--source include/big_test.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc --source include/have_64bit.inc set @save_rand_seed1= @@RAND_SEED1; set @save_rand_seed2= @@RAND_SEED2; set @@RAND_SEED1=810763568, @@RAND_SEED2=600681772; create table t1(a int); insert into t1 select seq from seq_1_to_10000 order by rand(),seq; delimiter |; --echo # --echo # parameters: --echo # mean mean for the column to be considered --echo # max_val max_value for the column to be considered --echo # --echo # This function generate a sample of a normal distribution --echo # This function return a point --echo # of the normal distribution with a given mean. --echo # CREATE FUNCTION generate_normal_distribution_sample(mean DOUBLE, max_val DOUBLE)RETURNS DOUBLE BEGIN DECLARE z DOUBLE DEFAULT 0; SET z= (rand() + rand() + rand() + rand() + rand() + rand())/6; SET z= 2*(max_val-mean)*z; SET z= z + mean - (max_val-mean); return z; END| --echo # --echo # parameters: --echo # len length of the random string to be generated --echo # --echo # This function generates a random string for the length passed --echo # as an argument with characters in the range of [A,Z] --echo # CREATE FUNCTION generate_random_string(len INT) RETURNS varchar(128) BEGIN DECLARE str VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE x INT DEFAULT 0; WHILE (len > 0) DO SET x =round(rand()*25); SET str= CONCAT(str, CHAR(65 + x)); SET len= len-1; END WHILE; RETURN str; END| --echo # --echo # parameters: --echo # mean mean for the column to be considered --echo # min_val min_value for the column to be considered --echo # max_val max_value for the column to be considered --echo # --echo # This function generate a normal distribution sample in the range of --echo # [min_val, max_val] --echo # CREATE FUNCTION clipped_normal_distribution(mean DOUBLE, min_val DOUBLE, max_val DOUBLE) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE r DOUBLE DEFAULT 0; WHILE 1=1 DO set r= generate_normal_distribution_sample(mean, max_val); IF (r >= min_val AND r <= max_val) THEN RETURN round(r); end if; END WHILE; RETURN 0; END| delimiter ;| create table t2 (id INT NOT NULL, a INT, b int); insert into t2 select a, clipped_normal_distribution(12, 0, 64), clipped_normal_distribution(32, 0, 128) from t1; CREATE TABLE t3( id INT NOT NULL, names VARCHAR(64), address VARCHAR(128), PRIMARY KEY (id) ) CHARSET=latin1; --echo # --echo # table t3 stores random strings calculated from the length stored in --echo # table t2 --echo # insert into t3 select id, generate_random_string(a), generate_random_string(b) from t2; let $query= select id DIV 100 as x, MD5(group_concat(substring(names,1,3), substring(address,1,3) order by id)) as md5 FROM t3 GROUP BY x; --echo # --echo # All records fit in memory --echo # set sort_buffer_size=262144*10; --source include/analyze-format.inc eval analyze format=json $query; flush status; --disable_ps2_protocol eval $query; --enable_ps2_protocol show status like '%sort%'; set sort_buffer_size=default; --echo # --echo # Test for merge_many_buff --echo # set sort_buffer_size=32768; --source include/analyze-format.inc eval analyze format=json $query; flush status; --disable_ps2_protocol eval $query; --enable_ps2_protocol show status like '%sort%'; set sort_buffer_size=default; --echo # --echo # CASE #1 Packed sort keys with addon fields --echo # ALTER TABLE t3 ADD INDEX idx(names, address); let $file1 = `SELECT CONCAT(@@datadir, "t1.txt")`; let $file2 = `SELECT CONCAT(@@datadir, "t2.txt")`; set sort_buffer_size= 2097152; --source include/analyze-format.inc eval ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT id, names, address FROM t3 ORDER BY names, address; flush status; --disable_cursor_protocol --disable_ps2_protocol evalp SELECT id, names, address INTO OUTFILE '$file1' FROM t3 ORDER BY names, address; --enable_ps2_protocol --enable_cursor_protocol --echo # Sort_merge_passes should be 0 show status like '%sort%'; --disable_cursor_protocol --disable_ps2_protocol evalp SELECT id, names, address INTO OUTFILE '$file2' FROM t3 FORCE INDEX(idx) ORDER BY names, address; --enable_ps2_protocol --enable_cursor_protocol diff_files $file1 $file2; --remove_file $file1 --echo # --echo # CASE #2 Packed sort keys and ROW_ID --echo # set @save_max_length_for_sort_data=@@max_length_for_sort_data; set max_length_for_sort_data= 300; set sort_buffer_size= 1097152; --source include/analyze-format.inc eval ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT id, names, address FROM t3 ORDER BY names, address; flush status; --disable_cursor_protocol --disable_ps2_protocol evalp SELECT id, names, address INTO OUTFILE '$file1' FROM t3 ORDER BY names, address; --enable_ps2_protocol --enable_cursor_protocol --echo # Sort_merge_passes should be 0 show status like '%sort%'; diff_files $file1 $file2; --remove_file $file1 --remove_file $file2 set @@max_length_for_sort_data=@save_max_length_for_sort_data; set @@sort_buffer_size=default; set @@RAND_SEED1= @save_rand_seed1; set @@RAND_SEED2= @save_rand_seed2; drop function generate_normal_distribution_sample; drop function generate_random_string; drop function clipped_normal_distribution; drop table t1, t2, t3;