source include/;
connection slave;
connection master;

create table t2(n int);
create temporary table t1 (n int);
insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3);
insert into t2 select * from t1;
connection master1;
create temporary table t1 (n int);
insert into t1 values (4),(5);
insert into t2 select * from t1 as t10;
disconnect master;
connection slave;
#add 1 to catch drop table
sync_with_master 1;
connection master1;
insert into t2 values(6);
disconnect master1;
connection slave;
# same trick to go one more event
sync_with_master 1;
select * from t2;
show status like 'Slave_open_temp_tables';
# Clean up
connect (master2,localhost,root,,);
connection master2;

# We will get a warning for t1 as this is a temporary table that doesn't
# exist in this connection.

drop table if exists t1,t2;
connection slave;

# End of 4.1 tests