/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** Unit test case for the function explain_filename(). */ #include #include #include #include #define BUFLEN 1000 char to[BUFLEN]; char from[BUFLEN]; const char *error_messages[1000]; int setup() { system_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_bin; my_default_lc_messages = &my_locale_en_US; /* Populate the necessary error messages */ error_messages[ER_DATABASE_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Database"; error_messages[ER_TABLE_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Table"; error_messages[ER_PARTITION_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Partition"; error_messages[ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Subpartition"; error_messages[ER_TEMPORARY_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Temporary"; error_messages[ER_RENAMED_NAME - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = "Renamed"; my_default_lc_messages->errmsgs->errmsgs = error_messages; return 0; } void test_1(const char *in, const char *exp, enum_explain_filename_mode mode) { char out[BUFLEN]; uint len1 = explain_filename(0, in, out, BUFLEN, mode); /* expected output and actual output must be same */ bool pass = (strcmp(exp, out) == 0); /* length returned by explain_filename is fine */ bool length = (len1 == strlen(exp)); ok( (pass && length) , "(%d): %s => %s\n", mode, in, out); } int main() { setup(); plan(NO_PLAN); test_1("test/t1.ibd", "Database \"test\", Table \"t1.ibd\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1.ibd", "\"test\".\"t1.ibd\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1.ibd", "\"test\".\"t1.ibd\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#TMP#", "Database \"test\", Table \"t1#TMP#\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/#sql-2882.ibd", "Database \"test\", Table \"#sql-2882.ibd\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1#REN#", "Database \"test\", Table \"t1#REN#\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1@0023REN@0023", "Database \"test\", Table \"t1#REN#\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1#p#p1", "Database \"test\", Table \"t1\", Partition \"p1\"", EXPLAIN_ALL_VERBOSE); test_1("test/t1#P#p1", "\"test\".\"t1\" /* Partition \"p1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#P#p1@00231", "\"test\".\"t1\" /* Partition \"p1#1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#P#p1#SP#sp1", "\"test\".\"t1\" /* Partition \"p1\", Subpartition \"sp1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#p1#SP#sp1", "\"test\".\"t1#p1#SP#sp1\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#p#p1@00232#SP#sp1@00231#REN#", "\"test\".\"t1\" /* Renamed Partition \"p1#2\", Subpartition \"sp1#1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t1#p#p1#SP#sp1#TMP#", "\"test\".\"t1\" /* Temporary Partition \"p1\", Subpartition \"sp1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/#sql-t1#P#p1#SP#sp1#TMP#", "\"test\".\"#sql-t1#P#p1#SP#sp1#TMP#\" /* Temporary Partition \"p1\", Subpartition \"sp1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/#sql-t1#P#p1#SP#sp1", "\"test\".\"#sql-t1#P#p1#SP#sp1\" /* Partition \"p1\", Subpartition \"sp1\" */", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/#sqlx-33", "\"test\".\"#sqlx-33\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/#mysql50#t", "\"test\".\"#mysql50#t\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("#mysql50#t", "\"#mysql50#t\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("@0023t", "\"#t\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); test_1("test/t@0023", "\"test\".\"t#\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); /* If a character not allowed in my_charset_filename is encountered, then it will not be converted to system_charset_info! */ test_1("test/t@0023#", "\"test\".\"t@0023#\"", EXPLAIN_PARTITIONS_AS_COMMENT); return 0; }