#!/bin/sh -
#	$Id: s_test,v 1.24 2002/08/09 02:24:58 bostic Exp $
# Build the Tcl test files.

msg1="# Automatically built by dist/s_test; may require local editing."
msg2="# Automatically built by dist/s_test; may require local editing."

trap 'rm -f $t; exit 0' 0 1 2 3 13 15


(echo "$msg1"					&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set tclsh_path @TCL_TCLSH@"		&& \
 echo "set tcllib .libs/libdb_tcl-@DB_VERSION_MAJOR@.@DB_VERSION_MINOR@.@MODSUFFIX@" && \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set rpc_server localhost"	 	&& \
 echo "set rpc_path ."			 	&& \
 echo "set rpc_testdir \$rpc_path/TESTDIR"	&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set src_root @srcdir@/.."		&& \
 echo "set test_path @srcdir@/../test"		&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global testdir"				&& \
 echo "set testdir ./TESTDIR"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global dict"				&& \
 echo "global util_path"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global is_hp_test"			&& \
 echo "global is_qnx_test"			&& \
 echo "global is_windows_test"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set KILL \"@db_cv_path_kill@\"") > $t

cmp $t $f > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
    (echo "Building $f" && rm -f $f && cp $t $f && chmod 444 $f)

(echo "$msg1"					&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set tclsh_path SET_YOUR_TCLSH_PATH"	&& \
 echo "set tcllib ./Debug/libdb_tcl${DB_VERSION_MAJOR}${DB_VERSION_MINOR}d.dll" && \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set src_root .."				&& \
 echo "set test_path ../test"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global testdir"				&& \
 echo "set testdir ./TESTDIR"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global dict"				&& \
 echo "global util_path"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "global is_hp_test"			&& \
 echo "global is_qnx_test"			&& \
 echo "global is_windows_test"			&& \
 echo ""					&& \
 echo "set KILL ./dbkill.exe") > $t

cmp $t $f > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
    (echo "Building $f" && rm -f $f && cp $t $f && chmod 444 $f)

# Build the test directory TESTS file.
(echo $msg2;
cat `egrep -l '^#[	 ][	 ]*TEST' ../test/*.tcl` |
sed -e '/^#[	 ][	 ]*TEST/!{' \
    -e 's/.*//' \
    -e '}' |
cat -s |
sed -e '/TEST/{' \
    -e 's/^#[	 ][	 ]*TEST[	 ]*//' \
    -e 's/^	//' \
    -e 'H' \
    -e 'd' \
    -e '}' \
    -e 's/.*//' \
    -e x \
    -e 's/\n/__LINEBREAK__/g' |
sort |
sed -e 's/__LINEBREAK__/\
/' \
    -e 's/__LINEBREAK__/\
	/g' |
sed -e 's/^[	 ][	 ]*$//') > $t

cmp $t $f > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
    (echo "Building $f" && rm -f $f && cp $t $f && chmod 444 $f)