############################################### # Author: JBM # # Date: 2006-03-07 # # Purpose: To test advance DD and replication # ############################################### #### Include Section #### --source include/have_ndb.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc #--source include/have_ndb_extra.inc --source include/master-slave.inc #### Test start cleanup section ##### --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t3; --enable_warnings ###################################################### # Requirment: Cluster DD and replication must be able# # to handle ALTER tables and indexes and must rpl # # to the slave correctly # ###################################################### ## Test #1 replication of CDD and Alter Tables ##### --echo ***** Test 1 RPL of CDD and Alter ***** --echo ***** Test 1 setup ***** CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 16M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = 1M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 4M ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 12M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 4M ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, c2 INT NOT NULL, c3 INT NOT NULL) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; --echo ***** insert some data ***** let $j= 900; --disable_query_log while ($j) { eval INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($j,$j*2,$j+3); dec $j; } --enable_query_log --echo ***** Select from Master ***** SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY c1 LIMIT 5; --echo ***** Select from Slave ***** --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY c1 LIMIT 5; ################################### # Just to some File Schema check # ################################### --disable_query_log SELECT DISTINCT FILE_NAME, FILE_TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES WHERE ENGINE="ndbcluster" ORDER BY FILE_NAME; --enable_query_log --echo **** Do First Set of ALTERs in the master table **** ################################################### # On this first set of alters I expect: # 1. To be able to create and index on 2 columns # 2. To be able to create a unique index # 3. To be able to add two columns and have # it all replicated correctly to the slave cluster. ################################################### connection master; CREATE INDEX t1_i ON t1(c2, c3); #Bug 18039 #CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t1_i2 ON t1(c2); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD c4 TIMESTAMP; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD c5 DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX (c5); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --echo **** Show first set of ALTERs on SLAVE **** --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --echo **** Second set of alters test 1 **** ############################################ # With this next set of alters we have had # Some issues with renames of tables. So this # test renames our main table, drop and index off # of it, creates another table with then name # of the orginal table, inserts a row, drops # the table and renames the orginal table back. # I want to make sure that 1) the cluster does # okay with this and 2) that it is replicated # correctly. ############################################# connection master; ALTER TABLE t1 RENAME t2; ALTER TABLE t2 DROP INDEX c5; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT)ENGINE=NDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); DROP TABLE t1; ALTER TABLE t2 RENAME t1; --echo **** Show second set of ALTERs on MASTER **** SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --echo **** Show second set of ALTERs on SLAVE **** --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --echo **** Third and last set of alters for test1 **** ######################################################### # In this last set of alters, we are messing with the # cluster ability to rebuild indexes, drop a column that make up # an index with another column and change types several times in # a row. I have choosen the BLOB as it seems to have had many # issues in this release. I want to make sure that the cluster # deals with these radical changes and that the replication to # the slave cluster is dones correctly. ########################################################### connection master; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c1 c1 DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c2 c2 DECIMAL(10,2); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c3; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c4 c4 TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c4 c4 BLOB; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c4 c3 BLOB; set @b1 = 'b1'; set @b1 = concat(@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1,@b1); UPDATE t1 SET c3=@b1 where c1 = 1; UPDATE t1 SET c3=@b1 where c1 = 2; --echo **** Show last set of ALTERs on MASTER **** SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY c1 LIMIT 5; --echo **** Show last set of ALTERs on SLAVE **** --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; # Bug 18094 #SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY c1 LIMIT 5; SELECT * FROM t1 where c1 = 1; connection master; DROP TABLE t1; --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE; connection master; RESET MASTER; connection slave; START SLAVE; ################### TEST 2 TPCB for disk data ########################### # Requirement: To have Stored Procedures and Functions that are used to # # populate and post transactions to the data base using CDD that span # # 2 tables spaces and also use a memory only cluster tables. In addition# # The slave is to be stopped, cleaned and restored and synced with the # # Master cluster # ######################################################################### --echo ******** Create additional TABLESPACE test 2 ************** connection master; CREATE TABLESPACE ts2 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile03.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 12M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile04.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 12M ENGINE=NDB; ###### CLEAN UP SECTION ############## DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS tpcb; CREATE DATABASE tpcb; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; CREATE DATABASE test; ######## Creat Table Section ######### --echo *********** Create TPCB Tables ***************** CREATE TABLE tpcb.account (id INT, bid INT, balance DECIMAL(10,2), filler CHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id)) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE tpcb.branch (bid INT, balance DECIMAL(10,2), filler VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(bid)) ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE tpcb.teller (tid INT, balance DECIMAL(10,2), filler VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(tid)) TABLESPACE ts2 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE tpcb.history (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,aid INT, tid INT, bid INT, amount DECIMAL(10,2), tdate DATETIME, teller CHAR(20), uuidf LONGBLOB, filler CHAR(80),PRIMARY KEY (id)) TABLESPACE ts2 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; --echo ********* Create Procedures and Functions ************ delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE tpcb.load() BEGIN DECLARE acct INT DEFAULT 1000; DECLARE brch INT DEFAULT 100; DECLARE tell INT DEFAULT 1000; DECLARE tmp INT DEFAULT 100; WHILE brch > 0 DO SET tmp = 100; WHILE tmp > 0 DO INSERT INTO tpcb.account VALUES (acct, brch, 0.0, "FRESH ACCOUNT"); SET acct = acct - 1; SET tmp = tmp -1; END WHILE; INSERT INTO tpcb.branch VALUES (brch, 0.0, "FRESH BRANCH"); SET brch = brch - 1; END WHILE; WHILE tell > 0 DO INSERT INTO tpcb.teller VALUES (tell, 0.0, "FRESH TELLER"); SET tell = tell - 1; END WHILE; END| CREATE FUNCTION tpcb.account_id () RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE num INT; DECLARE ran INT; SELECT RAND() * 10 INTO ran; IF (ran < 2) THEN SELECT RAND() * 10 INTO num; ELSEIF (ran < 4) THEN SELECT RAND() * 100 INTO num; ELSE SELECT RAND() * 1000 INTO num; END IF; IF (num < 1) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; RETURN num; END| CREATE FUNCTION tpcb.teller_id () RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE num INT; DECLARE ran INT; SELECT RAND() * 10 INTO ran; IF (ran < 2) THEN SELECT RAND() * 10 INTO num; ELSEIF (ran < 5) THEN SELECT RAND() * 100 INTO num; ELSE SELECT RAND() * 1000 INTO num; END IF; IF (num < 1) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; RETURN num; END| CREATE PROCEDURE tpcb.trans() BEGIN DECLARE acct INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE brch INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE tell INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE bal DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE amount DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 1.00; DECLARE test INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE bbal DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE tbal DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE local_uuid VARCHAR(255); DECLARE local_user VARCHAR(255); DECLARE local_time TIMESTAMP; SELECT RAND() * 10 INTO test; SELECT tpcb.account_id() INTO acct; SELECT tpcb.teller_id() INTO tell; SELECT account.balance INTO bal FROM tpcb.account WHERE id = acct; SELECT account.bid INTO brch FROM tpcb.account WHERE id = acct; SELECT teller.balance INTO tbal FROM tpcb.teller WHERE tid = tell; SELECT branch.balance INTO bbal FROM tpcb.branch WHERE bid = brch; IF (test < 5) THEN SET bal = bal + amount; SET bbal = bbal + amount; SET tbal = tbal + amount; UPDATE tpcb.account SET balance = bal, filler = 'account updated' WHERE id = acct; UPDATE tpcb.branch SET balance = bbal, filler = 'branch updated' WHERE bid = brch; UPDATE tpcb.teller SET balance = tbal, filler = 'teller updated' WHERE tid = tell; ELSE SET bal = bal - amount; SET bbal = bbal - amount; SET tbal = tbal - amount; UPDATE tpcb.account SET balance = bal, filler = 'account updated' WHERE id = acct; UPDATE tpcb.branch SET balance = bbal, filler = 'branch updated' WHERE bid = brch; UPDATE tpcb.teller SET balance = tbal, filler = 'teller updated' WHERE tid = tell; END IF; SET local_uuid=UUID(); SET local_user=USER(); SET local_time= NOW(); INSERT INTO tpcb.history VALUES(NULL,acct,tell,brch,amount, local_time,local_user, local_uuid,'completed trans'); END| delimiter ;| --echo ****** TEST 2 test time ********************************* USE tpcb; --echo *********** Load up the database ****************** CALL tpcb.load(); --echo ********** Check load master and slave ************** SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account; --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; USE tpcb; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account; --echo ******** Run in some transactions *************** connection master; let $j= 1000; --disable_query_log while ($j) { CALL tpcb.trans(); dec $j; } --enable_query_log --echo ***** Time to try slave sync *********** --echo **** Must make sure slave is clean ***** --connection slave STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE; DROP PROCEDURE tpcb.load; DROP PROCEDURE tpcb.trans; DROP TABLE tpcb.account; DROP TABLE tpcb.teller; DROP TABLE tpcb.branch; DROP TABLE tpcb.history; DROP DATABASE tpcb; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile02.dat' ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile03.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile04.dat' ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts2 ENGINE=NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE=NDB; --echo ********** Take a backup of the Master ************* connection master; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history; let $j= 1000; --disable_query_log while ($j) { CALL tpcb.trans(); dec $j; } --enable_query_log SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history; #RESET MASTER; --exec $NDB_MGM --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT" -e "start backup" >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_select_all --ndb-connectstring="localhost:$NDBCLUSTER_PORT" -d sys --delimiter=',' SYSTAB_0 | grep 520093696 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp.dat CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cluster.backup_info (id INT, backup_id INT) ENGINE = HEAP; DELETE FROM cluster.backup_info; LOAD DATA INFILE '../tmp.dat' INTO TABLE cluster.backup_info FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; --replace_column 1 <the_backup_id> SELECT @the_backup_id:=backup_id FROM cluster.backup_info; let the_backup_id=`select @the_backup_id`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cluster.backup_info; #RESET MASTER; --echo ************ Restore the slave ************************ connection slave; CREATE DATABASE tpcb; --source include/ndb_restore_slave_eoption.inc --echo ***** Check a few slave restore values *************** connection slave; USE tpcb; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account; --echo ***** Add some more records to master ********* connection master; let $j= 1000; --disable_query_log while ($j) { CALL tpcb.trans(); dec $j; } --enable_query_log # # now setup replication to continue from last epoch # 1. get apply_status epoch from slave # 2. get corresponding _next_ binlog postition from master # 3. change master on slave # 4. add some transaction for slave to process # 5. start the replication --echo ***** Finsh the slave sync process ******* # 1. --echo * 1. * connection slave; --disable_query_log --replace_column 1 <the_epoch> SELECT @the_epoch:=MAX(epoch) FROM cluster.apply_status; --let $the_epoch= `select @the_epoch` # 2. --echo * 2. * connection master; --replace_column 1 <the_pos> eval SELECT @the_pos:=Position,@the_file:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(FILE, '/', -1) FROM cluster.binlog_index WHERE epoch > $the_epoch ORDER BY epoch ASC LIMIT 1; --let $the_pos= `SELECT @the_pos` --let $the_file= `SELECT @the_file` # 3. --echo * 3. * connection slave; eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file = '$the_file', master_log_pos = $the_pos; --enable_query_log # 4. --echo * 4. * connection master; let $j= 1000; --disable_query_log while ($j) { CALL tpcb.trans(); dec $j; } --enable_query_log # 5. --echo * 5. * connection slave; START SLAVE; --echo **** We should be ready to continue on ************* connection master; let $j= 50; --disable_query_log while ($j) { CALL tpcb.trans(); dec $j; } --enable_query_log --echo ****** Let's make sure we match ******* --echo ***** MASTER ******* USE tpcb; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history; --echo ****** SLAVE ******** --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; USE tpcb; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history; --echo *** DUMP MASTER & SLAVE FOR COMPARE ******** --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert tpcb account teller branch history > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_M.sql --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert tpcb account teller branch history > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_S.sql --echo *************** TEST 2 CLEANUP SECTION ******************** connection master; DROP PROCEDURE tpcb.load; DROP PROCEDURE tpcb.trans; DROP TABLE tpcb.account; DROP TABLE tpcb.teller; DROP TABLE tpcb.branch; DROP TABLE tpcb.history; DROP DATABASE tpcb; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile02.dat' ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile03.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile04.dat' ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts2 ENGINE=NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE=NDB; --sync_slave_with_master connection master; --echo ****** Do dumps compare ************ --exec diff $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_M.sql $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_S.sql ## Note: Ths files should only get removed, if the above diff succeeds. --exec rm $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_M.sql --exec rm $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/RPL_DD_ADV_S.sql # End 5.1 test case