/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Return error-text for system error messages and nisam messages */ #define PERROR_VERSION "2.10" #include <my_global.h> #include <my_sys.h> #include <m_string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <my_getopt.h> #ifdef HAVE_NDBCLUSTER_DB #include "../ndb/src/ndbapi/ndberror.c" #include "../ndb/src/kernel/error/ndbd_exit_codes.c" #endif static my_bool verbose, print_all_codes; #ifdef HAVE_NDBCLUSTER_DB static my_bool ndb_code; static char ndb_string[1024]; #endif static struct my_option my_long_options[] = { {"help", '?', "Displays this help and exits.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"info", 'I', "Synonym for --help.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #ifdef HAVE_NDBCLUSTER_DB {"ndb", 257, "Ndbcluster storage engine specific error codes.", (gptr*) &ndb_code, (gptr*) &ndb_code, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST {"all", 'a', "Print all the error messages and the number.", (gptr*) &print_all_codes, (gptr*) &print_all_codes, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif {"silent", 's', "Only print the error message.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"verbose", 'v', "Print error code and message (default).", (gptr*) &verbose, (gptr*) &verbose, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"version", 'V', "Displays version information and exits.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; typedef struct ha_errors { int errcode; const char *msg; } HA_ERRORS; static HA_ERRORS ha_errlist[]= { { 120,"Didn't find key on read or update" }, { 121,"Duplicate key on write or update" }, { 123,"Someone has changed the row since it was read (while the table was locked to prevent it)" }, { 124,"Wrong index given to function" }, { 126,"Index file is crashed" }, { 127,"Record-file is crashed" }, { 128,"Out of memory" }, { 130,"Incorrect file format" }, { 131,"Command not supported by database" }, { 132,"Old database file" }, { 133,"No record read before update" }, { 134,"Record was already deleted (or record file crashed)" }, { 135,"No more room in record file" }, { 136,"No more room in index file" }, { 137,"No more records (read after end of file)" }, { 138,"Unsupported extension used for table" }, { 139,"Too big row"}, { 140,"Wrong create options"}, { 141,"Duplicate unique key or constraint on write or update"}, { 142,"Unknown character set used"}, { 143,"Conflicting table definitions in sub-tables of MERGE table"}, { 144,"Table is crashed and last repair failed"}, { 145,"Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired"}, { 146,"Lock timed out; Retry transaction"}, { 147,"Lock table is full; Restart program with a larger locktable"}, { 148,"Updates are not allowed under a read only transactions"}, { 149,"Lock deadlock; Retry transaction"}, { 150,"Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed"}, { 151,"Cannot add a child row"}, { 152,"Cannot delete a parent row"}, { -30999, "DB_INCOMPLETE: Sync didn't finish"}, { -30998, "DB_KEYEMPTY: Key/data deleted or never created"}, { -30997, "DB_KEYEXIST: The key/data pair already exists"}, { -30996, "DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK: Deadlock"}, { -30995, "DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED: Lock unavailable"}, { -30994, "DB_NOSERVER: Server panic return"}, { -30993, "DB_NOSERVER_HOME: Bad home sent to server"}, { -30992, "DB_NOSERVER_ID: Bad ID sent to server"}, { -30991, "DB_NOTFOUND: Key/data pair not found (EOF)"}, { -30990, "DB_OLD_VERSION: Out-of-date version"}, { -30989, "DB_RUNRECOVERY: Panic return"}, { -30988, "DB_VERIFY_BAD: Verify failed; bad format"}, { 0,NullS }, }; #include <help_start.h> static void print_version(void) { printf("%s Ver %s, for %s (%s)\n",my_progname,PERROR_VERSION, SYSTEM_TYPE,MACHINE_TYPE); } static void usage(void) { print_version(); puts("This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,\nand you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license\n"); printf("Print a description for a system error code or an error code from\na MyISAM/ISAM/BDB table handler.\n"); printf("If you want to get the error for a negative error code, you should use\n-- before the first error code to tell perror that there was no more options.\n\n"); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [ERRORCODE [ERRORCODE...]]\n",my_progname); my_print_help(my_long_options); my_print_variables(my_long_options); } #include <help_end.h> static my_bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)), char *argument __attribute__((unused))) { switch (optid) { case 's': verbose=0; break; case 'V': print_version(); exit(0); break; case 'I': case '?': usage(); exit(0); break; } return 0; } static int get_options(int *argc,char ***argv) { int ho_error; if ((ho_error=handle_options(argc, argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); if (!*argc && !print_all_codes) { usage(); return 1; } return 0; } /* get_options */ static const char *get_ha_error_msg(int code) { HA_ERRORS *ha_err_ptr; for (ha_err_ptr=ha_errlist ; ha_err_ptr->errcode ;ha_err_ptr++) if (ha_err_ptr->errcode == code) return ha_err_ptr->msg; return NullS; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int error,code,found; const char *msg; char *unknown_error = 0; MY_INIT(argv[0]); if (get_options(&argc,&argv)) exit(1); error=0; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST if (print_all_codes) { HA_ERRORS *ha_err_ptr; for (code=1 ; code < sys_nerr ; code++) { if (sys_errlist[code][0]) { /* Skip if no error-text */ printf("%3d = %s\n",code,sys_errlist[code]); } } for (ha_err_ptr=ha_errlist ; ha_err_ptr->errcode ;ha_err_ptr++) printf("%3d = %s\n",ha_err_ptr->errcode,ha_err_ptr->msg); } else #endif { /* On some system, like NETWARE, strerror(unknown_error) returns a string 'Unknown Error'. To avoid printing it we try to find the error string by asking for an impossible big error message. On Solaris 2.8 it might return NULL */ if ((msg= strerror(10000)) == NULL) msg= "Unknown Error"; /* Allocate a buffer for unknown_error since strerror always returns the same pointer on some platforms such as Windows */ unknown_error= malloc(strlen(msg)+1); strmov(unknown_error, msg); for ( ; argc-- > 0 ; argv++) { found=0; code=atoi(*argv); #ifdef HAVE_NDBCLUSTER_DB if (ndb_code) { if ((ndb_error_string(code, ndb_string, sizeof(ndb_string)) < 0) && (ndbd_exit_string(code, ndb_string, sizeof(ndb_string)) < 0)) { msg= 0; } else msg= ndb_string; if (msg) { if (verbose) printf("NDB error code %3d: %s\n",code,msg); else puts(msg); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal ndb error code: %d\n",code); error= 1; } found= 1; msg= 0; } else #endif msg = strerror(code); /* We don't print the OS error message if it is the same as the unknown_error message we retrieved above, or it starts with 'Unknown Error' (without regard to case). */ if (msg && my_strnncoll(&my_charset_latin1, (const uchar*) msg, 13, (const uchar*) "Unknown Error", 13) && (!unknown_error || strcmp(msg, unknown_error))) { found=1; if (verbose) printf("OS error code %3d: %s\n",code,msg); else puts(msg); } if (!found) { /* Error message still not found, look in handler error codes */ if (!(msg=get_ha_error_msg(code))) { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal error code: %d\n",code); error=1; } else { found= 1; if (verbose) printf("MySQL error code %3d: %s\n",code,msg); else puts(msg); } } } } /* if we allocated a buffer for unknown_error, free it now */ if (unknown_error) free(unknown_error); exit(error); return error; }