/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Windows NT Service class library
   Copyright Abandoned 1998 Irena Pancirov - Irnet Snc
   This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// main application thread
typedef void (*THREAD_FC)(void *);

class NTService

    BOOL    bOsNT;	      // true if OS is NT, false for Win95
    //install optinos
    DWORD   dwDesiredAccess;
    DWORD   dwServiceType;
    DWORD   dwStartType;
    DWORD   dwErrorControl;

    LPSTR   szLoadOrderGroup;
    LPDWORD lpdwTagID;
    LPSTR   szDependencies;

    // time-out (in milisec)
    int     nStartTimeOut;
    int     nStopTimeOut;
    int     nPauseTimeOut;
    int     nResumeTimeOut;

    DWORD   my_argc;
    LPTSTR *my_argv;
    HANDLE  hShutdownEvent;
    int     nError;
    DWORD   dwState;

    BOOL GetOS();	      // returns TRUE if WinNT
    BOOL IsNT() { return bOsNT;}
    //init service entry point
    long Init(LPCSTR szInternName,void *ServiceThread);

    //application shutdown event
    void SetShutdownEvent(HANDLE hEvent){ hShutdownEvent=hEvent; }

    //service install / un-install
    BOOL Install(int startType,LPCSTR szInternName,LPCSTR szDisplayName,
                 LPCSTR szFullPath, LPCSTR szAccountName=NULL,
                 LPCSTR szPassword=NULL);
    BOOL SeekStatus(LPCSTR szInternName, int OperationType);
    BOOL Remove(LPCSTR szInternName);
    BOOL IsService(LPCSTR ServiceName);
    BOOL got_service_option(char **argv, char *service_option);
    BOOL is_super_user();

      SetRunning() is to be called by the application 
      when initialization completes and it can accept
      stop request
    void SetRunning(void);

      Stop() is to be called by the application to stop 
      the service
    void Stop(void); 

    LPSTR		   ServiceName;
    HANDLE		   hExitEvent;
    SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE  hServiceStatusHandle;
    BOOL		   bPause;
    BOOL		   bRunning;
    HANDLE		   hThreadHandle;
    THREAD_FC		   fpServiceThread;

    void PauseService();
    void ResumeService();
    void StopService();
    BOOL StartService();

    static void ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv);
    static void ServiceCtrlHandler (DWORD ctrlCode);

    void Exit(DWORD error);
    BOOL SetStatus (DWORD dwCurrentState,DWORD dwWin32ExitCode,
		    DWORD dwServiceSpecificExitCode,
		    DWORD dwCheckPoint,DWORD dwWaitHint);

/* ------------------------- the end -------------------------------------- */