest.v4;

# allow to see any view in mysqltest database
connection root;
grant show view on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;
connection user1;
explain select c from mysqltest.v1;
show create view mysqltest.v1;
explain select c from mysqltest.v2;
show create view mysqltest.v2;
explain select c from mysqltest.v3;
show create view mysqltest.v3;
explain select c from mysqltest.v4;
show create view mysqltest.v4;

connection root;
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;
delete from mysql.user where user='mysqltest_1';
drop database mysqltest;

# UPDATE privileges on VIEW columns and whole VIEW
connection root;
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int, primary key(a));
insert into mysqltest.t1 values (10,2), (20,3), (30,4), (40,5), (50,10);
create table mysqltest.t2 (x int);
insert into mysqltest.t2 values (3), (4), (5), (6);
create view mysqltest.v1 (a,c) as select a, b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
create view mysqltest.v2 (a,c) as select a, b from mysqltest.t1;
create view mysqltest.v3 (a,c) as select a, b+1 from mysqltest.t1;

grant update (a) on mysqltest.v2 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant update on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
use mysqltest;
# update with rights on VIEW column
update t2,v1 set v1.a=v1.a+v1.c where t2.x=v1.c;
select * from t1;
update v1 set a=a+c;
select * from t1;
# update with rights on whole VIEW
update t2,v2 set v2.a=v2.a+v2.c where t2.x=v2.c;
select * from t1;
update v2 set a=a+c;
select * from t1;
# no rights on column
-- error 1143
update t2,v2 set v2.c=v2.a+v2.c where t2.x=v2.c;
-- error 1143
update v2 set c=a+c;
# no rights for view
-- error 1142
update t2,v3 set v3.a=v3.a+v3.c where t2.x=v3.c;
-- error 1142
update v3 set a=a+c;

use test;
connection root;
drop database mysqltest;

# DELETE privileges on VIEW
connection root;
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int, primary key(a));
insert into mysqltest.t1 values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,10);
create table mysqltest.t2 (x int);
insert into mysqltest.t2 values (3), (4), (5), (6);
create view mysqltest.v1 (a,c) as select a, b+1 from mysqltest.t1;
create view mysqltest.v2 (a,c) as select a, b+1 from mysqltest.t1;

grant delete on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
use mysqltest;
# update with rights on VIEW column
delete from v1 where c < 4;
select * from t1;
delete v1 from t2,v1 where t2.x=v1.c;
select * from t1;
# no rights for view
-- error 1142
delete v2 from t2,v2 where t2.x=v2.c;
-- error 1142
delete from v2 where c < 4;

use test;
connection root;
drop database mysqltest;

# insert privileges on VIEW
connection root;
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int, primary key(a));
insert into mysqltest.t1 values (1,2), (2,3);
create table mysqltest.t2 (x int, y int);
insert into mysqltest.t2 values (3,4);
create view mysqltest.v1 (a,c) as select a, b from mysqltest.t1;
create view mysqltest.v2 (a,c) as select a, b from mysqltest.t1;

grant insert on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant select on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
use mysqltest;
# update with rights on VIEW column
insert into v1 values (5,6);
select * from t1;
insert into v1 select x,y from t2;
select * from t1;
# no rights for view
-- error 1142
insert into v2 values (5,6);
-- error 1142
insert into v2 select x,y from t2;

use test;
connection root;
drop database mysqltest;

# test of CREATE VIEW privileges if we have limited privileges
connection root;
create database mysqltest;

create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int);
create table mysqltest.t2 (a int, b int);

grant update on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant update(b) on mysqltest.t2 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant create view,update on test.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;

create view v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
create view v2 as select b from mysqltest.t2;
# There are not rights on mysqltest.v1
-- error 1142
create view mysqltest.v1 as select * from mysqltest.t1;
# There are not any rights on mysqltest.t2.a
-- error 1143
create view v3 as select a from mysqltest.t2;

# give CREATE VIEW privileges (without any privileges for result column)
connection root;
create table mysqltest.v3 (b int);
grant create view on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop table mysqltest.v3;
connection user1;
create view mysqltest.v3 as select b from mysqltest.t2;

# give UPDATE privileges
connection root;
grant create view, update on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop view mysqltest.v3;
connection user1;
create view mysqltest.v3 as select b from mysqltest.t2;

# give UPDATE and INSERT privilege (to get more privileges then underlying
# table)
connection root;
grant create view, update, insert on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop view mysqltest.v3;
connection user1;
-- error 1143
create view mysqltest.v3 as select b from mysqltest.t2;

# If we would get more privileges on VIEW then we have on
# underlying tables => creation prohibited
connection root;
create table mysqltest.v3 (b int);
grant select(b) on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop table mysqltest.v3;
connection user1;
-- error 1142
create view mysqltest.v3 as select b from mysqltest.t2;

# Expression need select privileges
-- error 1143
create view v4 as select b+1 from mysqltest.t2;

connection root;
grant create view,update,select on test.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;
connection user1;
-- error 1143
create view v4 as select b+1 from mysqltest.t2;

connection root;
grant update,select(b) on mysqltest.t2 to mysqltest_1@localhost;
connection user1;
create view v4 as select b+1 from mysqltest.t2;

connection root;
drop database mysqltest;
drop view v1,v2,v4;

# user with global DB privileges
connection root;
create database mysqltest;
create table mysqltest.t1 (a int);
grant all privileges on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;

connection user1;
use mysqltest;
create view v1 as select * from t1;

connection root;
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop database mysqltest;