#! /bin/sh

path=`dirname $0`
. "$path/SETUP.sh" "$@"

extra_flags="$pentium_cflags $debug_cflags $valgrind_flags"
extra_configs="$pentium_configs $debug_configs $max_configs"

. "$path/FINISH.sh"

if test -z "$just_print"
  set +v +x
  echo "\
Note that by default BUILD/compile-pentium-valgrind-max calls 'configure' with
--enable-assembler. When Valgrind detects an error involving an assembly
function (for example an uninitialized value used as an argument of an
assembly function), Valgrind will not print the stacktrace and 'valgrind
--gdb-attach=yes' will not work either. If you need a stacktrace in those
cases, you have to run BUILD/compile-pentium-valgrind-max with the
--disable-assembler argument.