# Test need anonymous user when connection are made as "zedjzlcsjhd"
source include/add_anonymous_users.inc;

source include/master-slave.inc;

# Clean up old slave's binlogs.
# The slave is started with --log-slave-updates
# and this test does SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on the slave's
# binlog. But previous tests can influence the current test's
# binlog (e.g. a temporary table in the previous test has not
# been explicitly deleted, or it has but the slave hasn't had
# enough time to catch it before STOP SLAVE, 
# and at the beginning of the current
# test the slave immediately writes DROP TEMPORARY TABLE this_old_table).
# We wait for the slave to have written all he wants to the binlog
# (otherwise RESET MASTER may come too early).
connection slave;
reset master;
connection master;

connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
# We want to connect as an unprivileged user. But if we use user="" then this
# will pick the Unix login, which will cause problems if you're running the
# test as root.
connect (con3,localhost,zedjzlcsjhd,,);

# We are going to use SET PSEUDO_THREAD_ID in this test;
# check that it requires the SUPER privilege.

connection con3;
SET @save_select_limit=@@session.sql_select_limit;
--error 1227
SET @@session.sql_select_limit=10, @@session.pseudo_thread_id=100;
SELECT @@session.sql_select_limit = @save_select_limit; #shouldn't have changed
# While we are here we also test that SQL_LOG_BIN can't be set
--error 1227
SET @@session.sql_select_limit=10, @@session.sql_log_bin=0;
SELECT @@session.sql_select_limit = @save_select_limit; #shouldn't have changed
# Now as root, to be sure it works
connection con2;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=100;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=connection_id();
SET @@session.sql_log_bin=0;
SET @@session.sql_log_bin=1;

connection con3;
let $VERSION=`select version()`;

drop table if exists t1,t2;

create table t1(f int);
create table t2(f int);
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10);

connection con1;
create temporary table t3(f int);
insert into t3 select * from t1 where f<6;
sleep 1;

connection con2;
create temporary table t3(f int);
sleep 1;

connection con1;
insert into t2 select count(*) from t3;
sleep 1;

connection con2;
insert into t3 select * from t1 where f>=4;
sleep 1;

connection con1;
drop temporary table t3;
sleep 1;

connection con2;
insert into t2 select count(*) from t3;
drop temporary table t3;

select * from t2;

--replace_result $VERSION VERSION
--replace_column 2 # 5 #
show binlog events;

drop table t1, t2;

use test;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040323920;
create table t1(f int);
SET TIMESTAMP=1040323931;
create table t2(f int);
SET TIMESTAMP=1040323938;
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10);

SET TIMESTAMP=1040323945;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=1;
create temporary table t3(f int);
SET TIMESTAMP=1040323952;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=1;
insert into t3 select * from t1 where f<6;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324145;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=2;
create temporary table t3(f int);
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324186;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=1;
insert into t2 select count(*) from t3;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324200;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=2;
insert into t3 select * from t1 where f>=4;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324211;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=1;
drop temporary table t3;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324219;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=2;
insert into t2 select count(*) from t3;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040324224;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=2;
drop temporary table t3;

select * from t2;
drop table t1,t2;

# Create last a temporary table that is not dropped at end to ensure that we
# don't get any memory leaks for this

create temporary table t3 (f int);

# The server will now close done

# Bug#17284 erroneous temp table cleanup on slave

connection master;
create temporary table t4 (f int);
create table t5 (f int);
# find dumper's $id
source include/get_binlog_dump_thread_id.inc;
insert into t4 values (1);
# a hint how to do that in 5.1
--replace_result $id "`select id from information_schema.processlist where command='Binlog Dump'`"
eval kill $id; # to stimulate reconnection by slave w/o timeout
insert into t5 select * from t4;

connection slave;
select * from t5 /* must be 1 after reconnection */;

connection master;
drop temporary table t4;
drop table t5;

# BUG#17263 incorrect generation DROP temp tables
# Temporary tables of connection are dropped in batches
# where a batch correspond to pseudo_thread_id
# value was set up at the moment of temp table creation
connection con1;
set @@session.pseudo_thread_id=100;
create temporary table t101 (id int);
create temporary table t102 (id int);
set @@session.pseudo_thread_id=200;
create temporary table t201 (id int);
create temporary table `t``201` (id int);
# emulate internal temp table not to come to binlog
create temporary table `#sql_not_user_table202` (id int);
set @@session.pseudo_thread_id=300;
create temporary table t301 (id int);
create temporary table t302 (id int);
create temporary table `#sql_not_user_table303` (id int);
disconnect con1;

#now do something to show that slave is ok after DROP temp tables
connection master;
create table t1(f int);
insert into t1 values (1);

#connection slave;
select * from t1 /* must be 1 */;

connection master; 
drop table t1;

#14157: utf8 encoding in binlog without set character_set_client
--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug14157.sql
create table t1 (a int);
set names latin1;
create temporary table `������` (a int);
insert into `������` values (1);
insert into t1 select * from `������`
--exec $MYSQL --character-sets-dir=../sql/share/charsets/ --default-character-set=latin1 test < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug14157.sql

#connection slave;
select * from t1;

connection master; 
drop table t1;

# Delete the anonymous users
source include/delete_anonymous_users.inc;

# End of 5.0 tests