/**************** Value H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/ /* Name: VALUE.H Version 2.1 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2001-2014 */ /* */ /* This file contains the VALUE and derived classes declares. */ /***********************************************************************/ #ifndef __VALUE__H__ #define __VALUE__H__ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include required application header files */ /* assert.h is header required when using the assert function. */ /* block.h is header containing Block global declarations. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "assert.h" #include "block.h" /***********************************************************************/ /* Types used in some class definitions. */ /***********************************************************************/ enum CONV {CNV_ANY = 0, /* Convert to any type */ CNV_CHAR = 1, /* Convert to character type */ CNV_NUM = 2}; /* Convert to numeric type */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Types used in some class definitions. */ /***********************************************************************/ class CONSTANT; // For friend setting typedef struct _datpar *PDTP; // For DTVAL /***********************************************************************/ /* Utilities used to test types and to allocated values. */ /***********************************************************************/ // Exported functions DllExport PSZ GetTypeName(int); DllExport int GetTypeSize(int, int); #ifdef ODBC_SUPPORT /* This function is exported for use in EOM table type DLLs */ DllExport int TranslateSQLType(int stp, int prec, int& len, char& v); #endif DllExport char *GetFormatType(int); DllExport int GetFormatType(char); DllExport bool IsTypeChar(int type); DllExport bool IsTypeNum(int type); DllExport int ConvertType(int, int, CONV, bool match = false); DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, void *, short, short = 2); DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, PVAL, int = TYPE_VOID, int = 0); DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, int, int len = 0, int prec = 0, bool uns = false, PSZ fmt = NULL); DllExport ulonglong CharToNumber(char *, int, ulonglong, bool, bool *minus = NULL, bool *rc = NULL); DllExport BYTE OpBmp(PGLOBAL g, OPVAL opc); /***********************************************************************/ /* Class VALUE represents a constant or variable of any valid type. */ /***********************************************************************/ class DllExport VALUE : public BLOCK { friend class CONSTANT; // The only object allowed to use SetConstFormat public: // Constructors // Implementation virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) = 0; virtual bool IsZero(void) = 0; virtual bool IsCi(void) {return false;} virtual bool IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;} virtual void Reset(void) = 0; virtual int GetSize(void) = 0; virtual int GetValLen(void) = 0; virtual int GetValPrec(void) = 0; virtual int GetLength(void) {return 1;} virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {assert(false); return NULL;} virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;} virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;} virtual short GetShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;} virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;} virtual int GetIntValue(void) = 0; virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) = 0; virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) = 0; virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) = 0; virtual double GetFloatValue(void) = 0; virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) = 0; virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Prec = prec;} bool IsNull(void) {return Null;} void SetNull(bool b) {Null = b;} bool GetNullable(void) {return Nullable;} void SetNullable(bool b) {Nullable = b;} int GetType(void) {return Type;} int GetClen(void) {return Clen;} void SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g) {Global = g;} // Methods virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype = false) = 0; virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n) = 0; virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s) = 0; virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {assert(FALSE);} virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp) = 0; virtual BYTE TestValue(PVAL vp); virtual void SetValue(char c) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(short i) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(int n) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(uint n) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue(double f) {assert(false);} virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n) = 0; virtual void SetBinValue(void *p) = 0; virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go) = 0; virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int len = 0) = 0; virtual char *GetCharString(char *p) = 0; virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype) = 0; virtual bool Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op); virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt) = 0; protected: virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) = 0; const char *GetXfmt(void); // Constructor used by derived classes VALUE(int type, bool un = false); // Members PGLOBAL Global; // To reduce arglist const char *Fmt; const char *Xfmt; bool Nullable; // True if value can be null bool Null; // True if value is null bool Unsigned; // True if unsigned int Type; // The value type int Clen; // Internal value length int Prec; }; // end of class VALUE /***********************************************************************/ /* Class TYPVAL: represents a typed value. */ /***********************************************************************/ template <class TYPE> class DllExport TYPVAL : public VALUE { public: // Constructor TYPVAL(TYPE n, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false); // Implementation virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;} virtual bool IsZero(void) {return Tval == 0;} virtual void Reset(void) {Tval = 0;} virtual int GetValLen(void); virtual int GetValPrec() {return Prec;} virtual int GetSize(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);} //virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return VALUE::GetCharValue();} virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)Tval;} virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {return (uchar)Tval;} virtual short GetShortValue(void) {return (short)Tval;} virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {return (ushort)Tval;} virtual int GetIntValue(void) {return (int)Tval;} virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) {return (uint)Tval;} virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return (longlong)Tval;} virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) {return (ulonglong)Tval;} virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return (double)Tval;} virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return &Tval;} // Methods virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype); virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n); virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s); virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {Tval = (b) ? 1 : 0;} virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp); virtual void SetValue(char c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(short i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(int n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(uint n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue(double f) {Tval = (TYPE)f; Null = false;} virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n); virtual void SetBinValue(void *p); virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go); virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int); virtual char *GetCharString(char *p); virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype); virtual bool Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op); virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&); virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt); virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *, uint); virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *, uint); protected: static TYPE MinMaxVal(bool b); TYPE SafeAdd(TYPE n1, TYPE n2); TYPE SafeMult(TYPE n1, TYPE n2); bool Compall(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op); // Default constructor not to be used TYPVAL(void) : VALUE(TYPE_ERROR) {} // Specialized functions static ulonglong MaxVal(void); TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp); TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n); // TYPE GetTypedValue(PSZ s); // Members TYPE Tval; }; // end of class TYPVAL /***********************************************************************/ /* Specific STRING class. */ /***********************************************************************/ template <> class DllExport TYPVAL<PSZ>: public VALUE { public: // Constructors TYPVAL(PSZ s); TYPVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int c); // Implementation virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return false;} virtual bool IsZero(void) {return *Strp == 0;} virtual void Reset(void) {*Strp = 0;} virtual int GetValLen(void) {return Len;}; virtual int GetValPrec() {return (Ci) ? 1 : 0;} virtual int GetSize(void) {return (Strp) ? strlen(Strp) : 0;} virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return Strp;} virtual char GetTinyValue(void); virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void); virtual short GetShortValue(void); virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void); virtual int GetIntValue(void); virtual uint GetUIntValue(void); virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void); virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void); virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return atof(Strp);} virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return Strp;} virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Ci = prec != 0;} // Methods virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype); virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n); virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s); virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n); virtual void SetValue(char c); virtual void SetValue(uchar c); virtual void SetValue(short i); virtual void SetValue(ushort i); virtual void SetValue(int n); virtual void SetValue(uint n); virtual void SetValue(longlong n); virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n); virtual void SetValue(double f); virtual void SetBinValue(void *p); virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp); virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go); virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int); virtual char *GetCharString(char *p); virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype); virtual bool Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op); virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt); virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&); protected: // Members PSZ Strp; bool Ci; // true if case insensitive int Len; }; // end of class TYPVAL<PSZ> /***********************************************************************/ /* Specific DECIMAL class. */ /***********************************************************************/ class DllExport DECVAL: public TYPVAL<PSZ> { public: // Constructors DECVAL(PSZ s); DECVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int prec, bool uns); // Implementation virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;} virtual bool IsZero(void); virtual void Reset(void); virtual int GetValPrec() {return Prec;} // Methods virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go); virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int); virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype); virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp); protected: // Members }; // end of class DECVAL /***********************************************************************/ /* Specific BINARY class. */ /***********************************************************************/ class DllExport BINVAL: public VALUE { public: // Constructors //BINVAL(void *p); BINVAL(PGLOBAL g, void *p, int cl, int n); // Implementation virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return false;} virtual bool IsZero(void); virtual void Reset(void); virtual int GetValLen(void) {return Clen;}; virtual int GetValPrec() {return 0;} virtual int GetSize(void) {return Len;} virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return (PSZ)Binp;} virtual char GetTinyValue(void); virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void); virtual short GetShortValue(void); virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void); virtual int GetIntValue(void); virtual uint GetUIntValue(void); virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void); virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void); virtual double GetFloatValue(void); virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return Binp;} // Methods virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype); virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n); virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s); virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n); virtual void SetValue(char c); virtual void SetValue(uchar c); virtual void SetValue(short i); virtual void SetValue(ushort i); virtual void SetValue(int n); virtual void SetValue(uint n); virtual void SetValue(longlong n); virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n); virtual void SetValue(double f); virtual void SetBinValue(void *p); virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go); virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp) {assert(false); return 0;} virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int); virtual char *GetCharString(char *p); virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype); virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt); virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&); protected: // Members void *Binp; char *Chrp; int Len; }; // end of class BINVAL /***********************************************************************/ /* Class DTVAL: represents a time stamp value. */ /***********************************************************************/ class DllExport DTVAL : public TYPVAL<int> { public: // Constructors DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n, int p, PSZ fmt); DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n); DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, short i); DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n); DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, longlong n); DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, double f); // Implementation virtual bool IsZero(void) {return Null;} virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype); virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n); virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s); virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n); virtual char *GetCharString(char *p); virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int); virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt); bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0); bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp); bool IsFormatted(void) {return Pdtp != NULL;} bool MakeTime(struct tm *ptm); static void SetTimeShift(void); static int GetShift(void) {return Shift;} // Methods bool MakeDate(PGLOBAL g, int *val, int nval); struct tm *GetGmTime(struct tm *); protected: // Default constructor not to be used DTVAL(void) : TYPVAL<int>() {} // Members static int Shift; // Time zone shift in seconds PDTP Pdtp; // To the DATPAR structure char *Sdate; // Utility char buffer int DefYear; // Used by ExtractDate int Len; // Used by CHAR scalar function }; // end of class DTVAL #endif // __VALUE__H__