/* Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "command.h" #include "factory.h" #include "commands.h" #include "instance.h" #include "instance_map.h" #include "messages.h" /* implementation for Show_instances: */ int Show_instances::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { if (factory->instance_map.show_instances(net)) return ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; return 0; } /* implementation for Flush_instances: */ int Flush_instances::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { if (factory->instance_map.flush_instances()) return ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; net_send_ok(net, connection_id); return 0; } /* implementation for Show_instance_status: */ Show_instance_status::Show_instance_status(Command_factory *factory, const char *name, uint len) :Command(factory) { Instance *instance; /* we make a search here, since we don't want t store the name */ if (instance= factory->instance_map.find(name, len)) { instance_name= instance->options.instance_name; } else instance_name= NULL; } int Show_instance_status::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { if (instance_name != NULL) { if (factory->instance_map.show_instance_status(net, instance_name)) return ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; return 0; } else { return ER_BAD_INSTANCE_NAME; } } /* Implementation for Show_instance_options */ Show_instance_options::Show_instance_options(Command_factory *factory, const char *name, uint len): Command(factory) { Instance *instance; /* we make a search here, since we don't want t store the name */ if (instance= (factory->instance_map).find(name, len)) { instance_name= instance->options.instance_name; } else instance_name= NULL; } int Show_instance_options::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { if (instance_name != NULL) { if (factory->instance_map.show_instance_options(net, instance_name)) return ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; return 0; } else { return ER_BAD_INSTANCE_NAME; } } /* Implementation for Start_instance */ Start_instance::Start_instance(Command_factory *factory, const char *name, uint len) :Command(factory) { /* we make a search here, since we don't want t store the name */ if (instance= factory->instance_map.find(name, len)) instance_name= instance->options.instance_name; } int Start_instance::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { uint err_code; if (instance == 0) { return ER_BAD_INSTANCE_NAME; /* haven't found an instance */ } else { if (err_code= instance->start()) return err_code; if (instance->options.is_guarded != NULL) factory->instance_map.guardian->guard(instance->options.instance_name, instance->options.instance_name_len); net_send_ok(net, connection_id); return 0; } } /* Implementation for Stop_instance: */ Stop_instance::Stop_instance(Command_factory *factory, const char *name, uint len) :Command(factory) { /* we make a search here, since we don't want t store the name */ if (instance= factory->instance_map.find(name, len)) instance_name= instance->options.instance_name; } int Stop_instance::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { uint err_code; if (instance == 0) { return ER_BAD_INSTANCE_NAME; /* haven't found an instance */ } else { if (instance->options.is_guarded != NULL) factory->instance_map.guardian-> stop_guard(instance_name, instance->options.instance_name_len); if (err_code= instance->stop()) return err_code; net_send_ok(net, connection_id); return 0; } } int Syntax_error::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id) { return ER_SYNTAX_ERROR; }